Legend of Sword King



0Cheng Qing looked at her speechlessly from the side, but he didn't say anything. It was natural for women to like flowers, just like rouge and water powder. He did not plan to blame Zhao E Mei, but she suddenly thought of something and glared at Cheng Qing with her hands on her hips, "What did you just call me? A prodigal woman? How did I lose? "    


Although Cheng Qing only looked at the garden a few times, he could tell that the flowers and plants were not ordinary and could be related to spirit medicine. If he didn't run away in a panic, perhaps he could make a lot of money, so he said he was a prodigal.    


However, he couldn't explain the truth. After all, he wasn't Zhao Yimei's husband, so he didn't care that much about her family. Thinking about it, he was curious as to why she suddenly said those words.    


That didn't make sense. Could it be that after a few days of getting along with her, he and Zhao E's relationship had become so distant?    


Zhao E was unwilling to let him go, so Cheng Qing gave up and snorted at him, indicating that although he was still angry, his attitude was very sincere. After giving up on him for a while, he looked at Zhao E Mei who was holding a handful of flowers that looked like stars in her hands and asked, "What flowers are these? Why is it that the moment you take it, all of the Inky Poison Bees will charge out and bite you? "    


"This is an ordinary Full Star." Zhao E was indignant and felt that she had suffered a great loss. "Those bees are like madmen!"    


Cheng Qing observed it for a while, then his eyes lit up. Finally, he smiled and looked at Zhao E with a different gaze, praising her, "This is no ordinary Full Star. Look, there are purple crystals on the flower leaves, if you don't look carefully you won't be able to see them. These are purple crystals filled with stars, healing panaceas. As long as you use this Amethyst Sky Star, you will be able to quickly recover. The key is that you do not need to refine any pills, they can be crushed and applied directly, it is extremely valuable. "    


"Are you for real?" Zhao Liangmei's charming eyes were filled with doubt at the moment, "I saw that the flower garden was very conspicuous and went to pluck it, yet it was so useful?"    


Cheng Qing clicked his tongue in praise. "Just a casual pick and you can pluck an entire sky full of amethysts. You really have no one with such luck."    


Even Cheng Qing was stunned by the sight. When this foxy woman wasn't pretending to be alluring, her smile was actually very beautiful, like the first ray of sunshine on a newly born spring lake.    


Zhao E was embarrassed and annoyed when she saw Cheng Qing staring at her. She glared at him with her peach blossom eyes. "What are you looking at?!"    


However, her words did not possess the slightest bit of deterrence. Rather than being angry, it would be more accurate to say that she was pouting. Not only did her charm not decrease, it had even become stronger.    


Cheng Qing secretly thought, "What a monster." He quickly withdrew his gaze and pretended to look up at the sky. He then said something that made Zhao E Mei smile. "Everyone loves a beauty. I'm just here to take a look, I haven't done anything yet."    


"You lecher! You actually want to fight!? " Zhao E kicked Cheng Qing's leg. Although she looked like she was clawing, it was actually soft.    


Cheng Qing, on the other hand, was very cooperative and avoided to show that the female hero was skillful. The two of them had been playing for a while and suddenly felt that something wasn't right. After all, their relationship wasn't suitable for a flirtatious relationship, so they each withdrew their hands and feet and looked at each other awkwardly.    


Zhao E brushed her hair back from her temples and changed the subject. "Oh right, how do you know this Heavenly Star covered in amethysts?"    




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