Legend of Sword King



0During this process, because the wolf girl ate too fast, Cheng Qing couldn't keep up with the speed of the barbecue. Yang Ruoxi came over to help.    


Strangely, the wolf-robed girl who was obviously on guard against others didn't show any signs of resistance towards Yang Ruoxi. This made Yang Ruoxi "overwhelmed by favor".    


At the end, the girl even brought up the wine pot and drank with Cheng Qing and Yang Ruoxi. Finally, when she smiled at Chen Qing, she didn't forget to reveal a grateful smile towards Yang Ruoxi. She said in a dry yet clear voice, "Thank you."    


Yang Ruoxi was so happy that she didn't even have a chance to look at him. She only needed to climb over the shoulder of the wolf girl to call him brother.    


Although Yang Ruoxi's personality was different from the wolf girl, there were certain things that made her feel the same way. For example, her personality was simple and straightforward, without many tricks behind it, and she couldn't differentiate between kindness and hatred — if these two fellows learned to plot and scheme, it would make things difficult for them.    


After eating, the wolf girl was about to leave, but she obviously didn't plan to leave. In front of Cheng Qing, she stretched out her hand to play with her clothes, took out a green bead, and solemnly handed it to Cheng Qing.    


Seeing the wolf cub's actions, Cheng Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why did he send another gift? Last time, the other party gave him tears. He had benefited greatly from it, but now, what was this gift?    


However, with Cheng Qing's tacit understanding with the wolf girl, he naturally would not pretend to decline. He took the bead and looked at it. Despite his vast knowledge from his past life, he could not find anything good to do with it. The emerald green color was actually very beautiful. He asked the wolf girl, "What's the use of this?"    


The wolf-robed girl replied, "Manifest."    


When she said this, other than feeling happy, she also felt a little proud?    


It was just like how Li Ye was happy to be able to accept her gift. She even felt proud that her gift was useful to Cheng Qing?    


Cheng Qing thought for a while. Although he had never seen this bead before, but he could understand what it meant by taking form. According to legends, ten thousand years ago, during the great battle between immortal mortals, there were many powerful greater demons that were able to take human form. They were no different from ordinary people.    


Formations referred to the transformation of a demon warrior into a human form.    


However, the wolf girl clearly didn't mean that when she transformed. Cheng Qing was a human, so the other party should be able to freely change his appearance?    


Chen Qing pointed at Yang Ruoxi and confirmed for a moment, "You can make me become her?"    


The wolf-robed girl nodded affirmatively. When Cheng Qing suggested this idea, she gave Yang Ruoxi a weird look, as if curious about why Cheng Qing changed into Yang Ruoxi's appearance.    


This was the innocence of the wolf girl, Cheng Qing obviously wouldn't change into Yang Ruoxi's appearance, what's the use?    


In any case, Cheng Qing couldn't help but want to give her back something when he accepted the girl's gift. Last time, he wanted to thank Wan Sen for tears, so he gave back a dagger.    


When she had battled with the wolfwalker earlier, the wolf-robed girl had even taken out something that she had used before.    


Vaguely, this seemed to have become a sort of tacit understanding between the two of them.    


Of course, Cheng Qing didn't have anything suitable for a girl on him. As a man, he wouldn't carry around such a thing with him.    


After putting away the pearl, Cheng Qing got up and started to help the girl pack the materials.    


He first processed the wolfwalker's Cosmic Bag and took out all the delicious food. Finally, he had Li Muhao find a large cloth bag and pack all the food into a separate bag, allowing the wolf girl to carry them away.    




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