Legend of Sword King



0After saying that, the Great Clan Elder stared at Lin Xin Xin and asked, "Tell this old man, what caused you to be so shortsighted? You are willing to give up your future just to be brave? "    


Facing the gaze of the Great Elder that was filled with both disappointment and aggression, Lin Xin fell silent.    


A moment later, she raised her head and firmly said, "Disciple is going to Qilian Mountain … thirty years is too long, disciple only wants to fight for a single night! "    


She would not tell the Great Elder, nor would she tell anyone else, but in the recent days, her heart had become increasingly uneasy, and she had the nagging feeling that an extremely dangerous situation was about to happen.    


The danger didn't fall on her, but on Cheng Qing.    


She and Cheng Qing had been relying on each other ever since they were children. Although they had no blood ties, they had long since reached a mutual understanding.    


She urgently wanted to go to Cheng Qing's side and fight alongside him in order to deal with the great danger that she felt.    


In the years she had spent in the market, Chen Qing had shielded her from too many storms and had later become a cultivator. If not for Chen Qing saving her, she would have long since died in a bloody battle with the Liu Clan.    


She, who had always shared a difficult life with Cheng Qing, didn't want to be his burden. She hated her own weakness, and she didn't want to even be qualified to fight alongside Cheng Qing.    


If that happened, she would definitely die.    


The Great Elder's face darkened. Lin Xin's stubborn stand made him extremely angry. It was not that Anger Lin Xin did not respect him, but that Anger Lin Xin had given up on his great future.    


"Grand Elder, don't even think of criticizing our Junior Sister. She is determined to go to Mount Qilian. You should know this as well." Seeing the First Elder's unsightly expression, Nangong Yi quickly came over to persuade him, "Besides, isn't this Wild Goose Winged Tiger the mutated one? Its future strength will definitely not be at the Small Peak Stage!"    


Song Jiao also nodded her head. Even though she disliked Lin Xin's actions of delaying her future for the sake of others, she still spoke up for Lin Xin without holding back, "Great Elder, Ah Fu has high intelligence. Who knows, he might turn into a demon in the future?"    


As he spoke, he pulled Lin Xin Xin along to display to the Great Elder, "Look, because of Ah Fu, Junior Sister is already at the ninth level of the Xumi Stage! Ah Fu would grow up very quickly. He would reach adulthood in another five or six years. At that time, his Junior Sister would be at the Small Perfection realm! Where in the world would there be such a rapid promotion? Even cultivators from ten thousand years ago did not encounter such fortuitous encounters! "    


Minamiya quickly chimed in, "That's right, that's right. Ah Fu, the name sounds like a blessing to me. With this, Junior Sister will definitely be blessed!"    


This sentence left everyone speechless. They all looked at him with weird expressions. Song Jiao even wished she could give him a punch.    


A'Fu 'was a name, and Lin Xin had even given it to him. It wasn't something brought by a' A'Fu ', so how could this be related to luck?    


Only Ah Fu was very satisfied when he heard this. He stood up, raised his head and crowed, with a look of "you are all right, I am the pride of a lucky star".    


The Head Elder looked at Ah Fu and the corners of his mouth moved for a while. In the end, he did not say anything. He sighed and left a "I hope so" before taking the lead to leave.    


Nangong Yi heaved a sigh of relief, while Song Jiao began to praise Lin Xin, hoping to make her happy.    


The news that Lin Xin had successfully challenged the Devil Slayer Valley and captured a mutated geese winged tiger to become a warbeast with a leap in cultivation to the ninth level of the Xumi Stage spread throughout the entire White Deer Cave.    


After seeing Ah Fu, all the disciples and elders praised him, saying that in the future, Lin Xin's achievements would definitely be extraordinary and that she would definitely be able to reach the peak of her cultivation.    


There was no doubt that a disciple who had reached the Great Perfection Stage would become a central pillar of the White Deer Cave.    


The Elders were all discussing in private. The Great Elder had high expectations of Lin Xin, he was too preoccupied with the matter of Lin Xin reaching the lesser celestial stage, obtaining fame and glory for his family, and strengthening the White Deer Cave. Hence, he was not too happy. But to others, this Lin Xin was already an existence that was as dazzling as the sun.    


For a time, Lin Xin was the number one genius of the White Deer Cave. She had gained widespread recognition in the White Deer Cave.    




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