Legend of Sword King



0When the great battle had just started in Sun Moon City, the scene had practically blossomed all over the ground. In the large city streets that were like a chessboard, not a single area had been devoid of people. During the period when Cheng Qing and Bai Xiuli gathered experts from the same Feudal Lord family and attacked the Sun family's mansion, the battles in the city were also going on miserably.    


When the Sun family cultivators from the Sun family's estate were completely annihilated, the wolf troop in the city, without the support of the Qin, the Thousand Extinction Sect, and the Sun family cultivators, faced off against more than a hundred thousand Western Paradise cultivators. Even if they had made a good start by relying on spices to induce poison, they were unavoidably drowned by even more cultivators who were not poisoned.    


When the Uighur army attacked from the west wall and slaughtered their way into the western city, there were only a few wolfwalkers left. All of them unanimously chose to support their comrades and gain more chances of survival.    


Because of this, the Western District cultivators were attacked from two sides. Coupled with the poison induced by the spices, the cultivators suffered heavy casualties. Soon, the West District fell.    


When Chen Qing, the wolf girl, Li Mi, Li Mu Zhao, Song Qianshu, Song Xuejun, Qi Mo Xuan and the rest arrived at the intersection of the main street, the soldiers and cultivators who had been defeated in the west district rushed to the center of the city.    


There were already less than a hundred of them. Most of them were in groups of three or five, and all of them were wearing bloodstained robes. They looked battered and exhausted.    


Sun Moon City was divided into five districts, one for east, south, west, and north. "The mayor's residence was also a city within the city. It had an independent city wall that was much larger than the ordinary city walls, as well as a supporting fortifications. There were all sorts of bunkers and arrow towers that were packed together like a forest; it could be said to be a sturdy fortress.    


However, if the other four districts were breached and the central zone became an isolated island, the only possible outcome would be to be devoured.    


The western part of the city that was shrouded in black smoke was now in ruins. Without defenses to rely on, the returning army followed the defeated soldiers and cultivators as they rushed towards the central area. The frontline had already begun to leap up the city wall.    


Since the City Lord District had the Imperial Guards stationed here, these thugs who had the audacity to go up to the City immediately suffered a heavy blow.    


However, seeing more and more Uighurs rushing out of the west district, Cheng Qing and the others had to give up and run into the west district. They had to run from the main street of the city to the west wall of the center district in order to engage in a bloody battle with the wolves.    


The good news was that other than the western part of the city that had already collapsed due to the pincer attack of the wolfwalkers, the other parts of the western part of the city had all received antidotes sent by the cultivators from the An Tian Sect and the Feudal Lords Clan. They were no longer worried that the Uighurs would use their spices to disrupt their battle prowess.    


As long as the central region of the City Lord's Mansion was able to resist the attacks of the Uighurs, there would be close to a hundred thousand soldiers and cultivators of Sun Moon City who would still be able to fight. The fall of the western city wall and the western city district would result in heavy losses for the people of the west city, and almost twenty thousand soldiers and cultivators of Sun Moon City would have already perished in battle.    


Plus, the Sun Moon City, which was attacked by the Lurker Wolves using spices, only had around 90,000 soldiers left. The Uighurs had a huge offensive, as well as plans to enter Zhen Yuan City and the 13 city strongholds. The number of soldiers in the stronghold was undoubtedly far higher than the number in the stronghold.    


When Zhenyuan City had commanded the nearby army to concentrate their forces in the attack on Sun Moon City, there had been two hundred thousand soldiers!    


In the beginning of the war, the City Lord's Mansion was under attack from the wolfman experts. However, Bai Xiuli was heavily guarded and they didn't succeed, so the City Lord's Mansion in the middle of the City Lord's District was still functioning.    




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