Legend of Sword King



0Head? What was above his head? Of course not.    


Outside was the night sky. What could there be in the night sky?    


Cheng Qing was about to reply when someone knocked on the door.    


"Who?" Cheng Qing immediately became alert.    


"I'm taking a bath. Why is it taking so long?" It was the voice of another direct disciple in the group.    


"Can you control it? "Scram!" Chen Qing continued to carry out his "Su Chen's" temperament, impatiently swearing out loud. He was a direct disciple, yet he was being urged to take a bath?    


The direct disciple outside did not say another word.    


Cheng Qing knew that he couldn't drag it out any longer. If the other party couldn't wait any longer and saw the wolf girl and the disciple next door, it would be a huge problem.    


This was an extraordinary period, and it was impossible to tolerate any accidents. Besides, Chen Qing had always had a mind of his own.    


The wolf girl was unhappy that her meeting with Cheng Qing had been interrupted. She jumped off the wall with a cold expression and was about to rush over to teach him a lesson. Cheng Qing quickly grabbed her arm and shook his head seriously. He lowered his voice and said, "I'm in a very delicate situation. It wouldn't be wrong to say that my life is in danger." Can you do me a favor? "    


Although he didn't know why the wolf girl was able to enter and leave the camp without being discovered, it was just like how Cheng Qing didn't know how she was able to find him accurately in the vast mountains and sea of people. Since these wolf robed young girls were unwilling to share, he naturally wouldn't ask them any further.    


Now, all he needed to do was to know that she had the ability to help him.    


Being trapped in the Thousand-Jue Sect and not giving up on the three families' conspiracy, Cheng Qing had no other choice. Now that the wolf girl had suddenly appeared, it was no different than a blessing from the heavens to Cheng Qing.    


The wolf girl squinted her eyes and revealed a smile. Her small hands patted her chest, indicating that Cheng Qing could speak anytime he wanted. She would definitely help.    


There was only one reason why he could slap his chest so loudly.    


She had no chest.    


Without a chest, it would have hit the sternum, making such a loud sound.    


Of course the little girl would not have breasts.    


Cheng Qing suddenly felt guilty.    


When they parted ways in the Hundred Miles Battlefield, Cheng Qing had promised to find her after the battle. He had helped her collect the Cosmic Bag and take out the food and other useful items.    


After the Great War of Sun Moon City, Cheng Qing went to the Thousand-Jue Sect. Although the situation had taken a turn for the worse, it was indeed a good thing for the wolf girl. At this moment, Cheng Qing didn't even dare to think about the scene where the young girl sat at the entrance with her back to the pile of Cosmic Bags, waiting expectantly for the sunrise and sunset outside the mountain.    


Waiting was an exceptionally long process for those who were already lonely.    


Especially when the hope turned into disappointment, there was no one who was sad enough to say anything about it. It only made his heart hurt even more.    


But now, the wolf girl had found him with much difficulty. The two of them didn't even have time to talk, Cheng Qing had to let her go. And after hearing that she could help Cheng Qing, she agreed so straightforwardly and powerfully, her eyes filled with the joy that came from the bottom of her heart.    


The look of blame in his eyes when he saw Cheng Qing had long since disappeared.    


This made Cheng Qing's heart ache, and his chest was blocked in panic.    


As a person of two lifetimes, he had never owed anyone, nor did he ever want to owe anyone. For a person who valued friendship, it was always his greatest punishment for being afraid to treat others shamelessly. And now, no matter what, he owed her a lot.    


However, he didn't have the time to think about it right now.    


Cheng Qing was always open-minded and free, and was not the type of person who entangled himself. After making up to the wolf-robed girl's mind in the future, he decisively said, "If you can find me, I believe you can also find someone else. I have some news, help me send it to Song Qianshu or Yang Ruoxi. When we met in the Hundred Miles Battlefield, you met both of them and we even ate barbecue together. "    




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