Legend of Sword King



0When Cheng Qing said he wanted to meet the Crown Prince of the Qin Nation, he obviously didn't want to barge into his enemies' ambush zone. He still hadn't thought of risking the lives of himself, Yang Ruoxi, and the others.    


His current cultivation level was indeed at the top of the West Continent, but he couldn't withstand a large number of experts working together to attack him. If he was not afraid of all the cultivators in the Qin Nation, he wouldn't have needed to run to the east side of the river and directly kill his way into the east side to assassinate Ying MuRong and then force the Qin Emperor to abdicate.    


At the County Inn, about 60 miles away from Wild Goose Falling Mouth, Ying MuRong stood by the window with his hands behind his back. He stared at the brightly lit streets, deep in thought, and remained motionless for a long time.    


As the crown prince of the Qin Nation, Ying MuRong had a cultivation base at the seventh level of the lesser celestial stage. He was only slightly weaker than Empress Qin of the Qin Nation, who was at the eighth level of the lesser celestial stage, and the Qin Emperor, who was at the ninth level of the lesser celestial stage.    


If his cultivation was high, even if he won, he wouldn't be able to become the crown prince. In terms of military affairs, he wouldn't lose to the Qin Emperor.    


As for the fight to win over the nobles and court officials and the other princes — with an empress mother capable of defeating the previous empress dowager, what reason could he have to do badly?    


In the Qin Nation, Ying Xingrong was like a rising sun that was revered by the officials and praised by the masses. If nothing went wrong, he would lead the Great Qin Empire to conquer the land and rule over the West Continent in the future.    


The Crown Prince who had won the fight against Mu Rong was now as stable as a mountain. What he needed was only time.    


Time will make him stronger.    


On this trip to Hedong City to take charge of the military situation, although the situation was grim and he would face the mysterious experts from the Tang Dynasty, he didn't think that he would fail the task given to him by the Qin Emperor. He'd been in high position for a long time and was used to giving orders. What he lacked the least was confidence.    


He had brought a lot of experts with him. Including himself, he could kill them even if he was at the eighth level of the Lesser Heaven stage. He could even fight against ninth level of the Lesser Heaven stage. And according to the reports below, that cultivator from the Great Tang, definitely did not have the strength of a Greater Heaven stage cultivator.    


Therefore, Mu Rong was confident in winning.    


What he needed to consider now was how far the Tang Dynasty's mysterious experts would go to oppose the Qin Nation.    


This was the reason why he had sent someone to spread the news that he wanted to meet up with the other party. It was best not to offend him if he could avoid offending Tang Dynasty.    


On the eve of midnight, when Ying MuRong was about to go to rest, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart. He looked towards the direction of the tower, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. On the other side of the eaves, a graceful and graceful figure appeared, appearing even more mysterious in the light of the full moon.    


The distance between the two parties was at least three hundred feet, but with Ying Mugrong's cultivation at the seventh level of the Lesser Heaven stage, he could clearly feel that the other party was looking at him.    


At the same time, an enigmatic voice rang in his ears, sounding both real and illusory, as though it was close at hand. "Since the crown prince wishes to meet with me, I shall give you this opportunity."    


After those words were spoken, the ethereal figure in front of the full moon leisurely flew away from the city gate tower like a big goose. From the direction of Ying MuRong, the other side seemed to be flying towards Haoyue.    


Ying Mugrong's heart shook. This technique that could only be heard by him from a distance of 1000 feet was simply too common. One could only imagine just how powerful this person was.    


He was truly an expert from the Tang Dynasty!    


After a moment of hesitation, Ying Mugrong flew out of the inn and followed from afar.    


The fact that the other party was willing to talk to him was something that he could only wish for.    




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