Perfect Tenant

C225 In the Wilderness

C225 In the Wilderness

0Under my attack from both hands, Chen Yiyao's face flushed red. She bit her red lips tightly and her face was full of pleasure and pain as she let out beautiful sounds from between her teeth.    


Her body also twisted along with my movements like a fish in the water.    


Her clothes were completely removed and her pants were pulled back to her knees. The white skin on her body was completely revealed, giving people a visual impact of enjoyment.    


Chen Yiyao could not help but gasp as she slowly undid the buttons of my clothes.    


A few minutes later, both of us were in a frank and honest state. The clothes were placed on the grass at the side.    


Although the temperature at night was a little cold, the two of them could totally feel the heat of each other's bodies.    


I asked Chen Yiyao to use her mouth and she shyly agreed.    


I laid on the grass with my hands on the back of my head. Chen Yiyao crawled between my legs. Her body was naked and her buttocks were sticking out. Her breasts were white and full and hung down. They kept shaking and rolling. It was amazing.    


He slowly lowered his head and held her in his mouth.    


My entire body trembles like an electric current spreading through my entire body. I am so comfortable that I cannot help but let out a moan.    


Following that, Chen Yiyao began to inhale and exhale. From time to time, she would even raise her head and look at me with a charming and misty gaze, as if she was very enjoying the delicacy in her mouth.    


My spirits were lifted, and I felt extremely excited. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to enjoy the scene of Ms Chen using his mouth for me.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, the distant lights shone over, and there was even the faint sound of a car.    


I looked up and saw an electric scooter driving on the road in the distance.    


Chen Yiyao clearly also noticed and her expression changed. She hurriedly spat out and saliva even flowed out from the corner of her mouth.    


She said in a panic, "What should we do? What should we do? We are going to be seen. It is so embarrassing!"    


"Don't panic. It's fine." Although the river bank is only about 10 meters away from the road and the electric scooter probably noticed us fighting in the field, I still calmly let Chen Yiyao lie down and let me press on her body. I used my body to block her and covered us with a few clothes.    


Even if we find it like this, we won't be able to see Chen Yiyao anymore.    


Chen Yiyao was extremely nervous and the body under me was trembling. She buried her face in the grass and did not dare to look up at all.    


The electric scooter got closer and closer. The strong light almost illuminated our bodies.    


Luckily we were covered by clothes. Otherwise, I would be a little embarrassed.    


"Beep, beep, beep!"    


The electric scooter's horn sounded, as if it was greeting us.    


I raised my head to look at the electric scooter. It was a middle-aged man in his forties.    


He had an ambiguous smile on his face, and his gaze was fixed on us. He said: "Young man, you really know how to play."    


I didn't know how to answer him, so I could only smile awkwardly.    


Until the car disappeared from her sight, Chen Yiyao still did not dare to raise her head.    


My hand lightly patted her butt and said with a smile, "She left."    


Only then did Chen Yiyao raise her head. Her face was incomparably red as she said, "It is Uncle Wang of the village. He saw everything and it is all your fault!"    


Her pink fists continuously hit my chest.    


I smiled and grabbed her hand and said, "I used my clothes to block it and you didn't look up. He can't recognize you at all."    


"But it's a village after all. It's not like they haven't passed by our house. They must know you. That's why they naturally knew. Aiya! How embarrassing! You scoundrel, you must play here!" Chen Yiyao said in embarrassment.    


It doesn't matter if you see it. Anyway, we are lovers, right? " I smiled and said, "Alright, alright. At most, I'll make it up to you."    


"How do I make it up to you?" Chen Yiyao asked.    


I asked her to lie down again and open her legs. This time, I used my mouth and tongue to satisfy her.    


Under the attack of my mouth and tongue, Chen Yiyao was already gasping for breath. She was so agitated that she kept twisting her body. One of her hands was still holding onto her full breasts and she was satisfied. There was an intoxicated expression on her face and she was unable to extricate herself.    


In the end, I could not take it anymore and was ready to launch the final attack.    


I picked Chen Yiyao up and let her hug my neck. Both of her legs wrapped around my waist.    


I supported her round and full buttocks and entered from below in an exaggerated manner.    


Chen Yiyao was initially unwilling and felt that it was too embarrassing. However, she could not change my persistence.    


When the two of us combined, Chen Yiyao let out a moan of enjoyment.    


I hugged her tightly and forcefully straightened my body. This is the most time to test a man's physical strength. But for me who has been learning martial arts for half a year, naturally there is no problem.    


I am at the river bank, walking and lingering with Chen Yiyao.    


Chen Yiyao keeps twisting her buttocks on my body and panting, her face full of enjoyment.    


My heart is moved and I immediately carry Chen Yiyao to the side of the road.    


It was only when they were almost on the road that Chen Yiyao came to her senses and exclaimed, "You... What are you doing? Quickly go back to the river bank!"    


"Don't be nervous. There won't be anyone this time." I smiled and said, "Isn't this very exciting?"    


"I... I'm scared!"    


"Don't be afraid, no one will find out." I started accelerating.    


Chen Yiyao let out a cry of "Aaaaah" under the fierce impact and no longer cared about being on the road.    


It was a false alarm that no one passed by until we were done.    



At this moment, the two of them were drenched in sweat. They wiped their clothes and quickly put on their clothes to avoid being frozen.    


On the way home, Chen Yiyao's face is flushed red and her fingers are tightly clasped together with mine.    


When we got home, Chen's father and Chen's mother did not notice and asked us to take a bath earlier.    


Xia Huan, on the other hand, looked thoughtfully at Chen Yiyao's red cheeks and the corners of her mouth carried an ambiguous smile.    


"You guys went out... for a walk?" Xia asked with a smile. She deliberately elongated the last few words.    


"Yeah, I went out for a walk." Chen Yiyao answered in embarrassment.    


Xia Huan did not ask any more questions and went back to her room.    


At night, I was still laying on the floor. I only slept until midnight when I felt someone pressing on my body. They were still touching my body and vomiting as I thought about it.    


My next son woke up and suddenly opened his eyes. I did not expect it to be Xia Huan.    


She smiled at me and even put her finger to her mouth. She made a "shh" gesture.    


She was lying beside me with one hand still on my chest. Her soft and tender body pressed against me, making me recall the beautiful scene during the day.    


I opened my eyes wide and looked at her. I lowered my voice and asked, "What do you want?"    


"I want to repay you for saving my life." Xia Huan looked at me with charming eyes and then got into bed. She even used her hands to move around my body and kept touching me. Then she actually reached into my pants.    


"You are crazy!" I was shocked and pressed her hand down.    


Xia Huan licked her red lips and said with a smile, "Do you still remember what happened between us when you were drunk during the day?"    


"Nothing happened. Miss Xia, please take care of yourself." I said in a deep voice.    


Xia Huan did not listen to me. Instead, she hugged my face with both hands and kissed my lips.    


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