Legend of Sword King



0His hand that was holding the sword trembled slightly, and his hand went numb at the corners of his mouth. His heart jolted, and he was secretly surprised: This kid is only at the fifth level of the Inceptive Realm, how can his vitality be as vigorous as this old man's, and be as strong as this old man's?    


The reason why he kept on insulting Cheng Qing was because he noticed Cheng Qing's strong Yuan Qi and wanted to attack him with words. He wanted to make Cheng Qing angry, make Cheng Qing upset, and then make a mistake, but he did not expect that after he cursed Cheng Qing, Cheng Qing was not only fine, but his power was even stronger!    


It was one thing if Cheng Qing's sword attack was powerful, but what surprised Wei Jiangnan was that with every swing of Cheng Qing's sword, a green lotus would bloom before the sword attack.    


Wei Jiangnan exclaimed in his heart. He could no longer hold back his cultivation because he wanted to preserve his life force. The Essence in his Qi Sea gushed out like crazy. Slash after slash rushed towards Cheng Qing like a tidal wave.    


Not only that, Wei Jiangnan who did not hold back his cultivation, revealed his combat skills. Abandoning his previous method of clashing head on with force, he started to shift to the side, thrusting, raising, chopping, sweeping, and raising his sword, his sword qi transformed into countless different sword images, attacking Cheng Qing from all directions!    


Wei Jiangnan had already determined that Cheng Qing had a strong vitality, so he wanted to use his combat skills to win. Thus, the two of them had rushed from the rooftop to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the house, and from time to time, they had rushed up to the rooftop again, occasionally moving to the academy wall. Wherever they went, there would be sword slashes left behind by the sword qi.    


This scene caused everyone from the Wei family to be tongue-tied and flabbergasted. Waves of fear surged through their hearts!    


As the battle progressed, the shock in Wei Jiangnan's heart became more and more intense. He was gradually filled with shock. Like Wu Nanshan, he also quickly discovered that his battle skill could not crush Cheng Qing. On the contrary, he was being held back by him!    


"You little bastard, what secrets do you have?!" How could you have such an outstanding battle skill!? " Wei Jiangnan angrily roared.    


"You have no right to know." Chen Qing turned the tide of sword qi into a wave of attack, forcing Wei Jiangnan to retreat one step at a time.    


"Bastard!" "You're dead for sure!" Wei Jiangnan fiercely slashed out a few times, forcing Chen Qing to the side. Then, he jumped onto the roof and shouted, "Regardless of what secrets you have, they will all be mine in no time! "Little bastard, to be able to force me to use the top cultivation technique of the Wei family, you can die with your eyes closed!"    


"To flatten the clouds and move the mountains, shake the heavens when facing a python: [Nine Roars and Shocking Python Technique]!"    


As Wei Jiangnan activated the "Nine Howling Python Technique", an origin energy cloud immediately appeared above his head. In an instant, the cloud expanded to a radius of fifty feet, and a vortex appeared in the middle of the cloud. The center of the cloud was completely black, as if it was connected to another world.    


The white python was at least two zhang in length. Its eyes were like lanterns, its tongue was like a sword, and its entire body emitted a baleful aura. It was extremely horrifying, as if it could devour a person's soul.    


And this was not the most terrifying thing, because this was only the first great python. Soon after, a second large python jumped out from the whirlpool, then a third, a fourth … All the way until the ninth!    




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