Perfect Tenant

C357 The Operation Failed

C357 The Operation Failed

0Captain Mo hurried to the stairs. My heart sank to the bottom.    


In the elevator, we didn't say a word. We all had ugly expressions on our faces.    


I have always been grateful and admired Coach Huang's old comrade.    


I wanted to thank him properly and treat him to a drink when the matter was over.    


Who would have thought that I would be the best to see him in the corridor just now.    


We had just arrived on the fourth floor when two policemen carried Cheng Shikui's body over.    


One of the policemen answered, "Cheng Shikui was shot in the temple. He was already dead when we arrived."    


"Did you not find the murderer?"    


"There were some cartridges on the ground. There was no serial number. It was suspected that they were smuggled guns from outside the country. There was no way to find the murderer at the scene. " We searched the entire fourth floor. We did not find the murderer. "    


While they were chatting, I squatted down, feeling extremely uncomfortable.    


Seeing Cheng Shikui's widened eyes, his face was still filled with surprise, and he had an expression that said he wouldn't die in peace, a feeling of guilt arose in my heart.    


If it wasn't for me, Coach Huang would not have gotten involved, and Cheng Shikui would not have been injured because of this. His death was indirectly caused by me.    


I reached out my hand and gently rubbed Cheng Shikui's eyes, letting him rest in peace. In my heart, I have made up my mind to make the Jiuge pay the price they deserve.    


At this time, Captain Mo also contacted the regular bureau outside. After reporting the situation, he asked about the situation outside.    


"The monk was successfully captured, which also caused one death and one injury. No traces of Number 10 were found."    


"There were three members in the hotel: Tyrant, Angel, and Number 10. The first two were captured. Cheng Shikui's death was obviously caused by Number 10." Captain Mo said.    


The regular bureau had ordered the Red Dust Inn to be sealed off and continued to search. Even if they turned the hotel upside down, they still had to find Number 10.    


But in the next half an hour, we searched every corner of the hotel, but we didn't find any traces of Number 10.    


The Bureau Chief called the captain of the traffic police and asked for the surveillance of the nearby roads. There was still no trace of Number 10.    


Unless he avoided the surveillance and used the complex terrain of the old city to escape from the dark alleys without surveillance.    


But the Red Dust Inn was heavily guarded. How could he leave the hotel?    


At this time, we received a very bad news.    


Coach Huang told us that the flight that Chief Zero took had arrived at the airport, but we did not find him.    


Coach Huang knew Chief and confirmed that he was not among the passengers.    


The airport was sealed off and the police were conducting a carpet search, hoping to find something.    


Hearing this news, Captain Mo, I, and the regular bureau who just met up all felt very heavy.    


Finally, we found something.    


In a room on the fourth floor, there was a secret door. Opening the secret door was actually an elevator.    


The design of this secret elevator was especially ingenious. If it wasn't for a policeman accidentally pushing his hand against the wall to open it, it would have been very difficult to be discovered.    


The elevator only allowed two people to take it.    


Captain Mo and I walked in without hesitation.    


The regular bureau asked us to be careful.    


The elevator slowly descended. After a while, I felt the ground.    


Captain Mo said, "It should be the first floor."    


The Red Dust Inn did not have an underground parking lot. When we walked out of the elevator, we found a dark and damp secret passage.    


Through the flashlight, we could see that the secret passage was very long and rugged.    


After walking for about 500 meters, we finally saw a metal door. After opening it, we actually reached the sewer.    


A pungent smell assaulted our noses. The water was black as oil, making us feel nauseous just by looking at it.    


Captain Mo and I both covered our noses.    


Captain Mo sighed. "I think he ran away from here."    


We had to go back the way we came and tell Chang Huang about the situation.    


Half an hour later, we left the Red Dust Inn.    


The wounded were all sent to the hospital. As for the police officers and Cheng Shikui who had sacrificed themselves for this operation, they could only deal with the aftermath and mourn deeply.    


On the way back to the police station, we heard a piece of bad news. Captain Zhuo had sacrificed himself and had his throat cut by a knife.    


Everyone had the same suspicion that the target was Hungry Wolf, who had never appeared before.    


Thinking back to the time in C City, Captain Zhuo helped me a lot. Because of the plane crash, I arrived in S City. He even saw me and kept in touch with me, he felt very uncomfortable.    


There was no news from the airport. Although the police were still searching, they had no hope of catching the leader.    


When Coach Huang heard the news of Cheng Shikui's death from the phone, there was a long silence on the phone.    


I was also very sad and asked, "Coach Huang, are you okay?"    


"I'm fine..." Coach Huang's voice sounded very heavy and sad, "Where is my good brother now? I want to see him."    


"In the morgue."    



This time, although they had obtained some benefits from the near-death mission, they had also paid a huge price.    


The most important thing was that Zero, as the leader, could not be captured. So we could not be happy at all.    


Because of the existence of the leader, even if the Jiuge lost a few important members, they would still be able to rise again.    


However, it won't be easy to find them next time.    


Cheng Shikui's body was cremated.    


In the crematorium, I saw Coach Huang's expression was unusually ugly.    


I asked him to smoke.    


He wiped his face and said that he didn't need it.    


Ms Dao looked at him from the side and her heart ached.    


At night, the three of us drank together.    


Coach Huang drank until she was drunk until she started to cry and started to sing the military song when she was a soldier.    


Ms Dao's eyes were also red and there were tears in them. If she did not hold it in, she would probably cry along with Coach Huang.    


I blame myself in my heart. I clenched my fists and swore to eradicate the Jiuge and take revenge for all the people who sacrificed themselves.    


In the end, Coach Huang was drunk like mud and Ms Dao helped her leave.    


This night in the house Ms Dao rented, I did not wait for them to come back.    


The next morning, the two of them came back together.    


Ms Dao held Coach Huang's hand and Coach Huang's mood seemed to have improved a little. When she saw me, she even greeted me.    


Ms Dao had a happy smile on her face.    


I smiled at them and sincerely felt happy for them.    


As for me, I am alone until now.    


Thinking of Chen Yiyao, whose life and death were unknown, I felt an indescribable pain in my heart.    


When the country gives the title of first-class police officer who sacrificed himself, the family members will also receive a considerable pension.    


I think this is undoubtedly a huge blow to Du Wei's wife and children.    


I attended Du Wei's funeral. When I saw Du Wei's pregnant wife kneeling in front of the tombstone and crying bitterly, the child kept calling him "Daddy." I almost choked.    


Captain Mo told me the reason why the Blood Devouring Mad Devil was willing to cooperate with us to capture the leader.    


It turned out that he had a crush on Red Pepper.    


When Red Pepper's parents passed away, she was adopted by the leader when she was in her teens.    


Red Pepper treated Chief like her biological father, but Chief raped her and in front of her brother.    


The portrait hanging on the wall was her brother.    


It was a stormy night. The brother tried to save his sister and fought with the leader, but he was killed.    


The reason Red Pepper stayed in the Jiuge Organization and listened to the leader was because she hoped that she could kill her enemy one day.    


I remembered that night when she said she was in a bad mood, she said he was back.    


I finally understood the meaning of this sentence.    


At this moment, I started to doubt whether my actions were correct.    


Although Du Wei was killed by her, But wasn't Red Pepper one of the victims?    


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