Perfect Tenant

C80 Apologize Awkwardly

C80 Apologize Awkwardly

0Lyi Zimo obviously did not expect me to suddenly rush in. Just now she was still crying and the moment she saw me, her face turned red. Their eyes met for a few seconds and she let out a cry again. The first thing she did was to close her legs and bury her head in her knees.    


"I'm sorry, I did not do it on purpose. You... are you alright?" I was also extremely embarrassed and didn't know what to ask.    


You... you go out! " Lyi Zimo, who was burying her head, cried.    


Only then did I come back to my senses. I quickly left the washroom and did not forget to close the door.    


After waiting for about ten minutes or so, Although I was a little worried, there was nothing I could do. Who knew that she would fall when she went to the toilet? But thinking about Lyi Zimo's condition just now, I couldn't help but have an impulse.    


Finally, Lyi Zimo came out and put on her pants. But when she walked, she limped and her expression was a little painful.    


When she saw me, her face was incomparably shy. She hurriedly lowered her head and said in a low voice. "I... I think I should go back. Thank you for treating me to tea."    


"How are you? Where did you hurt yourself? Are you alright?"    


It was fine if I didn't ask, but when I asked her, her face turned even redder.    


I just remembered that when I was in the washroom, I saw her rubbing her butt. It was obvious that her butt had fallen.    


I quickly took out the medicine wine that I had prepared and passed it to Lyi Zimo. "Take this medicine wine back and wipe it. It is very effective for treating injuries from a fall."    


This time Lyi Zimo did not refuse. She thanked her in a low voice and limped towards the door.    


"Do you want me to send you downstairs?" I was worried that Lyi Zimo might not be able to walk steadily and might fall again.    


"No need. I will take the elevator down."    


Who knew that before the door opened, she heard someone knocking on the door.    


I was stunned. I didn't know who was knocking at this time.    


Lyi Zimo came close and opened the door. The person standing at the door was Vivian. She wore a black dress that revealed her long and smooth black silk legs. She also wore red high heels which made her look very sexy.    


She held a porcelain bowl with a lid in her hand. Seeing Lyi Zimo stunned for a moment, she immediately smiled and said, "Hello."    


Lyi Zimo clearly revealed a puzzled expression.    


I quickly went forward to introduce, "She is my tenant and also my neighbor, the female writer Vivian. Vivian, this is the junior sister who is practicing martial arts with me in the arts academy. Her name is Lyi Zimo."    


The pain on Lyi Zimo's face was reduced due to her attention being diverted. She quickly smiled and greeted loudly, "Hello."    


Vivian smiled and said," So she is a heroine. I just happened to make a pot of meat soup. The taste is pretty good, so I specially prepared a pot for Zhong Hao. Since your friend is here as a guest, we can stay and have a taste together. "    


"No need. I still have something to do. I have to go back first." Lyi Zimo smiled awkwardly. She was too embarrassed to look into my eyes.    


"It's okay. Try the taste. It won't take you more than a few minutes." Vivian was very enthusiastic. Without any explanation, she brought the porcelain bowl into the house and placed it on the table.    


Lyi Zimo looked at me and looked very embarrassed. After all, that scene happened in the washroom just now.    


I said, "Zimo, stay and taste Vivian's cooking. It's very good."    


Hearing me say so, Lyi Zimo blushed and nodded slightly.    


Vivian smiled and opened the lid of the porcelain bowl. Instantly, the fragrance of meat filled the entire room.    


"It smells so good!" Lyi Zimo limped over and could not help but exclaim.    


I also took a look. There was a pot of scalding hot meat inside. There were also mushrooms, tofu, and some seasoning ingredients. It was really very fragrant.    


Vivian smiled and said, "Come, you guys try it. It should taste very good."    


I went to the kitchen to get three bowls and three pairs of chopsticks.    


When I came out, I heard the two of them talking.    


"Miss Li, what's going on with you? Are you hurt anywhere?" Vivian asked curiously.    


Lyi Zimo's face was red as she explained, "I was careful to fall just now. It's okay."    


"Zhong Hao was really careless. He actually let the guest fall at his house. He was too careless." Vivian said.    


"It's not his business. The ground is a little slippery."    


Seeing me come out, Lyi Zimo immediately shut her mouth.    


Vivian also did not say anything else. She very warmly helped Lyi Zimo and I each get a bowl and a lot of meat in it.    


She did not eat it herself. She smiled and brought it to us.    


"You eat too!" I said.    


Vivian smiled and said, "You guys eat. I just ate at home. How does it taste?"    


I tasted it. It was very delicious and I couldn't help but praise it.    


Lyi Zimo also said, "It's really too delicious. What kind of meat did you use to heat it? The meat is so delicate."    


"I bought donkey meat in the supermarket and used the method my mom taught me to cook it." Vivian explained with a smile.    


I have never eaten donkey meat before. I nod my head as I eat.    


Vivian smiled at the side and watched as we finished the entire pot of meat soup.    


Lyi Zimo put down the bowl of spoon and says with a smile, "I'm so full. It's been a long time since I ate such a good delicacy. I don't even need to eat dinner when I go back."    


"Yes, Vivian. With your cooking skills, it's such a pity not to be a chef." I also laughed and teased.    


"It's good that you like it. In the future, I will taste the meat soup and bring it to you. If Miss Li likes it, she can come over often."    


Lyi Zimo smiled and said, "How can I be embarrassed?"    



After chatting for a bit more, Vivian left with the porcelain bowl.    


Lyi Zimo could not help but ask, "Does she often send meat soup to you to eat?"    


"This is the first time." I smiled and said, "I don't know why Vivian would think of sending me meat soup today."    


"She is quite pretty and has a good figure. She also knows how to cook. I didn't expect that she is still a female writer. Haven't you thought of pursuing her?" Lyi Zimo suddenly asked this question which caught me off guard.    


"She is a great writer. I am a loser. How would I think about those things?" I said, but in my heart I thought of the ambiguous things that happened between Vivian and her last time.    


Lyi Zimo laughed, "You already have a few properties, a millionaire. How can you be a loser? You are too modest."    


I smiled bitterly. Even if a few houses were of any use, it would not be able to change Loo Xintong's mind.    


"Just now, I am really sorry." I apologize for what happened in the washroom.    


Lyi Zimo's face immediately turned red. Her smile disappeared and she said in a low voice, "It's okay. It's my own problem."    


"Do you still feel pain now?" I asked again.    


"It's better now. Thank you for the herbal wine."    


"Yes, remember to apply it on the wound when you get back. It will recover in a few days," Wang Yao said.    


After that, I sent Lyi Zimo downstairs and watched her drive away.    


The next morning, I received a call from Lyi Zimo asking me to accompany her to the orphanage.    


I was training downstairs in the residential area. I was so tired that I was sweating all over. I said, "Alright, I'll call a taxi to look for you. Where are you?"    


"No need. I'll pick you up at your house. Just you wait."    


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