Perfect Tenant

C287 They Didn't Owe Each Other Anything

C287 They Didn't Owe Each Other Anything



The moment Duan Hongwei was hit by my attack, his body began to shake violently.    


At the same time, his eyes bulged out, and his temple caved in due to the punch. Blood started to flow out, and veins started to appear on his forehead.    


The power in his body seemed to have dissipated rapidly. He let go of his struggling hand powerlessly. His five fingers spread out, and the pistol fell to the ground.    


Then, his face turned deathly pale. He twitched a few times, and in the end, his head tilted to the side. He did not even let out a cry before he died.    


Duan Hongwei was dead, and Le Mengqian was still holding him tightly. She struggled until her face was red and her neck was thick.    


"Mengqian, relax. He is already dead. " Are you alright? " I told her.    


Hearing me say that, She finally let go and opened her eyes to look at me.    


She gave me a silly smile and said, "Drink... go and drink..."    


I just solved a crisis and did not expect Le Mengqian to say this.    


I pushed Duan Hongwei's body away and helped Le Mengqian up. She sat on the sofa.    


Then I immediately took off my clothes and wrapped them around him.    


Unexpectedly, Le Mengqian hugged me and closed her eyes in my arms. Then, there was the sound of snoring.    


I was dumbfounded. She just saved my life and now she actually fell asleep again.    


Le Mengqian gave me a very tight answer. I can feel her soft and warm body now.    


Although she was wrapped in my clothes, through the collar, I could still see two round and full bodies.    


Her lower body could not be covered, the purple lightning silk pants were especially sexy. Not to mention those two long smooth and round legs.    


I carefully placed Le Mengqian on the sofa and lay down.    


She revealed a smile in her sleep. Her eyelashes trembled slightly. Her pretty face carried a drunken blush and appeared very charming.    


As for the injured Liang Zijun who died and got injured in the room, of course I can't just sit back and do nothing.    


I immediately called Captain Zhuo.    


I didn't expect him to have already brought the police to deal with a few injured people in the back alley of the bar.    


Fifteen minutes later, Captain Zhuo arrived. The boss and the supervisor of the bar followed him in.    


I was laughing in my heart. When I was in a crisis, the staff of the bar didn't come, but now they came.    


When they saw one dead and one injured in the room, even Captain Zhuo was shocked.    


"Zhong Hao, what's going on?" Captain Zhuo asked in a deep voice.    


Of course, I won't hide anything. I told him everything that happened.    


After Captain Zhuo heard it, his expression eased a little. He sighed and said, "Zhong Hao, you won't let me worry about you. But don't worry. Your actions are self-defense. There are physical evidence at the scene. The band will testify for you. It should be fine."    


Then Captain Zhuo found a long windbreaker and I wrapped it around Le Mengqian.    


The wounded and the body in the room were all dragged away. The police gun was put into the evidence bag and brought back to the police station for fingerprint tests.    


Half an hour later, I got into Captain Zhuo's car.    


Le Mengqian was sent back to rest, and I went to the police station to make a statement.    


I only came out of the police station when it was almost morning.    


If I wasn't very familiar with Captain Zhuo, I would probably be locked up in the detention center for a few days.    


When I got home, I went to Le Mengqian's house first.    


She didn't wake up and was still sleeping soundly.    


I cooked porridge and bought steamed buns, soybean milk, and fried dough sticks.    


To be honest, I am very grateful to Le Mengqian in my heart.    


If it wasn't for her short period of consciousness and risking her life to save her, I'm afraid that the one who died now isn't Duan Hongwei, but me.    


Just as I was eating breakfast, the door to Le Mengqian's room opened.    


She walked out from inside, one hand still covering her head.    


I revealed a trace of a smile and said, "You're awake."    


Le Mengqian nodded, "My head hurts a little. What happened last night? I always feel a little panic in my heart."    


You don't remember what happened last night at all? " I asked.    


Le Mengqian looked at me and started to think hard.    


Suddenly, her expression changed. "I seem to remember that I entered a private room. There were two men who seemed to have conspired against me! Later... one of them pointed a gun at you, and then... I don't remember anymore... Zhong Hao, what exactly is going on? Are you okay? Who are those two men? "Where are they now?"    


"Don't get too excited. Go brush your teeth and wash your face and eat breakfast while I tell you."    


Le Mengqian sat down directly opposite me. She frowned and said, "Tell me now, did those two bastards do anything to me? What's wrong with my clothes?"    


Le Mengqian was still wearing a trench coat. Inside was my coat.    


I smiled. "Okay then, I'll tell you."    


I told her everything that happened last night.    



When she heard that I rushed to the room, she was only left with a pair of pants. Her face was red and she said with extreme embarrassment and anger: "I'm going to kill them!"    


"I killed Duan Hongwei among them. The other Liang Zijun has lost an arm. He is now in the hospital. " But he will not get any good results. He will be severely punished by the law. " I said calmly.    


Captain Zhuo told me in the morning that he committed crimes and went to the detention center a week ago. If his father hadn't used his connections to get him out, he might have stayed in the detention center for a long time.    


Now that he had just come out and wanted to violate the policewoman and hurt others on purpose, it was already a crime.    


This time, even his father couldn't get him out. He was destined to stay in prison for a few years.    


I told her the entire truth and Le Mengqian's expression eased up a little.    


"Le Mengqian, thank you so much last night. You saved my life." I looked at her and said sincerely.    


Le Mengqian looked at me strangely. She gave me a glance. "Don't make fun of me. You saved me. We can be considered even now. We don't owe each other anything. "    


I laughed: "Alright, then we don't owe each other anything."    


Then she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then she went back to her room and changed into a new set of clothes.    


When she came out, she returned to her usual cold and capable image.    


However, during breakfast, her expression towards me had become much milder.    


In the next few days, other than continuing to train the killing fist everyday, Le Mengqian and I would occasionally go to the detention center to cooperate with the police's investigation.    


Duan Hongwei's father was the boss of a machinery factory in A City. He heard that the company was about to be listed.    


He and his wife were very sad about their son's death and wanted to sue me.    


We met once at the police station. At that time, he was driving a BMW 7 series.    


When he recognized me, he and his wife got out of the car and swore at me. His wife was crying and wanted me to pay with my life.    


Unfortunately, I was in self-defense. No matter how much they hated me, it was useless.    


Le Mengqian stood beside me and said to them, "You deserve it.    


If it were not for the police stopping them, the couple would have already started fighting with us.    


Before I left, I couldn't forget Duan Hongwei's father's extremely resentful gaze and said that I must avenge my son.    


After half a month of work, the case of Duan Hongwei and Liang Zijun was finally solved.    


Liang Zijun was sentenced to seven years and five months in prison. It was a punishment he deserved.    


Although the solution of the matter made us feel much more relaxed, I couldn't feel happy. There was still a week before the 1st of May.    


This also means that... Chen Yiyao and I will be getting married. Seven days.    


But up until now, I still haven't prepared anything.    


I don't even know if Chen Yiyao is willing to marry me.    


So I decided to let Le Mengqian call Chen Yiyao again. If Chen Yiyao still doesn't agree, I will go back to F-City to look for her.    


Anyway, I have already thought about it. I have no relatives in City A for no reason. It is the best choice to marry Chen Yiyao in their hometown.    


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