Perfect Tenant

C404 Internet Number

C404 Internet Number

0Without waiting for Yuan Xiao to speak, Ms Dao said, "Aren't you afraid of ten thousand? I'm just afraid of one in a million. If the kidnapper is an insider of Ye family, what the cyber said will definitely have a huge impact on the situation, and might even threaten Lu Chengfeng's life. To be safe, the cyber sought my opinion. I didn't let him say it just now."    


I finally understood and nodded.    


Ms Dao's analysis was very reasonable.    


But her mother said in surprise, "You are saying that the kidnapping of Chengfeng was done by the Ye family's insiders? You... Are you joking?"    


"Mom, don't worry. Ms Dao is only making inference. Just in case, she is fully prepared. Since the internet can track the kidnapper's location, let's wait and see."    


Mother nodded and suddenly grabbed Ms Dao's hand. She said excitedly," Teacher Zhang, you must save Chengfeng. I, Ye Qian, will never forget your kindness!"    


"Director Ye, you are too polite. I will do my best." Ms Dao said seriously.    


After that, I told my mother and Ye Xiaoyun to endure the secret and not to tell anyone.    


The two of them nodded repeatedly.    


We waited at home for two days, but the kidnappers did not contact us.    


Aunt and her uncles were also very concerned about the matter. When they found out that there was no movement, Aunt Ye Zhengguo asked her mother to continue waiting.    


He was still sending people to investigate. These two days, he had asked all of Lu Chengfeng's friends and checked the places he frequented, but he did not find anything.    


Uncle Ye Zheng'an looked for the security guards in Lu Chengfeng's residential area and investigated the surveillance videos of Lu Chengfeng's twelve hours before he disappeared through the connections of the Public Security Bureau.    


He found that his last disappearance was in an alley near the residential area.    


When he went into the alley, he never appeared again.    


"Did you find the police to investigate?" When she heard the news, her mother asked anxiously.    


"Don't be agitated. I didn't call the police. I didn't tell them the truth. I just asked them to investigate, so I didn't disturb my police friend." Ye Zheng'an explained.    


Mother let out a long sigh.    


Ye Zhengguo asked, "Chengfeng went into the alley and never showed up again? Could he have left through another exit? "    


"I've sent people to check. Including the entrance he went into, there are five exits in the alley. One of the exits is on the old street, and there are only cameras in the distance. The other four cameras are at the entrance of the alley. If Chengfeng was kidnapped, it is very likely that he kidnapped Chengfeng through the only exit without a camera. But I did check the surveillance of several sections of the exit. I did not find any suspicious people or cars. " So it will take a few more days to find the kidnappers of Chengfeng. "    


Hearing this, her mother looked depressed and anxious. "It has been two days. Why hasn't the kidnapper called yet? Chengfeng couldn't have been killed, could he?"    


"Little sister, don't worry too much. The kidnappers only care about money. Before they get the money, they can't tear up." Ye Zhengming comforted her.    


Mother sighed and fell into silence.    


I, who was listening by the side, was also very worried. Looking at my mother's appearance, she had become much more haggard over the past two days. There were traces of blood and swelling in her eyes. If this continued, I was worried that my mother would not be able to hold on.    


I immediately sent Ms Dao a WeChat message asking about the situation that the Internet people are investigating.    


Ms Dao replied and informed him that he had investigated the number that her mother gave him. It was not a phone number from a city or overseas but an online number.    


If he wanted to find the exact location of the IP corresponding to this number, he needed the kidnapper to call again.    


I frowned and replied with a "thank you.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, my mother's phone rang.    


It was already night. Uncle and the others had gathered together to discuss the kidnapping of Lu Chengfeng and their next move.    


When his mother took out her phone, the hall became completely silent. All he heard was the ringing of his mother's phone.    


"In the future, it will be you in the snow. You will be the calm one, and you will be the poor one as well. Ronghua will be you, and the gentleness in your heart will be yours. The gaze will be directed by you, and it will also be you..."    


Mother's body shook and she said," It is... it was the kidnapper who hit us! "    


"Mom, don't be agitated. Pick up the phone and try to stay calm and stall for time."    


Mother looked at me and I nodded at her.    


Her expression softened a little. Then, she took a deep breath. Under everyone's gaze, she picked up the phone and turned on the speaker.    


Almost everyone in the hall held their breaths, and more than ten pairs of eyes stared unblinkingly at their mother.    


"Hello, Director Ye, we are talking again." A cold and sinister laugh came from the other end of the phone.    


This voice was obviously processed by a voice changer. It was hard to tell whether it was a man's or a woman's voice.    


"Where is my son? I want to see my son!" The mother hurriedly said.    


"Don't worry. As long as you satisfy my conditions, I will let your son go."    


While my mother and the kidnapper were talking, I immediately went to the bathroom and closed the door. Then, I called Ms Dao.    


Ms Dao and the Internet people did not follow Ye's today, so I needed to make a call.    


Seemingly, everyone's eyes were focused on their mother. When I entered the washroom, no one noticed.    


After I got through the phone, I hurriedly said, "Ms Dao, the kidnapper called again!"    


"That's great. Let your mother confirm if it was the original number. If not, tell me the current number."    


"I will ask right away."    


After hanging up, I quickly walked out of the bathroom and came to my mother's side.    


The conversation between my mother and the kidnapper continued. She said excitedly, "What, you want 100 million RMB, and it's cash? I don't have so much money to prepare at the moment. Aren't you joking?"    


"I'm not joking. Director Ye, don't worry. I have reserved time for you to prepare within three days. Also, help me prepare a cruise ship. Three days later, I will call you again. If you do not do as I said, just wait to clean up your son! "    


"Three days? Three days is too short? "    



"Cut the crap. One day later, I'll cut off two of your son's fingers, all the way to his toes. Do as you see fit. "    


"Don't! Don't! I'll definitely be ready! When the time comes, where will the cruise stop?"    


While my mother was talking, I whispered a few words into her ear.    


Her phone was on the coffee table. She frowned and immediately searched for the caller ID.    


After comparing it with the first time, I also found that it was different from the first time, but it was also nine digits.    


I immediately sent the number to Ms Dao.    


"Try to delay as much time as possible. The internet people will need about five minutes to locate the exact location of the kidnapper!"    


The hall is full of people from the Ye family. I can't say it in public, so I immediately whispered in my mother's ear.    


My mother nodded, and her expression became much calmer.    


The kidnapper continued, "Don't ask so many questions. Next time you make a call, I'll tell you. That's what I'll tell you."    


"Wait a minute!" The mother hurriedly shouted, "I want to talk to my son via video. I want to ensure his safety!"    


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