Legend of Sword King



0The time it took to advance was much shorter than Cheng Qing had expected. When he came out of Nine Phoenix City, he realized that it was still early in the afternoon. Of course, it didn't take Cheng Qing only half a day to advance to the second level of the Xumi Stage, because the Nine Phoenix City was twice as slow.    


Leaving the forest, Cheng Qing entered the desolate mountain and followed the valley up to the top of the mountain. When he looked around, he found that not far from the left side of the mountain, there were two groups of people running at full speed.    


Cheng Qing squatted down and looked at them. As the distance between them got closer and closer, he soon found some clues.    


The three or four people at the front were clearly being chased. There were seven or eight people chasing after them. Judging from their strength, they were roughly the same. However, two of the people at the front were injured and were being supported by their companions as they ran.    


When this scene appeared in Chen Qing's eyes, it was naturally not hard for him to guess what would happen next. It was only a matter of time before the fugitives were caught.    


Taking out Qianjun, Cheng Qing followed the mountain line for a distance and hid behind a pile of rubble. Looking at the direction the other party was running in, he decided to help the group of fugitives.    


The reason was simple, the group of people being pursued was a pack of wolves.    


As the two groups got closer and closer, Cheng Qing was able to determine the cultivation base of the enemies. The cultivation base of the enemies was around the fifth level of the Xumi Stage, and the wolfwalker chasing them was led by a fifth level Xumi Stage martial artist and closely followed by three fourth level Xumi Stage martial artists.    


Cheng Qing slowly put Qian Jun on a pile of rocks. The distance between them was getting closer and closer. He could already see the face of the fugitive, of course he didn't recognize them. At this moment, their faces were full of panic and anxiety. From time to time, they would turn around and take a few glances. One of the people in the middle had been heavily injured, and his abdomen was covered by a layer of scarlet.    


Cheng Qing's gaze swept past them and locked onto the Sumeru Stage Fifth Stage wolfwalker. Through the tip of the arrow, he could see the other party's body rapidly grow larger as it moved up and down.    


The corner of his mouth slightly curved, and his Essence lit up the dense sigil on the crossbow. Cheng Qing decisively pulled the trigger.    


With the dull sound of the string moving, the crossbow arrow coated with black and silver turned into a cyan ray of light. It flashed in front of Cheng Qing like a shooting star and quickly disappeared into the distance.    


The wolfman in front of the crossbow suddenly raised his head, his sharp eyes looking in the direction of Cheng Qing. He sensed danger. However, it was too late. Even though he finally twisted his body and rolled to the side, the green light still drilled into his body. It swept out from his back and blasted into the yellow soil, stirring up a cloud of dust.    


At the same time, Cheng Qing had already pulled the second trigger, and the second arrow followed closely behind. This time, it had hit the thigh of a Xumi Stage Fourth Wolf King.    


After firing two arrows consecutively, Cheng Qing quickly left the pile of rocks. He bent down and ran forward at full speed. His right hand took out two arrows from his Cosmic Bag and quickly filled them in.    


When he was at the first level of the Xumi Stage, he would only be able to shoot out four arrows and his elemental energy would be depleted. However, after advancing to the second level of the Xumi Stage, he would be able to shoot out four arrows and still have half of his energy remaining.    


The Sumeru Stage Fifth Stage wolfwalker let out an angry roar and tumbled to the ground before quickly standing up and continuing to sprint forward. It was obvious that it didn't take this small injury seriously.    


At the same time, he decisively ordered his troops to surround the pile of rubble that Chen Qing was hiding in. The three wolfwalker archers in the group drew their bows and nocked their arrows, ready to attack at any moment.    




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