Perfect Tenant

C579 Escape from Prison

C579 Escape from Prison

0While the hospital was in chaos, I had a hard time here, being chased around by the police and shooting at us.    


The driver was scared out of his wits. Under the threat of my "gun," he had no choice but to follow my orders and step on the gas as if he had gone mad.    


During this time, two police cars tried to overtake us from the side, and I let the tanned man directly hit us.    


The police car was knocked into the fields by the roadside.    


But the window of the truck was also broken. If it weren't for me and the tanned man lowering their heads at the same time, we would have been shot.    


Under the pursuit of the police cars, we had to change our route again and again.    


In the end, we were forced to drive up a steep mountain at a very high altitude.    


There were temples and tourist attractions on the mountain, so they built a highway around the mountain.    


However, the road was extremely steep, almost 65 degrees.    


On the other side, there were steep cliffs, and there were only fences blocking the way.    


The road was not wide, only enough for a large truck to pass by.    


If they drove up the mountain at night, if they were not careful, they might fall into the cliff and never be able to recover.    


Under such circumstances, we had no choice but to run up the mountain, hoping to escape from the other side of the mountain.    


As the car drove halfway up the mountain, the sirens sounded continuously from behind. As we pursued the car, we saw that the road ahead was blocked by piles of boulders, blocking the way up the hill.    


"Big... Big Brother, there's no way to drive up." The tanned man was drenched in cold sweat. He said with a trembling voice.    


The truck started to slow down. I frowned and asked, "What's going on?"    


"Maybe it was caused by falling rocks on the cliff." The tanned man said in a trembling voice, "The police are getting closer and closer. What should we do?"    


"Get out of the car!"    


"Ah?" The tanned man was dumbfounded.    


"It doesn't matter if you don't run away. But the police have already determined that you are my accomplice." As I spoke, I retracted my finger and pretended to put it on my waist.    


The tanned man let out a long sigh of relief and revealed an expression that showed that he wanted to cry but had no tears. "Big Brother, you have caused my death. I still have a wife and children to take care of. If I'm arrested and put in prison, what will they do in the future?"    


"Believe me, I was wrongly accused. Once we find out the truth of the matter, nothing will happen to us."    


As I spoke, I opened the door and jumped out of the car.    


About ten meters in front, there were many boulders piled up. Not to mention cars, even people would find it difficult to cross.    


I took a deep breath and quickly ran over. I carefully flipped over the boulders.    


Behind me came the tanned man's voice, "Big brother, wait for me..."    


I didn't expect him to abandon the car and chase after me.    


"Why don't you stay in the car?"    


"If you stay in the car, you'll be arrested. It's better to pray that you're safe and sound, big brother, so that you can clear the case for yourself."    


Although the tanned man looked very strong, climbing this pile of rocks was still a little difficult. He anxiously called out, "Big Brother, give me a hand."    


Although the tanned man was threatened by me, it was still considered as helping me. Moreover, I cannot allow such an ordinary person to be implicated.    


Thus, I turned around and pulled him over the pile of rocks.    


Just as we turned over, seven or eight police cars lined up in a long line behind the big truck.    


The police sirens sounded one after another. It was especially ear-piercing.    


"Hurry up, they're chasing us!" I urged.    


Bang! Bang!    


Another two gunshots rang out, hitting the pile of rocks and causing sparks to fly.    


The tanned man and I fled at high speed, heading up the mountain.    


After running for about an hour, The dark-skinned man's face was red and his body was dripping. He was so tired that he was about to collapse.    


Seeing that he had already seen the temple at the top of the mountain, he sat on the ground and panted as he said: "Big brother," he said. You... I really... really can't run anymore."    


I looked behind me and saw that the police had not caught up yet.    


Alright then, think of a way to escape. I'll go first. " As I spoke, I walked up the mountain and continued running. I turned back and said, "Thank you, brother. I won't let anything happen to you."    


The tanned man looked at me with a complicated expression and panted continuously.    


I ran to the temple at the top of the mountain in one breath, which consumed a lot of energy.    


However, the pursuers were right behind me and I didn't dare to slack off at all.    


It was already the second half of the night, and the temple had already closed. I could vaguely see that the other tourist attractions were also closed.    


Only the inns on the mountain still have lights on.    


I stood at the top of the mountain and looked down the mountain. I found the other side of the road that led down the mountain.    


There was a big road down the mountain, and there were steep stone steps.    


In order to descend the mountain quickly, I naturally chose to go down the stone steps.    


The stone steps are very steep, I practically take three steps at a time. I kept jumping down.    



Every seven or eight hundred steps on the stone steps, one could see a pavilion for the tourists to rest.    


I ran for more than twenty minutes. My speed was as fast as flying, and I couldn't help but sweat.    


At this moment, I saw three black shadows sitting in a pavilion below.    


It was still late at night in the remote mountains, and the sounds of birds and beasts and even wolves could be heard from time to time.    


Under such circumstances, I actually saw three black shadows sitting in a pavilion. It was truly a ghastly and terrifying feeling.    


If it was an ordinary person, they would probably be scared to the point of their legs going weak.    


But right now, I am extremely confident in my own strength, and I also don't believe that there are ghosts and gods in this world.    


Although I am somewhat doubtful, I am not afraid.    


I quicken my steps and continue to jump downwards, getting closer and closer to the pavilion.    


At this moment, the three black shadows in the pavilion stood up and walked out of the pavilion.    


At this moment, even though they were more than ten meters apart, I still felt three extremely strong killing intent invade my direction.    


I was shocked. After experiencing so many dangerous situations, I was able to immediately determine that these three people were assassins who wanted to kill me. Moreover, they wanted to kill me. They were most likely members of the Jiuge!    


However, what I don't understand is that in order to avoid being hunted by the police, I didn't have a predetermined route. I let the tanned man drive and could only hide in all directions. In the end, I ran to the top of the mountain and encountered a falling rock halfway up the mountain. I couldn't even drive a car, so I could only walk. In the end, I escaped to this place.    


Under normal circumstances, the people of the Jiuge would never know that I would appear here.    


Unless... the police and bandits colluded. Ye Zhengming used his own power to get the police of Dragon City to work for him. Not only did he frame me and put me in jail, he also wanted to kill me. On one hand, he wanted the police to pursue me and put me in an even more serious case of escaping from prison. On the other hand, he wanted the police to contact Jiuge and stop me here.    


However, thinking about it, the Jiuge was the most mysterious killer group in the country. They were wanted by the entire country. I can't believe that Ye Zhengming had such great power that allowed the police to collude with the Jiuge.    


As for other possibilities, I can't think of them for the time being.    


Of course, the reason why I have decided that my third uncle, Ye Zhengming, is the mastermind is because of the police's arrest and the charges against me tonight.    


Initially, I thought that Ye Zhengming had already settled this matter and established a connection between the two of us. He spent a few million to allow me to leave the detention center for a few hours. But now, he has become a felon who escaped from prison. There is no other way out for me to catch him. There is only death.    


Arriving at the Ye family, After coming to the Ye family, Ye Zhengming's attitude towards our family is the best. In addition, he has a good relationship with his mother. In addition, the pure and kind Ye Xiaoyun made me never have any doubts about him.    


Now, it seemed that the more he trusted someone, the more neglected he would be. Under that kind and friendly appearance, what kind of dark and ugly heart was hidden.    


While his mind was running rapidly, among the three black shadows, Someone had already spoken, "Kid, we've been waiting for you for a long time."    


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