Legend of Sword King



0He then turned to Chen Qing and said with a smile, "There are so many people sitting here. Chaos must be delicious!"    


Cheng Qing said powerlessly, "You just said you were almost full."    


"Is that so? Did I say that? " Lin Xin blinked her eyes, her face was filled with confusion. The nature of a glutton made her completely unwilling to admit to this matter.    


Cheng Qing patted his head and wisely decided not to delve too deeply into this matter.    


After a while, two hot bowls of primal chaos were served to him. Without any hesitation, Lin Xin took out her chopsticks, while Cheng Qing looked at the chaos in front of him and felt a little troubled. His appetite was originally not small, and according to common sense, it was impossible for him to be compared to a young girl.    


"This owner of the Primal Chaos booth is such a good person. He has such a high level of respect …"    


"Eat, eat, eat! If you get cold, it won't taste good anymore!" Lin Xin ate while "cheering" Cheng Qing on.    


Cheng Qing finally found out that accompanying a woman shopping was indeed a very dangerous thing.    


While the two of them were eating, another two people sat down at the table. They were also a man and a woman.    


Cheng Qing noticed the two of them.    


It was difficult to not pay attention to the man with the scholarly appearance. After he sat down, he looked at him with a smile. That gaze was as if it was observing a rare treasure, unmoving and extremely focused.    


She had an indescribably beautiful face that was beautiful enough to topple nations. The rare thing was that although she was beautiful enough to ruin nations, her expression was not cold and arrogant. Instead, it was extremely gentle, causing people to think of the word 'gentle like water'.    


After the woman sat down, she ordered two bowls of primal chaos. She didn't act like a scholar and kept staring at Cheng Qing. She caressed the snow-white sword embedded with precious treasures that she held in her hands, glancing at Cheng Qing from time to time.    


Being stared at by a man, Cheng Qing felt a little uncomfortable. He was being "peeked" by a beautiful woman from time to time. With Lin Xin by his side, he felt uncomfortable.    


Of course, this was not the most important reason. Obviously, Cheng Qing was very familiar with these two people in front of him because they were from the same sect in his previous life. At that time, it was also them who brought Chen Qing out of Glazed City.    


Cheng Qing already knew that they would appear sooner or later, but right now, he had to pretend he didn't know them.    


Pretending not to know a person, even if that person was a close person, it wasn't that difficult. However, when you were sitting opposite of the other person and they were even staring at you, this feeling would be very strange.    


Fortunately, Lin Xin spoke.    


Lin Xin didn't get angry. She blinked in confusion and then pointed at Cheng Qing. She seriously asked the red-haired woman, "Is he good-looking?"    


The red-haired woman did not find this question strange. Instead, she smiled and asked, "What do you think?"    


Lin Xin nodded his head and said in a serious tone, "Very nice to watch."    


The red-haired woman smiled sweetly and said, "I think it's so-so."    


Lin An put down his chopsticks and stared at the red-haired woman, "If you say it like that, then you're just looking for trouble."    


The red-haired woman was slightly surprised. "Don't tell me you want to fight with me?"    


Lin Xin didn't seem like she was joking at all: "Should I choose a place?"    


Red hair was stunned for a moment, and then his smile became even more brilliant. The look in Lin Xin's eyes became even more curious. Of course she knew, Lin Xin was just unhappy that she would peek at Li Ye from time to time, so she took the initiative to cause trouble.    


"Little girl, you're very cute." The red-haired woman laughed.    




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