Perfect Tenant

C318 Sheng Xing Martial Arts School

C318 Sheng Xing Martial Arts School

0Han Yuxi frowned and immediately got up to open the door. She said, "It's so late. What's wrong with you?"    


"You went to drink with Director Zhang and those movie stars at night. I was a little worried. I called you but you didn't pick up. You just wanted to come and take a look."    


Qin Kang said as he entered the house. When he saw me in the house, his expression changed. He said coldly, "Why are you here too? Yuxi, what is going on?"    


"Zhong Hao came back with me. Invite him up to sit. What's wrong?" Han Yuxi said coldly.    


"You... didn't do anything, did you?" Qin Kang looked at us suspiciously.    


"So what if you did?" Han Yuxi snorted coldly.    


Qin Kang was at a loss for words. He did not know how to answer.    


I took a sip of tea and put down the teacup. I stood up and said, "It's getting late. I think I should go."    


"Okay, see you tomorrow, Wanda." Han Yuxi smiled at me and then said to Qin Kang, "Alright, since you know I'm home, I'll let you know. You can go now, can't you?    


Qin Kang revealed an awkward smile. "I'll take you to Wanda tomorrow."    


"No need. I'll just call a taxi." Han Yuxi rejected Qin Kang's good intentions.    


I did not stay any longer. I turned around and walked out of Han Yuxi's house.    


As soon as I came out, Qin Kang also followed.    


He closed the door of the living room and went to the elevator with me to wait for the elevator. Then he looked at me and said coldly, "Zhong Hao, I know what you are up to. But I'm warning you, Yuxi is mine. You are not allowed to do anything to her!"    


I was too lazy to argue with Qin Kang, so I said, "Alright, I don't have any thoughts about her. You are thinking too much."    


Qin Kang snorted coldly and did not speak anymore.    


The elevator door just opened.    


The two of us walked into the elevator.    


No one spoke in the elevator. My expression was normal. Qin Kang occasionally glanced at me. His eyes were full of hostility.    


When the elevator on the first floor opened, Qin Kang walked out first.    


I followed him out. I thought about it and said something to Qin Kang. "Qin Kang, although I am not interested in Han Yuxi, I think you can see that Han Yuxi is not interested in you at all. I advise you to give up on this idea and perhaps you can still be friends. Otherwise, you can hide in a corner and be sad in the future. "    


"Bullsh * t. Yuxi likes me. It's just that she has been on the mountain for a long time and does not know how to express it!" Qin Kang immediately retorted angrily.    


"Oh, is that so? Then I wish you good luck."    


Qin Kang had his own persistence. He allowed me to see his own shadow from his body, so he didn't say anything else.    


Unexpectedly, Qin Kang said angrily, "Zhong Hao, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to ruin my relationship with Yuxi?"    


"I saw that you had a hard time chasing after her. I just wanted to remind you in a friendly manner. I have no other intention." I said calmly.    


"You don't need to care about Yuxi and me. You just need to take care of yourself!"    


Qin Kang left in anger.    


For this, I could only smile bitterly.    


I didn't expect to see a group of people blocking Qin Kang's path when I walked to the entrance of the residential area. They pushed and pushed him, and scolded him with some very unpleasant words.    


Qin Kang was very unconvinced and started arguing with them.    


From their conversation, I learned that they were students from the Prosperous Martial Arts School.    


The Prosperous Martial Arts School and the North-South Martial Arts School were both larger martial arts schools in C City. Their reputations were on par.    


However, ever since Han Yuxi successfully broke through the qualifiers last year and entered the official competition, the reputation of the North Martial Arts School spread.    


People who wanted to learn martial arts would mostly look for Nanbei Martial Arts School. As a result, it aroused the jealousy of Xingxing Martial Arts School.    


The two had been fighting openly and secretly for more than half a year. It was only to maintain a friendly appearance.    


But just a few days ago, Qin Kang went to a restaurant and happened to hear bad things about the two students of the Rising Martial Arts University in the North and South Martial Arts University.    


