Naruto: One-click 999





Just as Daylight Day was about to answer Xiao Tian, two Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members appeared in front of them and knelt down on one knee.    


"Master, we have controlled all spies in Hyuga Clan. We have completed the exorcism mission!"    




Withdraw a quest?    


After hearing what the two Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members had said, his face couldn't help but reveal an expression of disbelief.    


Based on the current situation, it seemed that his own teacher already knew that Ninja would make a move against their Hyuga Clan.    


However, judging from the words of the two Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members, their Hyuga Clan should already be out of danger right now.    


"En, you can leave now. As for the escort matters, get Tsugaku to cooperate with you. As for the interrogation, leave it to Kakashi."    


"Yes, my lord!"    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the two Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members did not stay any longer and directly turned around and left.    


He came and went without a trace, hurrying on his way.    


"What a day! You should have already guessed the general situation, right?"    


"Yes, teacher!"    


Right now, they were suddenly attacking him. Without even needing to think, one could tell that the Hidden Cloud Village this time around definitely did not come with good intentions.    


They, could very possibly be the vanguard troops that the Hidden Cloud Village had taken action against, the death squads!    


and so on...    


If that was really the case, then with his teacher's personality, he would probably have to make a move against Hidden Cloud Village next.    


And as the main force of attack, most likely their Hyuga Clan!    


After all, what their teacher did was, if you get bullied, tell me and I'll be responsible for beating up the strongest amongst them.    


As for the rest of the fish, it would be up to them to handle.    


However, their Hyuga Clan had already started pursuing the path of mediocrity a long, long time ago.    


Now, if he went back and told those clan elders that he wanted Hyuga Clan to participate in the mission.    


He might not even be able to get a single vote!    


Since they were able to enjoy their power and status, why did they still choose to participate in the battle?    


That sort of thing was simply a strenuous effort on the part of others, to the point of being unable to curry favor with them.    


But the key point is, this matter is not Third Generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen raised, and also not Fifth Generation Hokage Tsunade raised.    


It was suggested by his teacher, Killer God of Konoha, Xiao Tian!    


In front of this person, he really didn't have the courage to say anything.    


And naturally, Xiao Tian had already guessed the reaction of the Sun Dazhi.    


Therefore, in the next moment, Xiao Tian suddenly spoke up.    


"What's the matter? What are you thinking about?"    


"Teacher, I just …"    


"I just feel that this matter has already come to an end, so I don't need to make a move against Hidden Cloud Village anymore? Do you only need me to go to the Hidden Cloud Village and ask him to drag out the person that caused your brother's death? "    


When he said that, Xiao Tian's tone suddenly stopped.    


"What a day! Have you been dragged by that brat Ape Fei for too long, causing your bones to rust?" "I can tell you very clearly now, with your current state, you can't even beat Tsugaku, who was on par with you before."    


Am I unable to defeat that fellow now?    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Rising Sun's legs slightly lowered and a peculiar light flashed in his eyes. Scenes of the past appeared one by one at this time.    


Xiao Tian chose to keep silent and did not continue talking about the current state of Rising Sun's legs.    


He had done what he needed to do, and he had said what he needed to say.    


As for his disciple, what choice would he make? That was his wish.    


As a teacher, he could only help him to this extent.    


However, just as Xiao Tian was silently waiting for a moment just now, the undecided and indecisive Sun Bro suddenly bowed to him and spoke with a deep voice.    


"Teacher, Hyuga Clan, requests to participate!"    


"You, kid, what you're doing is right."    


Hearing his teacher's affirmation, there was no happiness on his face. Instead, he felt helpless.    


Yes, the decision he had made now was indeed the right choice.    


The current Konoha was not under the lead of Third Generation Hokage and Sarutobi Hiruzen. Instead, it was an era where a vast majority of people advocated for the recovery of one's life.    


However, the will to fight was extremely strong in the whole village. It was a time when the whole village was itching to go to the battlefield and bravely kill the enemy.    


If Hyuga Clan didn't fight at this time, perhaps he would become a thorn in the eye and in the flesh of everyone in the village.    


Making their Hyuga Clan directly into that of the former Uchiha clan was a dangerous, rebellious path.    



Your Hyuga Clan's princess, your Hyuga Clan's strongest genius has already been attacked by the people from the other villages, can you still endure this?    


If you make a move, the village can still help you. If you choose to endure it, then we need to carefully consider whether or not your entire clan is a spy from Hidden Cloud Village.    


In short, if the current Hyuga Clan wanted to continue to exist, then he could only retreat and advance, and take the initiative to participate!    


"Foot of Day, since you have already made the decision to fight, as a teacher, there are some things that I should tell you before the battle."    


"Please speak, Teacher."    


Zhang Zian lowered his head and respectfully replied. His eyes were filled with a bright light at the same time.    


He knew that the next words that his own teacher would say, would be the best plan for Hyuga Clan.    


"Hyuga Clan is the same as the Uchiha Clan, they were once the main force of the Konoha Battlefield, and now, the Thousand-Hands Clan has sadly left the stage of history, so the current Konoha will need the support of your two great clans."    


At this point, Xiao Tian thought about it and decided to continue.    


"It's nothing. Didn't you want your Hyuga Clan to become the strongest family?"    


"This disciple is terrified!"    


When he heard Xiao Tian's words, he quickly lowered his head and kneeled down.    


What kind of joke was this? If it wasn't for his teacher, he would still have the guts to plan things out.    


However, saying these words in front of his teacher was no different from wanting to rebel.    


He was very clear on this point, and would not be so foolish as to admit it directly.    


Xiao Tian nodded in satisfaction at the reaction of the Heaven's Foot. Then, he directly threw him an explosive message.    


"It's fine. Since you want the Hyuga Clan to become the number one clan in Konoha so badly, I'll help you."    


"I will let Naruto be the seventh generation Hokage, and your daughter, Hinata, will become the Hokage's wife."    


"For a clan to produce a Hokage wife, you should know what you have to do from now on, right?"    




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