Legend of Sword King



0Qin Biao had already used all his strength, but the arrow still pierced through his left arm, sending a large chunk of flesh flying. Even a small portion of his bones had been cut off!    


After one arrow, Qin Biao's left shoulder, which was originally injured, had completely drooped down. He was already completely crippled!    


At this time, three shadows suddenly rushed out of the dense forest and swung their swords towards him. The opponent's cultivation base was extraordinary. He was actually an eighth-grade cultivator, bringing along two seventh-grade cultivators!    


Qin Biao landed on the ground with great difficulty. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. Wasn't there only Yang Ruoxi by Cheng Qing's side? What were these three experts doing here?    


Qin Biao had no time to think further. Since the opponent had already pounced at him, he could only take out his magical equipment to meet them head on.    


His weapon was a long and thin sharp sword. The front part of the sword had a reverse hook. If it stabbed the opponent, just a casual pull would be able to cut the opponent's stomach open. "Such a vicious and sinister weapon was just like Qin Biao.    


"You bunch of ants, go to hell!" Although he was heavily injured and could not move an arm, he was not afraid in the slightest when facing a grade eight or two seventh martial artist. In terms of aura, he was instead able to suppress Shen Nanjiang and the others.    


Although the cultivations of the three people of Shen Nan Jiang's group were lacking by a sliver, they had a tacit understanding with each other. At this moment, they were not afraid at all. There would definitely be a chance to fight with Qin Biao.    


Qin Biao fought three alone and was not in a state of chaos. However, his four subordinates did not have such a good treatment.    


Yang Ruoxi dragged her Splitting Mountain Axe and ran out from the forest. The start of the battle was with a leap, and the Essence on the Splitting Mountain Axe shone like a bright moon, directly slashing at the cultivator in the middle!    


When the four cultivators saw that Yang Ruoxi's cultivation was higher than theirs and her moves were so powerful and heavy, how could they dare to take the blow head on? They all rolled to the side to avoid her attack.    


The Splitting Mountain Axe landed on the ground and smashed out a huge gully. Mud flew everywhere, and a cultivator who was slightly closer to the axe was shaken by the violent Essence and lost his balance.    


He staggered two steps and barely managed to stand his ground. He wanted to retreat and increase the distance between them. However, at this time, he suddenly felt an extremely cold chill coming from behind him. It was so dangerous that he almost cried out in pain, instinctively wanting to dodge.    


However, it was already too late. Before he could do anything, a blue ray pierced through his back and shot out from his chest. It was actually a crossbow arrow!    


"How could this be …" "There's still someone else …" A cultivator powerlessly fell to the ground. Even at the moment of his death, he still had not figured out who had killed him.    


Yang Ruoxi directly dashed past him. Seeing him, she didn't even look at him before raising her Mountain Splitting Axe and hacking at the next cultivator!    


Cheng Qing, who was wandering around, shot the second arrow.    


After heavily injuring Qin Biao, he swapped away his Sagittarius Sagittarius for a heavy load, abandoning Qin Biao who was fighting with Shen Nangjiang and the others to cooperate with Yang Ruoxi to attack Qin Biao's subordinates. As long as he could finish off these four people, Qin Biao would no longer have any helpers.    


Cheng Qing and Yang Ruoxi had a tacit understanding.    


His second arrow was shot by a cultivator that was attacking Yang Ruoxi from the side. His movements were very fast, and the crossbow arrows were fired out almost at the same time. Before that cultivator could even reach Yang Ruoxi, he was hit in the chest by the crossbow arrows, and was directly blown away.    


Two of their comrades were killed, except for the cultivator Yang Ruoxi was facing, the fourth person immediately charged towards Cheng Qing.    


He could already see that Cheng Qing was only a third level Xumi Stage martial artist, a full two grades lower than him. Moreover, he had continuously used the Eagles of the Sagittarius and Thousand Jin, so his vitality was limited.    


"Stinking brat, go to hell!" The cultivator shouted loudly as he stabbed out with his sword.    


This cultivator's prediction was correct. There was indeed not much Essence left in Cheng Qing. However, this limited amount of Essence could display different effects in the hands of different cultivators.    


When Cheng Qing saw the other party rushing towards him, he sneered. With a flick of his wrist, the Heaven Lake Sword appeared in his hand and he slashed straight at the other party! As for the incoming sword attack, it was completely ignored.    




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