Perfect Tenant

C47 Choose Forgiveness

C47 Choose Forgiveness

0Chen Yiyao sat naked on the bed and cried. Yu Hongyi sat on the edge of the bed and lowered his head. He looked very depressed.    


I sighed and apologized to Yu Hongyi again. Then I said, "When you guys have an appointment to meet the family members of the deceased, inform me. I will bring the money and go with you."    


After saying that, I turned around and left Chen Yiyao's house.    


I knew very well that if I continued to stay here, not only would I not be able to solve the problem, but it might even aggravate the conflict between husband and wife.    


When I return home, I see in the mirror that there are obvious traces of red on my neck. I cannot help but worry about Chen Yiyao in my heart.    


Yu Hongyi will not do that kind of impulsive thing to me out of humiliation, right?    


I was shocked. I quickly went back to my bedroom, turned on the computer, and restarted the surveillance that hadn't been turned on for more than a month.    


In the bedroom where the surveillance camera was, the figures of the two people were displayed.    


From the moment I left until now, the two of them had maintained the same movement and hadn't moved.    


Yu Hongyi took out a pack of cigarettes and started to smoke.    


One cigarette after another. Soon, the room was filled with smoke.    


Yu Hongyi smoked half a pack of cigarettes and slowly said, "Yiyao, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I caused you to make so many sacrifices for me..."    


As he spoke, Yu Hongyi actually started to cry.    


Chen Yiyao probably did not expect Yu Hongyi to forgive her so quickly. She involuntarily stopped crying and said, "No, I should be the one who let you down. It was all my fault. "    


"You did that for me. I don't blame you." Yu Hongyi wiped his face and took a deep breath. "Yiyao, don't worry. I will make a lot of money in the future. I will not let you suffer any more."    


Chen Yiyao could not help crying when she heard this.    


Yu Hongyi pulled her into his arms. The couple hugged each other and did not speak anymore.    


It was just that the harmonious and warm atmosphere made me, an outsider, feel touched.    


I really admire Yu Hongyi. I originally thought that he would be impulsive and might harm Chen Yiyao. I didn't expect that he could be so magnanimous and tolerant even when Chen Yiyao used her mouth for me. It really made me look at him in a different light.    


I let out a sigh of relief in my heart and turned off the computer.    


At night, Loo Xintong came back and asked me about Chen Yiyao's situation.    


I told her that Yu Hongyi had come back. Now that the two of them know that I sold the house, they are very grateful.    


As for what happened at Chen Yiyao's house today, I will definitely not tell Loo Xintong.    


When Loo Xintong heard what I said, she smiled and said that she wanted to go to Chen Yiyao's house to take a look.    


I quickly stopped her. The two of them had already slept so late, so let's just forget about it.    


Only then did Loo Xintong give up.    


On the third day after that, Yu Hongyi and Chen Yiyao went to see the family members of the deceased. I did not step forward and let Loo Xintong take the money to solve the problem of compensation.    


The reason why I did not go was because I was afraid that the matter with Chen Yiyao a few days ago would anger Yu Hongyi and make him do some irrational actions at the scene.    


Of course, there was also a risk in doing so. It was that Loo Xintong might know about the matter between Chen Yiyao and me.    


But thinking about it, it was impossible for the husband and wife to say such a thing.    


Sure enough, when Loo Xintong returned, her face was full of smiles. Clearly, she did not know the truth.    


She handed me an IOU and said with a smile, "This was written by Teacher Yu himself. He said that he will pay it back within five years and asked me to pass it to you."    


I nodded and put it away.    


"He still wants to treat us to a meal together!" Loo Xintong said again.    


"I'm not going. You guys go."    


"Why? Why do you seem to be avoiding the couple?" Loo Xintong asked doubtfully.    


"Nothing. I don't have time for these two days because there will be a martial arts competition next month. I need to work hard to prepare for it." I said perfunctorily.    


In fact, when I went to the arts academy for classes last night, Coach Huang did mention about the martial arts competition. It was held by the National Martial Arts Association.    


The competition was very big. It would be set up in more than ten cities across the country. Only the top two of each division could enter the official competition.    


The official competition would be held in the capital. If he really won the championship or the top three, it would be very beneficial for his future development.    


For example, Wu Jing or Li Lianjie used to be from martial arts schools. Because they participated in the National Wushu Competition competition, they won the championship. Then, they would slowly enter the visual field and become famous stars.    


Of course, their success depended on their hard work and perseverance. There were also some elements of luck.    


Comparatively, I didn't even study martial arts for two months. I didn't consider that much at all.    


According to what Coach Huang said, participating in the qualifiers was to train oneself a bit. There was no need to hold too much hope.    


Hearing my words, Loo Xintong did not doubt but still forcefully pulled me along.    


I did not have no way to reject and in the end, I could only go.    


We had dinner together. Yu Hongyi and Chen Yiyao sat on one side, and Loo Xintong and I sat on the other.    


During the dinner, Loo Xintong chatted and laughed. From time to time, she would find a topic to talk about. On the contrary, the three of us appeared very awkward and did not speak much.    


Yu Hongyi only toasted Loo Xintong and I, saying that he thanked us for our help this time.    


Thinking back to the days when we drank together in the past, the changes were too great.    


In the end, Loo Xintong also saw that the atmosphere was not right and asked doubtfully, "Why don't you guys talk? I'm the only one who can talk. It's so boring. Also, didn't Teacher Yu and Zhong Hao like drinking together very much? Why aren't they drinking today?"    



Yu Hongyi smiled awkwardly. I gave up. By the way, 'I have something to tell you.'    


"What is it?" Loo Xintong asked.    


Yu Hongyi and Chen Yiyao looked at each other and Chen Yiyao said, "Let me tell you."    


She looked at me and just as my eyes met, she quickly dodged and said seriously, "Hongyi and I have thought about it for a long time and decided to move away and live in a new environment. These few months, I really thank Mr. Landlord for taking care of us."    


What? I was shocked. Chen Yiyao actually wanted to move away!    


Loo Xintong also revealed an extremely shocked expression and asked, "Why? Isn't she living well?"    


"Hongyi's accident this time caused me to feel uneasy. I specially looked for the fortune teller to take a look. The fortune teller said that it would be best to move to the north bank of Seeping River. My luck would be better." Chen Yiyao revealed a bitter smile.    


Although this was a good reason, I knew very well that the reason they moved away was all because of me.    


After all, Chen Yiyao and I almost had an affair. It is definitely impossible for Yu Hongyi to be able to remain calm and stay here as a tenant and neighbor.    


But Loo Xintong believed it and said gloomily, "Ah? Do you still believe what the fortune teller said? They are all playing tricks. I don't believe you. Don't listen to him. Just continue living here. "If you are in financial trouble, I can ask Zhong Hao to lower the rent a little more. Zhong Hao, don't you agree?"    


I can only nod with a smile.    


"There is really no need. We also want to live in a new environment. Tong, you need to contact me more in the future. When you have time, you can often chat with me on WeChat."    


"But Ms Yiyao, I can't bear to let you go."    


It's okay. Didn't you already find your love? " Chen Yiyao smiled.    


Loo Xintong, who had always been careless, immediately blushed. She said with a smile, "He is just a stinky donkey. He is not romantic at all."    


I could only smile bitterly because of this.    


The next day, Chen Yiyao and Yu Hongyi called over to the moving company to move.    


Their things were packed into the car and the house was empty in the morning. Afterwards, the couple bid us farewell and left the place.    


Looking at the house that they originally lived in, Now that the house was empty, I felt a little depressed.    


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