Perfect Tenant

C124 Late

C124 Late

0"Dad, lend me your car. I'll go get Zhong Hao." Lyi Zimo was very anxious and immediately said.    


"You don't need to pick him up. I'll ask Inspector Qu to arrange a car for him." Lyi Zhong said.    


Even so, Lyi Zimo was still worried. She still asked her father to borrow his private car.    


Lyi Zimo drove the car at full speed. She did not care about the traffic lights.    


The traffic police wanted to stop her, but when they saw the license plate number, they were terrified. They pretended not to see it at all.    


On the way, she made a phone call.    


When I received the call, I was already in the police car arranged by the detention center to rush to the gymnasium.    


I also know that time is especially urgent, but after urging the police to drive a few times, he refused to drive a fast car.    


Just as the phone rang, I quickly picked it up.    


"Zhong Hao, where are you now?" Lyi Zimo's voice came from the phone.    


"You asked your father for help, right? Thank you so much. I'm on my way to the gymnasium right now."    


"As for the exact location, I'll come and pick you up."    


"Alright, I'll send you the coordinates"    


After hanging up, I used WeChat to share my location.    


Time passed minute by minute and second by minute. The competition is about to officially start in 40 minutes. I called Lyi Zimo and asked her when she can meet up with me.    


The answer I got was that she was stuck in a traffic jam.    


My heart sank and I quickly asked the police, "How much time do we have to go to the stadium?"    


"Don't worry, we'll be there in about half an hour."    


The police's words made me calm down. I said to Lyi Zimo, "If you are in a traffic jam, go to the gymnasium first. We still have half an hour to arrive. We can make it in time."    


"If we can make it, that would be great."    


Ten minutes later, we also encountered a traffic jam.    


The road was blocked like a long dragon. It was only a few minutes before we could move a few meters forward, like a centipede crawling.    


The police car was blocked in the middle, and there was no way to change its route or turn around.    


"How long will this car block for?" I can't wait.    


"It's like this in the provincial capital. It's normal for traffic to be blocked. According to the trend, it will take an hour."    


Hearing these words, I am really going to collapse.    


At the same time, in the gymnasium, I just finished drawing the autograph.    


The nine contestants are divided into four groups to compete. The one who is left empty will be directly eliminated.    


The winners of the four groups would carry out the final showdown.    


Within the Zhonghua Martial Arts Dojo, the students were all extremely anxious.    


They had already heard about Zhong Hao being captured, but Lyi Zimo called in the morning and brought good news. Zhong Hao had already been released and was on his way.    


But there were only twenty minutes left before the competition. Why hadn't he come yet?    


Coach Huang was the most worried one. He immediately called Zhong Hao.    


In the end, his phone was turned off. Could it be that his phone was out of battery?    


His opponent this time was a female contestant called Han Yuxi.    


Last time, she had come to watch Zhong Hao's competition. It was Qin Kang's junior sister.    


Coach Huang had a deep impression of her. The opponent and Zhong Hao should have known each other a few days ago. They could be considered friends.    


Although Han Yuxi's sword technique was outstanding, it was completely different from Qin Kang's. It was said that she went up the mountain to cultivate with the Taoist priest since she was young. Her sword technique was elegant and agile. Her entire person carried a transcendent temperament.    


Even so, he did not think that Han Yuxi could defeat Zhong Hao who had already reached the realm of selflessness.    


This was a very good opportunity. If Zhong Hao was late, he was afraid that his efforts would be in vain.    


Zhong Hao's phone was not working, so he immediately called Lyi Zimo again.    


"Zimo, the competition will start in 20 minutes. I can't reach Zhong Hao's phone. Did you receive him?" Coach Huang asked.    


"Can't get through? I guess there was no electricity. I just contacted him. " I'm in a traffic jam now. I didn't get him. "But don't worry. He's in a police car. He should be able to get there before the race."    


Yeah, as long as he can get there. "    


Coach Huang was relieved after hanging up the phone.    


He and the students went outside the competition venue first and waited for Zhong Hao to come back.    


Han Yuxi had already arrived at this time and was receiving instructions from her master outside the arena.    


Her master was a tanned middle-aged martial artist with a solid figure. He said, "Don't feel any pressure. Just display your strength. Although Zhong Hao and Chen Yiming fought hard yesterday, they were still defeated in the end. I have confidence in you."    


"Yes, Junior Sister." Qin Kang also smiled and said," That kid is just lucky. Today, you must defeat him and help me vent my anger. "    


The middle-aged man was a martial artist. The middle-aged warrior frowned and said, "Qin Kang, "You can't say that. This kind of contestant is very strong. We can't have any thoughts of underestimating our enemy. Do you understand? "    


After being taught a lesson by his master, Qin Kang could only let out an "oh" and no longer speak.    



Han Yuxi smiled and said, "Master, actually, Zhong Hao and I know each other. Qin Kang also knows him. We had dinner together a few days ago, so there was no pressure."    


"There is also this matter. If we are friends, there should not be any pressure. But don't show mercy." Master said.    


Han Yuxi nodded and looked at the people from China Martial Arts not far away. Suddenly, she said," I didn't see Zhong Hao's people when we were drawing lots. Are they not here yet? "    


Qin Kang curled his lips and said disdainfully, "After all, he fought with Chen Yiming and gained a lot of attention. He might be playing big."    


"Zhong Hao is not the kind of person you are talking about." Han Yuxi frowned slightly.    


Qin Kang frowned. "Do you know Zhong Hao well?"    


"I don't, but I can feel it. I'll go and see what's going on."    


Han Yuxi said and walked towards the gathering place of the students in the martial arts hall.    


"I'll go with you." Qin Kang quickly followed.    


Coach Huang and the others noticed her before they even got close.    


Han Yuxi was not only beautiful but also carried an otherworldly temperament. She had snow-white skin and an extremely beautiful face. Under her long dress, her pair of long and slender legs attracted everyone's attention.    


"Hello, may I ask if Zhong Hao is still not here?" Han Yuxi greeted them politely.    


Gao Fei and some other boys swallowed their saliva. Han Yuxi had been here the last time and left a deep impression on them. They did not expect her to come and greet them and ask about Zhong Hao.    


Zhong Hao looked just like that. Why was he so popular with women around him?    


"Hello. He has some matters to attend to. I think he will only arrive later." Coach Huang replied.    


Han Yuxi smiled and nodded.    


Qin Kang said from the side, "Don't be late. Otherwise, you won't blame us if you are disqualified."    


Hearing Qin Kang's words, everyone's expression changed. They naturally did not have a good impression of this unhappy senior brother.    


Han Yuxi did not ask any more questions. She turned around and returned to her side.    


Coach Huang looked at the time. "It has already been eight minutes. There are still 12 minutes until the start of the competition. If it is not even 10 minutes after the start of the competition, it will be determined to be automatically eliminated. That means there is still 20 minutes left."    


Everyone waited anxiously. Time passed minute by second. The competition was about to start.    


Han Yuxi walked onto the field. The referee asked, "Where is Zhong Hao?"    


Coach Huang quickly replied, "He will be here soon."    


The referee reiterated the rules. Coach Huang immediately said she knew and he would not be late.    


Han Yuxi chose a long sword and waited patiently.    


But she waited until the opening ten minutes and did not see Zhong Hao.    


The referee said, "Since contestant Zhong Hao cannot reach the appointed time, I can only announce..."    


Before he could finish his sentence, a motorcycle rushed into the arena with rolling black smoke. It was accompanied by a loud shout, "Wait, I'm here!"    


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