Perfect Tenant

C42 Ye Guanghui's Condition

C42 Ye Guanghui's Condition

0I didn't sleep well all night. I was thinking about Chen Yiyao.    


The next morning, I said to Loo Xintong, "Girl, I thought of an idea but I'm afraid you will be angry if I say it out loud."    


"Is it Ms Yiyao's matter? What idea?"    


"I think if I can sell my two houses, I will have money to compensate." I thought about it and said seriously.    


Hearing what I said, Loo Xintong looked very surprised and asked, "Do you really want to do this? This house is the inheritance your father left you and there is a lot of room for promotion in the future. Just for Ms Yiyao to sell it, don't you regret it?"    


"Chen Yiyao and Teacher Yu are considered my friends. Furthermore, you and her are good sisters. " Anyway, I still have three houses after I sell them. We can't leave them alone. I'm just afraid that you'll get angry, so I want to ask your opinion. "    


"What do I get angry about? I'm not even happy that you can help Ms Yiyao like this!"    


"After all, you are the mistress of half of the house now." I said with a smile and held Loo Xintong's hand.    


Hearing my words, Loo Xintong was stunned for a moment and then her eyes revealed a touched expression. She probably did not expect me to say such words.    


Our discussion was settled. We first greeted the tenants of the two houses and apologized in all sorts of ways. We even promised to return the rent for the past few months. In the end, we calmed their anger.    


That afternoon, they moved out.    


Then, I contacted a friend who works in a real estate agent and asked him to help me sell it at a price twenty thousand lower than the market price.    


Because there was a lot of room to increase the value of the house in A City, there were a lot of people who bought the house. In addition, I sold it at a lower price. That friend of mine contacted me that day and said that someone wanted to buy my house, and there was more than one person.    


I met three or four people who wanted to buy my house every day. They were all very satisfied with my house, but there was only enough money to pay the down payment.    


I made the only request, and that was to pay the full amount.    


Hearing my words, those people all stopped.    


At night, things changed. My friend brought me to meet another person who is looking for a house. He is the owner of the furniture business. After looking at my two houses, he directly said that he wants all of them, and he even paid the full amount on the spot.    


The two houses were sold for a total of 1,620,000 yuan. The next step was to complete the procedures. My friend was a professional, so he only needed me to provide materials to cooperate with him.    


When I went home that night, I told Loo Xintong the good news. Loo Xintong was also very happy.    


Because it was too late, she did not tell Chen Yiyao.    


The next morning, I went to knock on Chen Yiyao's door. After knocking for a long time, no one opened it. In my heart, I was a little puzzled.    


Because I knew that since Yu Hongyi's accident, Chen Yiyao had applied for several days of leave from the school. It was impossible for her to go to work at this time. Could it be that she went to the police station?    


I returned home and asked Loo Xintong to give her a call.    


In the end, no one picked up the phone. Loo Xintong and I looked at each other. Why did Loo Xintong disappear at the critical moment?    


In the next half an hour, Loo Xintong and I made several calls. However, her phone was turned off. It made me feel a little uneasy.    


Of course, we did not know that Chen Yiyao was on her way to see Ye Guanghui at this time.    


The two of them arranged to meet at a restaurant on the pedestrian street at noon.    


Loo Xintong sat in the taxi and felt uneasy.    


The day before yesterday, she called the other party to borrow money because Chen Yiyao knew in her heart that Ye Guanghui was a rich second generation. Teaching in high school was purely his personal hobby. Or it should be said that he liked to play with high school female teachers. As the saying goes, one does not have any ulterior motives. This was Ye Guanghui's goal as a teacher.    


Even the last time Ye Guanghui came to her house and drugged her, he wanted to conspire against her. But for her husband, she could not care that much.    


During the process of her phone call with Ye Guanghui, she mentioned borrowing money. She did not expect Ye Guanghui to agree, but there was one condition.    


Chen Yiyao asked what condition, and he smiled and said that he would wait until they met.    


Chen Yiyao had a premonition in her heart. Before she went to see Ye Guanghui today, she had a struggle in her heart. In the end, she gritted her teeth and decided to go to the appointment.    


Half an hour ago, she received a phone call from Loo Xintong.    


At that time, she was in a daze. When she reacted, Loo Xintong had just hung up the phone.    


She wanted to call back but did not know that her phone was out of battery at the critical moment.    


She had been in a daze these few days and it was normal for her phone to forget to charge. It was just that she did not know why Loo Xintong was calling her at this time.    


Finally, they reached the pedestrian street. It was already around 11 o'clock in the morning.    


Chen Yiyao paid for the car and got out of the car. Her mind was solemn as she rushed to the restaurant.    


At 11: 15 a.m. in the restaurant, she finally met Ye Guanghui.    


Ye Guanghui was wearing a designer shirt that fit his body. He was sitting opposite Chen Yiyao with a smile on his face. He could not hide the joy in his heart.    


He smiled and said, "Ms Chen, you're finally here."    


Chen Yiyao took a deep breath and said, "Ye Guanghui, if there was really no other way, I would not look for you."    


"Haha, Ms Chen, don't say that. We are colleagues. Moreover, Teacher Yu and I are classmates in high school. How could I not help them? "Well, I have prepared my bank card. After dinner, I will go and get it for you. "However, I don't have much money on me. I can only take out a million and hope to be of help to you." Ye Guanghui said with a smile.    


Chen Yiyao thought about it. One million yuan, plus the money Zhong Hao borrowed from her father and relatives and friends, should be enough.    


However, she did not feel any joy because the other party had made it very clear the night before yesterday.    


"Tell me, what conditions do you have?" Chen Yiyao looked at Ye Guanghui and asked calmly.    


Ye Guanghui smiled. "Don't worry. Let's order first. Let's talk while we eat."    


After the dishes were served, Ye Guanghui ordered a bottle of red wine and poured each of them a glass.    


Chen Yiyao did not eat or drink. At this time, she did not have the mood to eat.    


Ye Guanghui was indeed in a good mood. While eating, his gaze swept over Chen Yiyao without restraint. He even raised the red wine glass and said with a smile, "Come, have a drink with me. I will tell you my conditions."    



Chen Yiyao pursed her red lips. In the end, she still raised her wine glass and drank all the wine in it.    


Ye Guanghui smiled and said, "Ms Chen, I think you know better than anyone what happened at your house last time. I really didn't want to do anything at that time. It was only because I really loved Ms Chen that I acted on impulse. I did something irrational, and it was all thanks to Ms Chen and Yu laoshi's benevolence and righteousness. I was very touched that they didn't make a fuss about it. In fact, I was moved by the fact that Ms Chen and Teacher Yu were kind and righteous. In fact, when Ms Chen and Teacher Yu were getting married, I was there to watch you exchange wedding rings. My heart was filled with envy. It would be great if I could get a woman like Ms Chen to help me. Ms Chen, I think you should understand my feelings. "    


Chen Yiyao's face turned red. She understood the meaning of Ye Guanghui's words, but she still asked," I don't understand. Tell me clearly. "    


"Since Ms Chen wants to be direct, don't blame me for offending you. I can lend you a million. And it doesn't matter if you pay it back within a few years. But Ms Chen needs to accompany me and my friends once. " Ye Guanghui revealed a dirty smile.    


Chen Yiyao's face was even redder than before. "You... you are shameless! Change the condition, I cannot accept it!"    


"If you don't accept it, then there's nothing to discuss. Look, my friend is still waiting at the side!" Ye Guanghui pointed to a table with a smile and said, "Young Master Xie, come over and sit. Ms Chen probably doesn't know you yet."    


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