Legend of Sword King



0Yeluo Mingguang could clearly feel it. This was the opponent's unreserved attack. Victory and death would be decided, and life and death would also be decided. The sword style contained the opponent's indomitable will to advance. It did not fear defeat, nor did it fear death.    


In the time it took for a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, Yale Light didn't even have time to think before his life-saving magic tool was activated.    


A stream of black light burst out, engulfing Chen Qing like a tide and covering an area of ten meters. Chen Qing was unable to see his silhouette at all.    


As a result, not only was it impossible to lock onto the vital points on Yelu Mingguang's body, even his body could not be detected.    


After activating the life saving magical equipment, Yale's cold and arrogant voice came out from the black tide, but it was hard to hear clearly, "I admire your courage in fighting alone against an enemy, but at the same time I despise your stupidity in only knowing how to throw your life away!"    


Before he finished speaking, a white waterfall suddenly flew out of the black tide.    


It was a saber Qi.    


This domineering blade was capable of shattering even gold and jade.    


This blade of a Sumeru Realm cultivator had no way of resisting it head on! Even for cultivators at the first level of the Conviction Realm, it was highly likely for them to die if they were to be careless!    


As the genius of the Yale family, Yale's combat power was already far above his cultivation level. Before he came to Qilian Mountain, he already had the ability to challenge the Fighter 1-stage Fierce Desire Prison in his clan and defeat his opponent's battle record!    


The saber Qi instantly appeared in front of Chen Qingmei. This fierce and swift saber Qi condensed the full power of Yeru's Bright Light.    


Cheng Qing could clearly feel the killing intent in the blade. He knew that this was a knife that could kill him on the spot.    


To be honest, Yeru was Cheng Qing's strongest enemy after his rebirth. No matter if it was the opponent's absolute strength or the threat to Cheng Qing, they were the ones with the greatest power.    


Now, Cheng Qing had two choices.    


He would either return the sword to defend, or be struck by the blade.    


However, Cheng Qing didn't need to choose at all.    


From the moment he rushed out on his own, it was destined that he would only have the front, and no path of retreat.    


If he switched from offense to defense, then in the time it took to defend, the wolf-walker at Yelu Mingguang's side would have the opportunity to attack in groups.    


Facing seventy to eighty wolfwalkers, facing the number one genius of the younger generation of the Yale family, Cheng Qing only had a single chance to make a move.    


Thus, he didn't have a choice.    


Even if he couldn't hit his opponent, his attack would still be effective.    


Even if they couldn't change the outcome of the battle, they still had to make a move.    


Even if they couldn't win, they still had to make a move.    


Attack, as a cultivator of Western Coldcalm, bravely attack the Uighur Wolves!    


This was Cheng Qing's choice.    


The Heaven Lake Sword advanced but did not retreat. Its trajectory did not change at all as it used Cheng Qing's strongest power to cut into the black tide with a radius of 30 feet!    


Sword intent made the sword qi untraceable and undefensible!    


At the same time, Cheng Qing tilted his head.    


The saber Qi struck his left shoulder with a loud rumble. He managed to dodge the vital point on his forehead with just a hair's breadth of movement, but was unable to prevent his left shoulder from being injured.    


Strangely, an uncontrollable miserable groan came from the black tide.    


When the saber Qi cut Cheng Qing's left shoulder, the black tide suddenly dissipated like the clouds, revealing the bright light of Yeru, who was holding his chest. Blood seeped out of his armor and gushed out crazily from the gaps between his fingers.    


Yeluo Mingguang couldn't help taking three steps back, his eyes filled with shock and confusion, staring straight at Cheng Qing.    


A life-saving magical artifact that could defend itself against the Fiendgod Body Confinement Realm was enough to allow him to protect himself in Mount Qilian, but now that it had been broken by Chen Qing, he was infuriated and could not believe it.    


Even though he was already keenly aware of the sword intent contained in that strike.    


However, just the sword intent alone was enough to break through his defenses. It was simply not enough to lock onto his position.    




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