Naruto: One-click 999



0The seventh generation Hokage was Naruto? Hinata is the wife of the Hokage?    


After hearing Xiao Tian's words, Crimson Fist was slightly stunned. Then, he immediately kowtowed to Xiao Tian.    


"Thank you for your kindness!" It will definitely not disappoint Teacher. No matter what happens in the future, Hyuga Clan will definitely become the most durable shield in Konoha! "    




Seeing this reaction, Xiao Tian nodded slightly and then raised his head to look at the moon above his head.    


Usually, it was covered by the black clouds and usually, it was bright and clear.    


"Heidong, don't tell me that you're not curious, who will be the successor to the sixth generation Hokage and Assassinate Tactical Special Forces?"    


Upon hearing these words, Rising Sun Bro, who was kneeling on the ground, was stunned for a moment before he laughed bitterly.    


"If my guess is correct, the sixth generation Hokage should be that kid Uchiha Itachi. As for the person in charge of Assassinate Tactical Special Forces, since Hokage is Uchiha Itachi, then the person in charge of Assassinate Tactical Special Forces should naturally be that kid, Uchiha Shisui."    


"You didn't guess wrong. "But day leave, don't you feel jealous of Teacher's arrangement?"    




After hearing Xiao Tian's words, Nikorei was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Xiao Tian to ask that.    


But soon, Rising Sun immediately opened his mouth, his face was filled with relief.    


"Jealous? After all, the quality of the geniuses of our current generation in the Hyuga Clan is indeed not something that can be compared with the clan of Uchiha. "    


From the looks of it, the geniuses of the Uchiha Clan were Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi.    


As for the Uchiha, it was just like his little daughter, Hua Huo, they were still unknown.    


In their generation of Hyuga Clan, the only people who could show this kind of strength were his daughter Hyuga Hinata and his younger brother's child, Sun Xiang Ning.    


However, compared to Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha Clan, his daughter was simply too tender. It was basically the difference between a young bird and a young eagle that could fly alone.    


As for 'Rising Sun to Peace', that was still alright. His talent and strength were both very good.    


However, compared to Uchiha Shisui, he was still a little inferior.    


Furthermore, there was the mark of a branch family on him. Although Uchiha Shisui also had the status of a side branch member, compared to Sun Xiang Ning, Uchiha Shisui was too kind.    


Therefore, no matter which competition they competed in, it was impossible for their current generation of youngsters to surpass the Uchiha.    


A talent and ability can't match up to the other party, but a person on the wrong path is much more likely than the other party.    


With such a difference, Rising Sun would never believe that his teacher would let his two children become the person in charge of the Konoha's Hokage s and Assassinate Tactical Special Forces.    


That was too emotional, too reckless.    


Xiao Tian nodded slightly and added after hearing what Rising Sun Ye had to say.    


"Letting the weasel and Shisui, the two little fellows, be the leaders of the Hokage s and Assassinate Tactical Special Forces was the safest choice for Konoha considering the current situation."    


"This is an era of chaos. What Konoha needs is not a gentle manager, but a decisive adjudicator."    


"Just you wait. This twenty to thirty years is the glorious time of the Uchiha Clan, but in the next twenty to thirty years, it will be your turn to enter the peak of your Hyuga Clan."    


Think about it, after Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi abdicated, Naruto would become the seventh generation Hokage.    


As the family of the Hokage's Madam, coupled with their background, it would be hard for them not to prosper.    


Thinking of this, Rising Sun bowed to Xiao Tian once again.    


"Yes, disciple understands."    


Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian nodded slightly, then casually waved his hand towards the Sun Dazhou.    


"If that's the case, then you should go back and carefully prepare for it. I do not wish for there to be any other sound coming from your Hyuga Clan before the team begins to depart."    


"Disciple understands."    


"That's good. Let's go."    




After Xiao Tian finished his sentence, his body also disappeared.    


Since the problem of the Hyuga Clan had been completely resolved, the arrangements for the Rising Sun's side had also been made.    


Then, it was time for him to return to Tsunade and ask her to cooperate with his plans for the next step.    


"Teacher, still the same old, swift and decisive, unusually overbearing. You simply won't let our Konoha suffer even the tiniest bit of loss to outsiders."    


Staring at the empty grassland in front of him, he shook his head slightly towards Zhiku, then turned around and left, returning back to the main hall of the Zong Clan.    


Hyuga Clan that had been quiet for so long, was now more or less the same.    


And at the same time Hyuga Clan went into the darkness, Xiao Tian's side had "exploded."    




"Hmph, this Hidden Cloud Village, they actually dared to come, and actually brazenly sent someone to take action!"    


Tsunade angrily slammed the table in front of her. The anger on her face was obvious.    


In regards to this, Xiao Tian, who was beside them, was much calmer. He leisurely replaced the broken table and lightly added.    


"This time, it's not only this Hidden Cloud Village that wants to attack us. Some people would like to take advantage of this opportunity to cause a huge commotion."    


"What do you mean?"    



Tsunade's brows furrowed when she heard Xiao Tian's words. Although she had realized something, she did not dare to think about it that way.    


If that was the case, she might really need to make a trip to the Mansion of Fame and request for a large amount of funds and strategic materials.    


Just as Tsunade was hesitating, Xiao Tian calmly spoke.    


"There is no need to doubt. The actual situation is not much different from what you imagined. The current us is indeed being watched by the other three Ninja villages."    


"What?" It's really true! "    


Tsunade slammed the table again, disbelief written all over her face.    


It was fine if Hidden Cloud Village and Hidden Rock Village attacked them, but what was this Hidden Sand Village trying to do?    


This sort of thing, was impossible.    


If Hidden Sand Village was really involved in this, then why did they sacrifice so many benefits three years ago to form an alliance with them?    


The two events seemed to contradict each other!    


It was just that no matter how much disbelief she felt in her heart, it seemed as if the actual situation before her was really like this.    


After all, if not for the help of Hidden Sand Village, how could the spies in Hidden Cloud Village and Hidden Rock Village infiltrate into their Konoha so easily?    


So much so that spies even appeared within the Konoha s of the two great families, the Uchiha s of the entire clan and the Hyuga Clan s.    


The Uchiha was still alright, because of the battle in Hidden Fog Village, the cohesion had been strengthened, and anyone with abnormal behavior would be found out very quickly.    


However, because the Hyuga Clan had been quiet for too long, if it wasn't for the Hidden Cloud Village spies attacking them this time, it would be really difficult for them to find all the spies and bring them back.    


In short, the current situation was extremely terrible for the Konoha!    




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