Perfect Tenant

C49 Search

C49 Search

0Xie Nan grinned when he saw me put my hand into my pocket. He finally couldn't hide his smug expression.    


And that young man also walks forward, wanting to search my body.    


In a moment of desperation, I push him away.    


The young man was furious. "Why did you push me? Didn't you say you wanted to search me yourself?"    


"Even if you wanted to search, it wouldn't be your turn to do so!" I snorted coldly, but I was especially anxious in my heart.    


There were so many onlookers at the scene, and they even surrounded me. It was really impossible for them to secretly take out their wallets and throw them away under their eyes.    


The young man revealed a strange expression and said, "Alright, it's not my turn to search. I'll call the police and let them search. It should at least satisfy you, right?"    


With that, he took out his phone and dialed 110.    


My heart sank. If the police come and find my wallet, I'll be able to find it. I'm afraid I won't be able to wash it off even if I jump into the Yellow River.    


Knowing that this young man was Xie Nan's gang, Xie Nan must have planned this because he had been beaten up by me twice. However, I don't have any countermeasures. I can only watch the young man call the police.    


Facing the crowd's pointing and mocking, and Xie Nan's complacent ridicule, I was furious, but there was nothing I could do. I was so anxious that I broke out in cold sweat.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a person squeezed into the crowd and said, "Xiao Zhong, what's going on? I saw you arguing from afar."    


The person who came was none other than Coach Huang.    


"Coach Huang, you're here!" At the same time that I was surprised, I revealed a trace of joy, as if I had seen a life-saving straw.    


There were still a few minutes before class started. Coach Huang had probably just arrived. So we saw our argument downstairs.    


Coach Huang nodded slightly and said, "So Xie Nan is also here. What is going on with you guys?"    


"Hello, Coach Huang." Seeing Coach Huang come over, Xie Nan's expression changed slightly but he immediately smiled and greeted her without fear.    


I still admire and respect Coach Huang. I immediately said, "This man accidentally bumped into me and said that I stole his wallet."    


"Everyone can testify for me. If he didn't steal his wallet, why wouldn't he let me search his body?" The young man said loudly.    


When he said that, the crowd also echoed him. It was obvious that most people didn't believe that I didn't steal my wallet.    


In fact, his wallet is in my pocket.    


"Then did you steal his wallet?" Coach Huang asked me.    


"Of course not. Coach Huang, don't you know my character?" I said anxiously.    


Coach Huang looked at me and then at the young man. She walked over and grabbed my shoulder." Since you didn't steal my wallet, why are you staying here? Come to class with me. "    


Coach Huang pulled me away without any explanation. The anxious young man shouted, "Don't go! He is the thief who stole my wallet!"    


"Yes, Coach Huang, don't be deceived by this kid's appearance. As the saying goes, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, it is better to wait for the police to come and search for him. Wouldn't the truth be revealed this way?" Xie Nan immediately said.    


His words immediately garnered the support of the crowd. They even blocked the way out to prevent us from leaving.    


"I see." Coach Huang sighed and let go of the hand that grabbed my shoulder. She said, "Xiao Zhong, looks like you can only wait for the police to come and deal with it. The class was about to start. I have to go to the arts academy. "Let's wait for the police to finish their inspection and then come to class."    


After saying that, he turned around and left.    


But I was anxious. I originally thought that Coach Huang was a life-saving straw, but I did not expect to be stopped by a group of people eating melons.    


"Coach Huang, help me!" I said anxiously.    


"The clear do not do anything wrong during the day. At night, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. Since you have never done it before, what are you afraid of? Just wait patiently for the police to come over." Coach Huang gave me a meaningful look and then left.    


The crowd did not stop him and allowed Coach Huang to leave.    


However, a trace of despair appeared in my heart.    


In the end, the words he said before he left and the meaningful look in his eyes were probably the same as the crowd, believing that I was a thief.    


It was no wonder that my actions were indeed like that of a thief.    


Firstly, I didn't let the police search me. Secondly, I was very nervous and worried that the police would come.    


Coach Huang had just left when someone called out, "The police are here. The police are here!"    


The crowd automatically opened up a path and two uniformed policemen walked in. One was fat and the other was thin. Their expressions were serious.    


"What exactly is going on? Who called the police just now and said that there was a thief stealing a wallet here?" The thin policeman asked coldly.    


The young man immediately stood up. "I, I called the police! It was this guy who stole my wallet and refused to admit it. I said search him, but he refused. He said he wanted to wait for the police to come."    


"The fat policeman looked at me and asked me to stand over. Then he said," The two of you, tell me everything. "    


The young man first said that I knocked him over on purpose, and then his wallet was gone. He suspected that the wallet was on me.    


At this time, Xie Nan chimed in, "Yes, officer. I can testify."    


"Did you see it?" The skinny policeman asked Xie Nan.    


Xie Nan immediately nodded and said he saw it.    


My heart sank. It was no use scolding Xie Nan now.    


At the crucial moment, he still had to find a way to clear himself of suspicion.    


But the wallet was on me. I still had some hope in my heart. I hoped that the two police officers were experienced and had rich experience in investigating cases. They would be able to discover the loopholes when they heard what I said.    


"officer, it's not like that. He hit me first and then said that I stole his wallet!" I immediately told the two policemen the details.    


The fat policeman asked, "Did you see what you did?"    



I looked at the crowd for help, hoping that someone would step forward. In the end, none of them were there. Instead, they all looked like they were taking pleasure in my misfortune. It was obvious that they had already regarded me as a thief who stole their wallets.    


"Since that's the case, then I can only search your body. If there is, then don't say anything."    


The skinny policeman made me hold my head with both hands and stand on the spot.    


My heart is beating fast, but I can't disobey the orders of the two policemen at this time.    


Otherwise, it would be terrible if I didn't cooperate.    


"Xie Nan, I know you are playing a trick to frame me. Just you wait. One day, I will make you pay the price!" I looked at Xie Nan in despair and said while gnashing my teeth.    


This means that I have the wallet.    


Xie Nan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Hey, brat, what are you talking about? Your actions are improper, and you actually blame it on someone else. Just wait and reflect on yourself properly in the detention center!"    


Helpless, I could only raise my hands and hug the back of my head, standing on the spot.    


The skinny policeman came up to me and searched me. Then, he took out my phone and said to the fat policeman, "I only found my phone. I didn't find my wallet."    




I was dumbfounded. My wallet was in my pocket, but the skinny policeman didn't find it?    


Was he trying to hide it for me? Impossible!    


What is going on? Where did the young man's wallet go? Why did it suddenly disappear?    


A series of questions surfaced in my mind. While I was extremely surprised, I also felt a burst of joy.    


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