He could not hold back his anger and started arguing with the other party, which led to a fight between the two parties.    


After all, Qin Kang's strength was not ordinary. The two students who were in high spirits were not his match at all. They were beaten black and blue by Qin Kang and fled in a hurry.    


Tonight, the two of them brought a group of brothers and followed Qin Kang for a long time. They specially came to find him to settle the score.    


The two sides began to argue and argue.    


Qin Kang relied on his swift and swift skills to gain the upper hand in the beginning. He continuously beat the two of them.    


However, there were seven or eight of them, and each of them had good martial arts.    


Qin Kang's fists were hard to fight against four hands. In no time, he was ruthlessly beaten up by the crowd. He did not have the strength to fight back and could only defend himself.    


Because he was still quite far away from the entrance of the residential area, the security guards of the residential area were too lazy to bother with him. They sat in the on-call room and drank tea. It was as if they were watching a show, and there was indifference in their eyes.    


Originally, Qin Kang and I were not related or even hostile to me. There was no need for me to care at all.    


But after all, Han Yuxi and she are brother and sister. They do not have any ill intentions towards me.    


Moreover, this matter was originally Sheng Xing Martial School's fault, and now they used numbers to bully and beat Qin Kang up.    


As a martial artist, I naturally can't stand it anymore.    


Seeing Qin Kang being kicked on the back of a person from behind, he fell to the ground.    


A group of people wanted to punch and kick him.    



I quickly walked forward and shouted coldly, "All of you stop!"    


The group of people from Shengxing Martial Arts School subconsciously stopped.    


Qin Kang was beaten until he was lying on the ground. He could not get up for a while, and his face was swollen.    


"Stinking brat, who the hell are you? It's best if you don't meddle in other people's business. Otherwise, I'll beat you up as well!" A tall and burly man was first stunned when he saw me. Then, he glared fiercely at me.    


I said indifferently," You guys are also martial artists. With so many people bullying one person, don't you feel a bit ashamed? If it was one-on-one, I naturally wouldn't care. But what you did was too much. I can't stand it anymore. "    


"Yo, you really want to get involved, don't you? Don't tell me that you are all students of Nanbei Martial Arts University with Shabi's group?" The robust man said coldly.    


I'm too lazy to explain any further, and I said calmly, "Either get lost now, or I'll beat all of you to the ground."    


"What a crazy tone! You're simply courting death!" The burly man flew into a rage. This guy is definitely from the North and South Martial Arts University. Brothers, beat him to death!"    


With his order, everyone who had been dealing with Qin Kang turned to me.    


Naturally, I did not show any weakness. I immediately entered a state of selflessness. I made the first move and stabbed one of the men in the neck with a single move.    


That guy screamed miserably and fell to the ground with his hand covering his throat.    


The rest of the people attacked me with their fists and feet.    


I coldly snorted. My speed is astonishing and I deal with it with ease. Every time I punch, I will definitely knock one person down.    


Although these guys all know some martial arts, they are not very strong.    


The current me is no longer the same as before. When they fought with Qin Kang just now, I already saw it.    


Even if I don't use the Perfect Stage Killing Fist, I will use the Oblivion Realm to deal with them.    


The facts proved that this was the case.    


I was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Even the burly man who led the group was no match for my three moves.    


After receiving two moves from me, my third move hit his face. He fell onto the ground while screaming in pain. He covered his face with his hands and had a nosebleed. He could not get up for a long time.    


In less than two minutes, seven or eight martial arts school students were defeated by me.    


Each and every one of them rolled on the ground in pain. They were in an extremely sorry state.    


I shouted coldly, "All of you, get lost! I don't care how the North and South Martial Arts School and Prosperous Martial Arts School compete with each other. As martial artists, you all... Without any martial artist's awareness, I will teach you a lesson. If you dare to do this again, I will cripple you!"    


The students of Prosperous Martial Arts University were terrified. They struggled to get up, supported each other, and left in a sorry state.    


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