Perfect Tenant

C234 Borrowing Money

C234 Borrowing Money

0But after what Mr. Qin said to me just now, I don't have the mood to eat anymore.    


I drank a glass of wine and whispered something in Chen Yiyao's ear.    


Chen Yiyao also agreed to go together.    


I was just about to find an excuse to leave together with Chen Yiyao when I did not expect the door to the room to ring.    


Knock, knock, knock!    


"Who is it?" Mr. Qin asked.    


"Yang, it's me. I'm here!" A middle-aged man's voice came from outside the room.    


Mr. Qin said, "I didn't expect my brother to be here so soon. I'm going to open the door."    


When Mr. Qin opened the door, I saw a bald man with a red face standing at the door. Behind him were four burly, fierce-looking men.    


"My brother! I found you!" After the bald man finished speaking, he walked into the room. The other four men also followed him in.    


He did not care about the people in the room. He immediately found a seat next to Mr. Qin and put his arm on his shoulder.    


Although we were sitting opposite him, we immediately felt a strong smell of alcohol. Clearly, this guy had drunk a lot of wine before coming here.    


Mr. Qin immediately frowned and patted off his hand that was on his shoulder. He said coldly, "You drank so much wine again. Can you still be serious? Didn't you see that I still have guests? Can't you restrain yourself a little! Also, why did you bring a few of your friends here? "    


The bald man scratched his head and grinned. "Isn't there an urgent matter? I can't do anything about it."    


As he spoke, he smiled and patted Qin Yu's head.    


Qin Yu shouted excitedly, "Uncle!"    


"Good boy, Qin Yu. How's your studies?"    


Qin Yu smiled and said, "I'm doing well, Uncle. "Let me introduce you. This is my master. Of course, I haven't taken him as my master yet, but sooner or later I will become his disciple. "His martial arts is very good. He defeated several high school students in an instant!"    


"Listening to what I, Qin Yu, said, Baldy couldn't help but look at me. The corner of his mouth revealed a hint of contempt." Defeating a few high school students is really impressive! "    


"My master is really amazing, Uncle. You and the few people you brought together might not even be able to defeat my master!" Qin Yu seemed to have seen the mockery in the bald man's eyes and immediately said seriously.    


"Really?" The bald man raised his eyebrows and laughed again.    


This time, even the other men behind him laughed as well, as if they had heard the funniest thing in the world.    


I frowned and couldn't be bothered with this kind of person.    


"Alright, Qin Dabao. Take the money and leave quickly. Don't embarrass yourself here and disturb my hospitality." Mr. Qin interrupted them. He took out three dozen yuan from his wallet and threw it in front of Qin Dabao. "There are thirty thousand yuan here. Take it and pay the debt."    


"Thirty thousand yuan. Brother is not enough. I lost more than a hundred thousand yuan! Brother Bao said that he would take eighty thousand yuan today at least. Otherwise... Otherwise, he would cut off two of my fingers. Can you lend me some more..." The bald man looked at the thirty thousand yuan in front of him and said anxiously.    


Mr. Qin glared at him fiercely. "You are idling all day. You do not do proper things. You only eat, drink, and have fun. How much money did you borrow a few years ago? Tell me, when did you pay back? Let's see if you can be a little more promising! "I only have so much in my bag now. Take it and use it. Think of the rest yourself!"    


The bald man felt like crying but had no tears. "Big Brother, don't be so heartless, okay? Aren't I having some difficulties these past two years? " You are a big boss. You earn tens of millions a year. My little brother asked you to lend him to me. Won't you agree to a few tens of thousands of dollars? You are my big brother! "How about this, the watch on your wrist should be worth tens of thousands too. Why don't you take it to repay my debt!"    


Bullsh * t! I allowed you to control it back then. That's why you ended up like this today! There's only thirty thousand here, either take it or get lost right now!" Mr. Qin slammed the table and stood up, saying angrily.    


Unexpectedly, Qin Dabao sat down and looked at Mr. Qin. He said, "Yang, we are brothers after all. You can't leave us to die. If you don't take out eighty thousand today, I won't leave!"    


"You won't leave, will you? Alright, I'll leave!" Mr. Qin flew into a rage. He turned to everyone and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. My family matters have affected your mood. Let's go somewhere else and continue eating. Don't be disturbed by unhappy matters."    


Mr. Qin was about to leave with them when he was stopped by Qin Dabao and the four men behind him.    


"Qin Dabao, are you going to rebel?" Mr. Qin was so angry that his face turned red. He gritted his teeth and said.    


"Yang, it's not that I don't respect you. I really have no choice! Is 80,000 yuan that difficult for you?"    


Mr. Qin was furious. He walked in front of Qin Dabao and raised his hand to slap him, but Qin Dabao grabbed his hand.    


Mr. Qin struggled with all his might. His face turned green with anger. "Let go of me!"    


Qin Dabao did not let go. Instead, he wanted to grab Mr. Qin's wrist watch. He said, "The martial world needs help. Brother, please help me!"    


I really can't stand it anymore. Although what Mr. Qin said to me just now made me a little annoyed, However, this Qin Dabao had gone too far. Since it had happened right under his nose, he couldn't let it go.    


I took a big step forward and grabbed Qin Dabao's wrist.    


Qin Dabao looked surprised. He glared at me and shouted angrily, "Stinking brat, don't meddle in other people's business!"    


I grabbed his wrist and started to exert force.    


Qin Dabao's expression changed and gradually became distorted. He looked like he was in pain. He had no choice but to let go of Mr. Qin's hand. Instead, he threw a punch at my face.    


I tilted my head and brushed my ear with my fist. I snorted coldly and then counterattacked with my fist, hitting his face.    


Qin Dabao screamed and staggered back a few steps. He fell on the table and knocked over the teacup and chopsticks.    


Seeing that Qin Dabao was hit, the four men flew into a rage and charged at me without saying a word.    


The form teacher, Xu Qin, screamed. Le Mengqian stood up in time to protect them and hid in the corner.    


Mr. Qin was also a little panicky. He held his son and hid at the side.    


Qin Yu, who was only young, was not afraid at all. His eyes flickered with excitement as he stared at the fight in the room.    


Of course, I had no time to care about the reaction of the others. The four men entangled me and attacked ferociously.    


It seemed that they were all gangsters in the society. They had the ability to fight, but after all, they had never learned martial arts. They just fought randomly without any pattern.    


I kicked a person to the ground. Facing the attacks of the two people in front of me, I bent down and dodged. I took the opportunity to hit the lower abdomen of the two people with my left and right fists.    


The two people's faces were twisted in pain. They hugged their stomachs and bent down.    



Naturally, I would not give them a chance to catch their breath. I used my left and right elbows to hit their backs.    


The two men screamed and fell to the ground. They couldn't get up for a long time.    


The remaining man roared and pounced at me. He kicked me with his foot. I grabbed his ankle and pulled him hard.    


The man lost his balance and fell to the ground, rolling on the ground in pain.    


In less than a minute, all of them were knocked down by me.    


The bald man who just got up from the table was completely dumbfounded. There was no longer the ridicule and arrogance he had when facing me. His eyes were filled with fear.    


Mr. Qin also revealed an extremely shocked expression. The expression on his face was extremely interesting.    


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