Perfect Tenant

C43 Zhang Rong's Discovery

C43 Zhang Rong's Discovery

0Suddenly, a young man with a crew cut on his right ear walked over and sat next to Chen Yiyao with a smile on his face.    


Chen Yiyao's expression changed and she stood up immediately. She said shyly and angrily, "Ye Guanghui, what do you mean?"    


"Don't tell me I'm not clear yet? As long as you take care of me and this Young Master Xie in the afternoon, One million will be yours. I will pay it back in 10 years without any interest. What do you think? " Ye Guanghui had a dirty smile on his face.    


Chen Yiyao was so angry that she could not say anything. She turned around and left.    


However, before she could take a few steps, Ye Guanghui sneered and said, "Chen Yiyao, you better consider it carefully. Now, other than me, no one can help you! If you can't take out the compensation money, just wait for your husband to go to jail!"    


Chen Yiyao's body trembled and she stopped.    


Her eyes were slightly red. Although she already had a premonition when she came, she held a trace of hope in her heart. She hoped that the other party's conditions were not what she thought.    


However, Ye Guanghui's condition was not only the same as what she thought, but there was also an unfamiliar man.    


If it was before, she would not have slept with Ye Guanghui even if he had given her a million yuan. But now, her husband was still in the detention center, and she needed money urgently to compensate him. There was no room for negotiation at all.    


In the end, Chen Yiyao took a deep breath, turned around, and forced herself to return to her seat. She tried her best to control her emotions and said, "I can agree to your conditions, but I want 1.5 million yuan!"    


Ye Guanghui immediately frowned. Although he was a rich second generation, he was usually a big spender. Even if he asked his father for it, he still found an excuse to change to a new car, but his father only gave him one million.    


"It's okay. I'll pay the other five hundred thousand yuan." Xie gongzi smiled. "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xie Nan. I'm a friend of Ye Guanghui. Nice to meet you, Ms Chen."    


He reached out his hand to shake hands with Chen Yiyao, but his eyes kept glancing between Chen Yiyao's full breasts and her round white thighs under her skirt.    


If I was at the scene right now, I would be very surprised. I did not expect Ye Guanghui to know Xie Nan.    


Chen Yiyao did not reach out her hand. There was a disgusted look on her face. "I do not need to know who you are. Right now, I only want money."    


Xie Nan laughed. "Ms Chen is indeed a straightforward woman. I like him."    


Ye Guanghui narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Ms Chen, my friend is much richer than me. As long as you can serve us well, you will get more than 1.5 million in the future."    


Chen Yiyao's heart was full of despair, but she still said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense. Go and get the money."    


"No problem. Let's go together."    


Ye Guanghui paid the bill, and then the three of them left the restaurant together.    


Ye Guanghui and Xie Nan took 1.5 million in cash from a nearby bank. They needed two travel bags to carry it.    


Ye Guanghui held the money and said with a smile, "In a few hours, this money will be yours. Ms Chen, are you happy?"    


Chen Yiyao's expression was cold, but her heart was a little painful. She was afraid that she would be ravaged by the two of them later.    


Hubby, I am sorry! But I have no choice.    


Xie Nan walked beside Chen Yiyao and seized the opportunity to hug her soft and slender waist.    


"What are you doing?" Chen Yiyao pushed Xie Nan.    


Xie Nan sneered. "What do you think I am doing? I have already taken out the money, don't you want to cooperate?"    


Chen Yiyao's face turned extremely red. She gritted her teeth and did not resist anymore. She could only let Xie Nan hug her waist.    


Ye Guanghui followed behind them with the money in his hand. His face was full of pride.    


In fact, he and Xie Nan only knew each other recently. They were not good friends yet.    


Because Ye Guanghui was a physical education teacher, he played basketball very well. Not long ago, when he went to the gymnasium with a few friends to play basketball, he met Xie Nan by chance.    


Xie Nan saw that he was very skilled, so he played with him. Slowly, the two of them got to know each other.    


Ye Guanghui knew that Xie Nan's family background was very deep. He heard that he was very close with the young masters of the Chu Group. In order to build a relationship with the Chu Group, Ye Guanghui specially invited Xie Nan over today to do him a favor.    


Seeing that the plan had progressed smoothly in the direction he had expected, how could he not be happy?    


At this moment, a young man wearing glasses happened to pass by. He saw Chen Yiyao, who was wrapped around Xie Nan's waist, and could not help but be stunned for a moment.    


Wasn't this Zhong Hao's tenant, the married female neighbor?    


Why was she with two unfamiliar men? Could it be that she looked like a gentle and virtuous wife, but behind her back, she was the perfect husband's cousin?    


The bespectacled youth's heart skipped a beat. He took out his phone and made a call.    


At this time, Loo Xintong and I just had lunch at home when my phone rang. It was actually Zhang Rong calling.    


Zhang Rong is the friend who installed the camera at Chen Yiyao's house with me the last time. He was also a colleague who sold computers with me in the past.    


I am a little puzzled. I do not know why Zhang Rong is looking for me at this time but I still immediately picked up the phone.    


As soon as the phone was picked up, I heard Zhang Rong say, "Hello, Zhong Hao, guess who I saw?"    


"Who?" I was confused by Zhang Rong's random question.    


"Hehe, you definitely can't guess. Your dream lover, the young married woman Chen Yiyao? "Let me tell you something, but you must calm down and not be angry."    


I had a thought and hurriedly asked, "What is it? Tell me quickly."    


Chen Yiyao turned off her phone in the morning and I felt something was wrong. Her husband had just killed someone and he was still in the detention center.    


It was time for her to ask for help. There were a lot of things to take care of. How could she turn off her phone?    


"It's like this. I just met her on the roadside and she was with two unfamiliar men. One of them even hugged her waist, looking very ambiguous. From the looks of it, they are probably going to get a room! Tsk tsk, I did not expect Chen Yiyao, a female teacher of the people and a married woman, to actually mess around outside. Zhong Hao. I think you really like the wrong people! "    


Hearing Zhang Rong's words, my expression changed abruptly and pressed, "Did you see wrongly?"    


"Absolutely. Looking at that face and figure, if it wasn't Chen Yiyao's words, I ate my phone!"    


"Which two men is she with?"    



"I don't know them. Zhong Hao, don't get excited. As the saying goes, there is no fragrant grass in the world. Why is there only one flower in love?"    


Before Zhang Rong could finish his sentence, I interrupted him. Can you describe what those two people look like? "    


"One of them is tall and strong, with a long face and a Rolex on his wrist. The other is a youth with a crew cut, with an ear stud on his right ear."    


I am shocked. If Zhang Rong's description is correct, it is very likely Ye Guanghui and Xie Nan.    


Why is Chen Yiyao with Ye Guanghui and Xie Nan now? Furthermore, how did they know each other?    


Chen Yiyao was in big trouble and she had not settled her own matters yet. Why did she meet two scumbags?    


Could it be...    


A terrifying thought suddenly flashed through my mind and I hurriedly said, "Zhang Rong, I have a favor to ask of you. Quickly follow them now and see where the three of them are going."    


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