Legend of Sword King



0Zhao E bit her lips. "Then I'll go in with you!"    


Cheng Qing chuckled, "Only one person can enter at a time."    


Cheng Qing stepped out.    


Zhao E Mei stopped him.    


At this moment, the fox lady looked at Cheng Qing with sorrow in her eyes. Her voice was soft and weak, yet there was a hint of pleading in her voice: "But what if you die inside? Can I not go in? "    


"If we go in there, there's a chance of survival. If we don't, we'll die for sure." "No matter how long I go in, as long as you're not dead, you'll have to wait for me to come out," Cheng Qing said as he thought about his experience with the Heaven Lake Sword Technique. If I still don't come out after a year, you can choose one of your own doors and try your luck. "    


This place was full of vitality. As long as he continuously trained here, even if he didn't eat, he would not die. That was why Cheng Qing said this.    


After saying this, he walked through the door of the "Asking for the Sword" without even turning his head back.    


Zhao Ying looked at Cheng Qing, who was unconscious in the darkness for a moment, and suddenly became absent-minded, as if his soul had left his body.    


The Nine Phoenix City was bizarre, and the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets was even more so. After Cheng Qing entered the "Sword Pavilion", first, it was pitch black before him. After waiting for a while, he found himself in a corridor, surrounded by stone walls.    


Cheng Qing took out his Heaven Lake Sword and resolutely stepped into the tunnel.    


The stone tiles beneath his feet revealed a black hole, and a long spear flew out. Cheng Qing hurriedly dashed forward, and the strange sounds continued, and spear after spear flew out, after spear after spear, and after a few steps, black holes appeared on the stone walls on both sides as well. Arrows suddenly shot out, and Cheng Qing dodged to the side, waving his Heaven Lake Sword to block the arrows one after another.    


Chen Qing's' Blue Lotus Sword Song 'had almost lost its effect in such an environment. He could only use ordinary sword moves to deal with danger, and from time to time, there would be danger looming over him.    


A moment later, Cheng Qing's body was pierced by the spear, and countless arrows were shot at him, turning him into a hedgehog.    


His vision blurred, and when Cheng Qing regained his consciousness, he found that he was still standing at the starting point of the tunnel. As for the passageway in front of him, it was still as silent as before, as if he had never stepped inside.    


All of this is an illusion?    


Cheng Qing knew that this was not an illusion, but it only meant that he had failed his breakthrough.    


The second time Cheng Qing rushed into the tunnel, he endured for a quarter of an hour before he was shot like a hedgehog, returning to his original point.    


This time he didn't rush forward, but instead calmed down and thought.    


The third time, he persevered for an hour. This time, he even changed the "method of death". He was burnt to death by a fireball.    


Fourth time, fifth time, sixth time … Up to the ninety-ninth time, he still hadn't reached the other end of the corridor.    


However, during this process, his sword arts had improved by leaps and bounds, and each time he persevered, the duration he endured became longer and longer.    


Every time he returned to the starting point, he would spend more and more time thinking.    


Time passed quietly like this.    


On the 207th attempt, Cheng Qing successfully dashed across the tunnel.    


At that moment, Cheng Qing felt that his swordsmanship had improved tremendously. It was as if he was a completely different person.    


He had the confidence that even if he faced Li Yannan again, he would not need to rely on the Fish Dragon Armor.    


As the stone door in front of him fell, what Cheng Qing saw this time was an empty martial ground. Countless cultivators with bodies like glazed glass raised their swords and charged towards him. There was no end in sight.    




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