Perfect Tenant

C126 Go Home

C126 Go Home

0"Your dad? You want to see me?" I was a little surprised. I didn't know why Lyi Zimo's father wanted to see me.    


Lyi Zimo shyly nodded. "I originally wanted to go to lunch with my father, but he asked me to invite you to have lunch."    


"No problem." I said, "The reason why I was able to leave the detention center was all because of your dad's help. Also, Chu Tian was injured last time. I need to thank your father."    


Just like that, Lyi Zimo drove me to the commercial street.    


We met Lyi Zimo's father, Lyi Zhong, in a private room in a Chinese restaurant.    


This is also my first time meeting Lyi's father. I didn't expect him to look much younger than I imagined. He doesn't have a small belly. He has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a resolute face. He must have been a handsome man when he was young.    


He wore casual clothes and sat quietly looking at his phone.    


"Dad, we're here." Lyi Zimo said with a smile.    


I followed Lyi Zimo into the room and called, "Hello, Uncle."    


Lyi Zhong's eyes immediately fell on me. His gaze was fierce and made me nervous.    


However, after looking around, he withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly. He said indifferently, "Daughter, this is your friend Zhong Hao, right? Hello."    


He took the initiative to extend his hand. I was flattered and shook his hand.    


On the way here, I already knew that Lyi Zhong was the director of the Provincial Public Security Department. It was normal for him to have such an imposing manner.    


Lyi Zimo and her father sat on the side while I sat opposite.    


Lyi Zimo asked in puzzlement, "Dad, you called Zhong Hao over for dinner too. Is there anything wrong?"    


"Can't you just call him if there's nothing? I just want to know how your friends are like. Young man, don't be nervous. It's just a meal."    


"No, I want to thank uncle for saving me twice. If it wasn't for your help, I'm afraid I would still be in the detention center." I immediately said.    


"You're welcome. It was just a small matter. What do you want to eat?" Lyi Zhong called the waiter.    


Lyi Zimo ordered some dishes and asked me to order them.    


When the dishes were served, we chatted while eating.    


Lyi Zhong asked, "Zhong Hao, where do you work now?"    


"I don't have a job for now." I answered honestly.    


Lyi Zhong frowned and asked, "What do you live on if you don't have a job?"    


"There are a few houses in the house. I rent them out and live on the rent."    


Lyi Zhong said, "It's good to have a house in the house, but you can't just sit around and do nothing. Young people want to take advantage of their young age to go out and explore."    


"Yes, I know." I nodded quickly.    


Lyi Zhong asked, "By the way, I heard that you have good martial arts and are still participating in the National Wushu Competition. I wonder how your results are?"    


"I was eliminated today." I answered truthfully.    


"Alright, Dad, stop asking! It's all your fault. If you hadn't forgotten about this matter and couldn't solve it earlier, Zhong Hao wouldn't have been eliminated because he was late." Lyi Zimo complained.    


Lyi Zimo's forehead wrinkled into a "Chuan" word. She glared at Lyi Zimo. "Can you blame daddy? I have already explained it to you. Do you think it is more important to call the Provincial Party Secretary or to deal with your friend?"    


Lyi Zimo was speechless.    


I quickly tried to persuade her, "It is okay, it is okay. I am very grateful that Uncle Li can save me. If you fail, you can still start over. It's okay."    


Lyi Zhong said, "Did you hear that? Your friend is much more sensible than you. I really don't know how you got your lawyer's license in the first place."    


Lyi Zhong did not ask any more questions.    


After dinner, Lyi Zhong got up to pay the bill.    


I quickly said, "Let me do it."    


Lyi Zhong insisted on paying the bill.    


After that, Lyi Zimo and I left.    


When I got into the car, Lyi Zhong stopped me and said, "Come, young man, have a cigarette with me."    


Lyi Zimo was waiting in the car. I followed Lyi Zhong and smoked on the roadside.    


Lyi Zhong smoked as he looked at his daughter in the car. Suddenly, he asked me in a low voice, "Tell me. Is my daughter dating you?"    


"Huh?" I was stunned. I didn't expect Lyi Zhong to ask such a question.    


I originally wanted to deny it immediately, but after thinking for a moment, perhaps Lyi Zimo used me as a shield and said, "Is... did your daughter say that to you?"    


"She did not tell me, but looking at how she talked about you every time, I feel like you guys are dating."    


I just took a puff of smoke and the smoke choked in my throat. I could not help but cough and spit out the smoke from my nose.    


"Uncle, you misunderstood. We are just ordinary friends."    


"You don't have any thoughts about her, do you?" Lyi Zhong's expression became serious.    


I quickly said no.    


"It's best if you don't. I have seen many people like you. Just because our family is better, we have nothing to do all day long. You are fooling around outside. If things get out of hand, we won't be able to solve it. We even ask our parents to ask our friends to help you solve it. " Lyi Zhong said coldly, "But I can see that. My daughter is very interested in you. So, for your sake and hers, It's better for you to tell her in person and let her die. Do you understand what I mean? "    


"Who would have thought that Lyi Zhong, who was quite enthusiastic during the meal, would suddenly say such words to me? The disdain and disdain in his eyes were so obvious that it made me feel very uncomfortable.    


At this moment, the window opened. Lyi Zimo stuck her head out of the window and shouted, "Hey, are you guys done smoking? I'm waiting to go back!"    



I immediately said, "It's done!"    


I flicked the half-smoked cigarette butt into the trash can by the roadside and said in a low voice, "Uncle Li, I thank you for helping me and also respect you. But I am not the kind of person you are talking about. Furthermore, Zimo's choice is her freedom. You have no right to interfere. Sorry, I have to go first."    


Without waiting for him to speak, I turned around and left, entering the co-pilot seat.    


Lyi Zimo smiled and waved at her father. "Dad, we're leaving!"    


"Okay, drive slowly. Be careful when you go out." Lyi Zhong stared at me as he spoke. There was a hidden anger in his eyes.    


I looked at each other with an unreserved tone. I looked calm and calm.    


After the car started, Lyi Zimo asked me, "When you were smoking, what did my dad talk to you about?"    


I was worried that saying it would make Lyi Zimo angry, so I smiled and said. "Nothing. I just wanted to ask if there is any solution to my elimination this time. Can we restart the race?"    


"Did he really ask that?" Lyi Zimo asked with a smile.    


I nodded.    


"Looks like my dad still knows to make amends for his mistakes. I'll forgive him this time." Lyi Zimo immediately said, "I think Coach Huang and everyone have already taken the bus back. You can take my car back."    


"Isn't this your father's car? Is it okay for you to drive his car back?" I asked.    


"It's okay. He can drive the bus home when the time comes."    


Let's go back to the hotel to pack up. Just as Lyi Zimo said, everyone went home.    


In the afternoon, Lyi Zimo and I will go back to A City together.    


A week of martial arts competition made me feel like I was living in another world.    


However, after this martial arts competition, I have improved a lot.    


Returning to my own house, the other two houses are empty, making me feel a little uncomfortable.    


I posted two leases online, and then I bought some fruits and rushed to the hospital.    


I did not go to see Chen Yiyao for a week and did not know how she was doing.    


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