Legend of Sword King



0After six consecutive bowls, Cheng Qing didn't feel satisfied. To avoid being like last time, he drank half of the wine by himself. He gave up on the wine bowl and started to drink from the jar.    


Yang Ruoxi was stunned. The last time she was drunk, she did not see Cheng Qing carrying a jar of wine and did not know how much he drank. She had originally thought that Cheng Qing was only slightly stronger than her, so she wanted to get back at him. Now that Cheng Qing had finished the entire jar of wine in one breath, he realized how wrong he was.    


However, it was clear that Yang Ruoxi wasn't going to admit defeat. She slammed the table and stood up, and with one foot on the bench, she picked up a jar of wine to slap away the clay seal, and passionately said: "Good boy, good alcohol! "I will not return until I'm drunk!"    


In order to get rid of this jar of wine, Yang Ruoxi took a few breaths, and took the opportunity to burp a few times. When she finally finished the wine, she could no longer stop her body from swaying left and right. Both of her hands were on the table, barely able to stabilize her body.    


Seeing that, Yang Ruoxi still had an expression of not admitting defeat, and looked at Cheng Qing with her drunken eyes: "How is it? My alcohol capacity... "It's not bad, right?"    


Cheng Qingan sat on the bench and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile. His eyes were full of ridicule. He opened another jar of wine, and under Yang Ruoxi's straight gaze, he drank it up.    


Yang Ruoxi saw that Cheng Qing was planning to finish it in one go again. Despite her valiance, she couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty. This was the first time fear appeared in her bright eyes. To be able to drink wine was nothing, but to be able to drink without stopping at all was not a human being at all.    


Cheng Qing put down the wine jar, wiped his mouth, and proudly raised his eyebrows at Yang Ruoxi. Yang Ruoxi let out an awkward laugh, and slowly held a jar of wine in front of her. She opened the seal with great difficulty, but didn't dare to take a sip. It was one thing to die generously, and another to die for nothing. Yang Ruoxi was currently stuck between a rock and a hard place.    


Fortunately, Cheng Qing didn't intend to embarrass her, so he opened the third jar and poured it into the wine bowl. He took the initiative to slow down his pace, eating and drinking with Yang Ruoxi. Boss Yang Ruoxi let out a breath of relief, although she was very aggrieved in her heart, but the eyes looking at Cheng Qing became even brighter.    


No matter what, she was still a woman. If she was a woman, she would subconsciously wish to be conquered by a man, no matter what. Only the men who could subdue them would be able to protect them. Only the strong ones whom they would proactively fall in love with would possess the so-called manliness.    


Most of the time, women were infatuated with the power of men, and their infatuation with the gentleness of women was even greater.    


Of course, the result of this round of wine was no different from the rest. The only difference was that last time, Yang Ruoxi was so drunk that she couldn't react to it. Even she didn't expect that this time, she was actually so drunk.    


Thus, under the respectful gazes of everyone in the tavern, under the envious gaze of the waiters, Cheng Qing supported Yang Ruoxi out of the tavern.    


Looking at the cold and quiet street, Cheng Qing sighed. At this moment, he suddenly missed Li Muhao and the others. Although their alcohol tolerance was low, the An Tian Sect still had more people. They had taken turns to pour wine on Cheng Qing, and it had taken them more than one time.    


If you did too much to help a drunk person back, you would miss the experience of being helped back. Who wouldn't want to be cared for? What a warm experience. Cheng Qing suddenly smiled. The exaggerated curve of the corner of his mouth didn't fade for a long time.    


Cheng Qing did not choose to return to the inn. The last time he had supported Yang Ruoxi back to the inn, there hadn't been any movement. The second day's inn staff looked at him with a strange expression, which was filled with deep sympathy. As a man, Cheng Qing didn't want to be stared at like that again.    


Fortunately, Cheng Qing already knew where Yang Ruoxi lived.    


The place Yang Ruoxi was staying at was very ordinary, ordinary to the point that it was a little shabby. The house was clean and tidy, but that wasn't because Yang Ruoxi was diligent in tidying up. Other than the bed, tables, and stools, there was nothing else. Cheng Qing didn't see any jewelry like rouge.    




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