Legend of Sword King



0The battle at the entrance of the Wild Goose Falling Mouth soon ended. Of the three hundred or so wolfwalkers, less than a tenth had fled. On one hand, it was because they were not afraid of death. Even if the situation was unfavorable, they would still fight until the very last moment. On the other hand, the experts from the An Tian Sect and Song Zhen didn't give them many chances.    


"According to the plan, after we capture the Wild Goose Falling Gate, we have to head towards Sun Moon City and control the wolves to enter the Hundred Miles Battlefield. We will build a simple fortification according to the terrain and wait for the army of Zhenyuan City to arrive. At that time, my Western Lion Army will launch an siege war on Sun Moon City, seeking to seize it in one fell swoop! "    


The one who spoke was Song Qianshu. Because of his excitement, the fat on his body trembled slightly but at a high frequency. Small ripples spread out on his robe, as if he was shaking.    


Not only was Song Qianshu excited, but all of the cultivators of Song Zheng were excited. Even the members of the Tranquil Sky Sect, who had already fought two great battles in the Blackrock Ridge, were as excited and excited as their opponents.    


It had been many years since a cultivator had won such a large and clean victory over a wolf.    


For hundreds of years, the Uighurs had been the attackers, repeatedly trespassing on the border, while the West Falls always played the role of the defense, forcing them to fight back. This was a situation created by the difference in the national power of the two countries. A single cultivator was unable to change it, but this did not mean that the state of the nation would not have such a heavy burden on the hearts of the cultivators.    


Right now, Zhenyuan City was being led by cultivators. After opening the Hundred Miles Battlefield, the great army began to attack Sun Moon City. This was the first time they had met, and also the first time they had a high chance of winning!    


For such a grand occasion to involve the cultivators who had personally participated in it, no one could remain indifferent, especially the young cultivators.    


Of course, compared to the younger cultivators like Song Qianshu, Yang Ruoxi, and Song Xuejun, Cheng Qing was much more at ease.    


In his previous life, Cheng Qing had participated in many battles and fought the Uighur Wolves and armies until they became numb. Without a real victory, there really wouldn't be much of a ripple in his heart.    


Chen Qing spoke, "Next up is to see if the cultivators from other places can chase their opponents out of the Hundred Miles Battlefield, and let the small victories converge into a great victory for the entire Hundred Miles Battlefield."    


Although the Wild Goose Falling Mouth was already used and cultivators from various places were also attacking the wolfman, victory was not necessarily as easy to obtain as the An Heavenly Sect and Song Zhen.    


When everyone heard this, they all looked towards the battlefield.    


They quickly withdrew their gazes, because regardless of the situation of their allies, they had to carry out their mission.    


After cleaning up the battlefield, the cultivators of the An Tian Sect and Song Zhen started to gather, preparing to make their way to the Sun Moon City.    


Sun Moon City was about thirty miles away. On this line, the wolf troop had entered the mountain road of the Hundred Miles Battlefield and was less than ten miles away from the entrance of the Wild Goose Falling Mouth.    


Tonight, there was going to be a great battle in the Hundred Miles Battlefield, and the Uighurs stationed in the Sun Moon City would surely have something to deal with. If they sent out their wolves to counterattack, then the next battle would be at the mountain pass.    


Leaping down from the tower, before the confluence of troops headed for the mountain pass, Chen Qing glanced to the right and frowned slightly. For some reason, he felt a familiar aura.    


Perhaps, in that fierce battlefield, there were people he was familiar with fighting with their lives on the line.    


Thirty to forty miles away on the right side of the Wild Goose Falling Mouth, on the battlefield where the three rivers intersected, many disciples of the Thousand Extreme Martial School were advancing forward, launching attacks on the wolfwalkers stationed in the middle of the city. The thought of mercy was in this team.    


The battle here was different from the one at the entrance of the geese.    




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