Perfect Tenant

C276 Good Men Don't Fight with Women

C276 Good Men Don't Fight with Women

0Obviously, Le Mengqian did not expect me to be here.    


Her eyes widened as she looked at me blankly. She even forgot to cover her body.    


That tall and thin body, snow white skin, beautiful arms, tall and straight chest, smooth lower abdomen, two white and smooth long legs, as well as the black lightning silk pants and the faintly discernible spring light within. All of them attracted my attention.    


I immediately felt my tongue dry and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


Le Mengqian finally reacted and immediately revealed a frightened and flustered expression. She covered her chest with both hands and ran back to her room at the fastest speed possible.    


This scene reminded me of the time when I was in town in F City. It seemed like a similar scene had happened.    


It was just that that time Xia Huan wanted to frame me.    


But this time, I encountered it by accident.    


The door slammed shut and I immediately smiled bitterly.    


I guess I will not be able to avoid being scolded by Le Mengqian later.    


Sure enough, five minutes later, Le Mengqian came out and put on jeans and a black and white shirt. She regained her cold and experienced temperament.    


"Why did you come in!? Did you deliberately peep at me?!" Le Mengqian's face turned slightly red. Her heroic spirit showed that she was angry from embarrassment.    


"Don't misunderstand. I knocked on the door outside. No one opened the door. I called you again and no one answered. I was afraid that you would leave me alone." I smiled bitterly.    


Le Mengqian's expression softened a little when she heard me.    


"Give me the spare key. I want to confiscate it!" Le Mengqian stretches out her hand and looks at me coldly.    


"Hey, I am the landlord, you do not have the right to do so." I said, "The spare key should have been left in my hands."    


"I don't want a peeping tom sneaking into my room in the middle of the night to peep at me bathing!"    


"I explained, I didn't do it on purpose."    


"What about the last time?" Le Mengqian asked again.    


"The last time was also Xia Huan. No, it should be Hu Fei who framed us. It has nothing to do with me." I retorted.    


"But you have seen my body twice. If it was an ordinary person, I would have beaten him into the hospital!" Le Mengqian's eyes flickered with cold light as she stared at me.    


"Fine, fine, fine. A good man does not fight with a woman. I will listen to you, okay?" Being swept by Le Mengqian's gaze, I felt a little scared and finally took out the spare key and handed it to her.    


"Originally I wanted to leave, but Captain Liu didn't let me, so I couldn't leave." Le Mengqian explained, "Alright, you can leave now."    


"This is my house, right? Can't you let me sit?" Suddenly, I feel that Le Mengqian's cold look is a little cute.    


"No." Le Mengqian said coldly.    


I curled my lips. "To think that I was worried that you would leave. How inhumane."    


After saying this, I immediately stood up and left.    


I had just walked out of the door when the door was slammed shut by Le Mengqian.    


I smiled bitterly and shook my head.    


The next day, I still went to the arts academy to practice martial arts as usual.    


Coach Huang told me that I had already learned the killing fist technique and came back to the arts academy. She asked me to train at home in the future.    


Hearing what he said, I felt a little sad, but I still thanked Coach Huang.    


After the martial arts practice ended, Coach Huang and I smoked a cigarette outside.    


He said to me, "Zimo sent you back last night. Did she say anything to you?"    


"No, what's wrong?" I did not expect Coach Huang to ask so. I said perfunctorily.    


"That little girl called me tonight."    


I frowned and asked, "What did she tell you?"    


"She said she wanted to move to the provincial capital. So she can't practice martial arts with me in the future. She specifically told me." Coach Huang said, "And her tone is a little strange, as if she is very depressed and disappointed. I guess she said some things to you."    


Hearing Coach Huang say so, I sighed.    


Sure enough, Zimo only pretended to be strong in front of me.    


I did not hide it anymore and told him what happened last night.    


After Coach Huang heard it, she was also somewhat helpless and said, "Zimo is a good girl. Unfortunately, she loves the wrong person. I hope the two of you can be happy in the future."    


I said, "In the future, if Coach Huang meets Zimo, please help me apologize to him."    


"Yes, I know." Coach Huang said, "You are all my disciples. I don't want any of you to be unhappy in the future."    


"Thank you, Coach Huang."    


I basically spent the next month at home.    


Other than eating and sleeping, I spent more than 10 hours training every day.    


If I don't practice until I'm drenched in sweat, I won't go back until I feel sore all over.    


Le Mengqian would sometimes watch from the side.    


When I practice, her gaze is the most focused. She doesn't have that kind of arrogance and indifference anymore.    


Most of the time, she would stay far away and play with her phone.    



Perhaps Le Mengqian's protection was too thorough. Ever since I returned to A City for more than a month, I have never been attacked by assassins again.    


Of course, it was already April.    


At the same time, what makes me sad is that Chen Yiyao did not come back.    


During this period of time, I tried to call her more than ten times and sent dozens of text messages. She did not reply. It was as if she had disappeared from the world.    


My heart was empty. I could only train harder in order to have the ability to protect myself and protect the people around me.    


During this period, Yang Xiaoni, the tenant downstairs, also came to my house many times.    


Either she wanted to treat me to a meal or she wanted to bring me food. Or she invited me to be a male model. All of them were rejected by me.    


I can see that she is very interested in me.    


To be more accurate, she should be interested in my body's reaction.    


One time when I went downstairs, I met her other boyfriend.    


He was actually a bald, potbellied middle-aged man.    


At that time, the middle-aged man was hugging Yang Xiaoni's waist, but his hand was touching her butt.    


Yang Xiaoni had a posture of wanting to reject but still welcoming. She was touched until she giggled.    


She happened to bump into him at the elevator entrance.    


She looked a little embarrassed and wanted to keep some distance from the middle-aged man.    


However, the middle-aged man hugged her tightly.    


She could only smile awkwardly at me.    


I also nodded slightly. In my heart, I feel even more ashamed of Yang Xiaoni.    


This kind of woman doesn't know the meaning of living in this world every day.    


In order to satisfy the desire of money and physical body, she keeps selling her soul.    


However, on the night of April 6th, something unexpected happened.    


At that time, I was taking a bath when I heard someone knocking on the door.    


"Who is it?" I shouted.    


"Open the door!" The voice of an unfamiliar man came from outside the door.    


I was a little puzzled. I wiped my body clean, put on my clothes, and went to open the door.    


Standing outside the door, Standing outside the door was a scholarly middle-aged man wearing glasses.    


His expression was a little ugly. While I was wondering, he opened his mouth and asked, "You... 'Is it the landlord of 401?'    


"Yes, what's wrong?" I was confused.    


"What's wrong? Listen carefully to what's going on downstairs."    


I listened carefully. It seemed very noisy downstairs. There was heavy metal and shouting.    


I frowned.    


Then I heard the other person say, "I'm a neighbor on the third floor. In the middle of the night, Kong Long's voice came from upstairs. There was also loud music, so I went to the fourth floor to tell them to be quiet. In the end, the woman said she knew. After a few minutes, there was a quarrel again. I knocked again, but she refused to open the door. I was really angry. What kind of tenants are you recruiting? My wife and I have to go to work tomorrow. My child has to study tomorrow. Do you know that? "    


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