Naruto: One-click 999



0"Do I have to fight?"    


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had just stood up, sat back down immediately.    


He was silent for a few minutes.    


"Ai, so, what exactly do you want me to do for you by coming to find me now?"    


Sarutobi Hiruzen was not stupid, since Xiao Tian was prepared to fight, then the Konoha's defensive power would be lacking.    


At least, the Konoha would once again become a state where no one would be able to control it.    


Xiao Tian was naturally here …    


"Help me guard my Konoha, your disciples, and the village well."    


"You don't have to say these things."    


At this point, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned to Xiao Tian, who was beside the window, and gently shook his head.    


"But to be honest, you are still as fierce as before. You are so domineering that you would not allow anyone to disobey your decision."    


"I'm getting old, I'm used to it."    


"You don't look old at all. All these years …"    


"You've gone off topic."    


Xiao Tian did not let Sarutobi Hiruzen continue and directly interrupted him.    


He was well aware of what the other party wanted to say. He just wanted to know where he had been all these years.    


and why youth can last forever.    


Xiao Tian didn't mind helping Sarutobi Hiruzen extend his lifespan if the conditions allowed him to change back to the "he" in the future.    


As for now, he would first solve the problem of the Hidden Fog Village.    


Ta ta ta ta.    


Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't pay much attention to his words being interrupted. Instead, he stood up and walked to the side of Xiao Tian and calmly said.    


"Uchiha Clan is a double-edged sword. Be careful when you use it, don't get hurt in the process."    


Xiao Tian slightly shrugged his shoulders in response to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.    


"If that person from back then was here, perhaps I really wouldn't dare to touch the Uchiha Clan. But now …"    


"As long as they dare to stir up trouble within the Konoha and challenge my bottom line, I can easily take care of this clan at any time!"    


This guy still had the same violent temper as before, just like when he once galloped about on the battlefield.    


Only myself... The first heart is no more.    


"Alright, alright, since you're still as confident as before, then I don't have anything else to say to you."    


"Go and come back early. Come back, let's go eat ramen noodles together."    


"The ramen noodles that the Konoha has opened these years are very delicious. We'll go eat together after this matter is completely over.    




Xiao Tian did not refuse Sarutobi Hiruzen's invitation.    


After all, aside from the fact that the other person was subservient to him, the other person was still his junior brother in terms of status.    


Thinking about it, Xiao Tian immediately used Art of Asuka no Kami and left.    


"Oh right, during this period of time when I'm not here, my Assassinate Tactical Special Forces will only listen to Tsunade's orders. You, Xiao Chun, and Gatekeeper can't even think about getting into trouble with me."    


"..." "This guy …"    


Sarutobi Hiruzen just shook his head at Xiao Tian's last words and didn't care much about it.    


He knew that Xiao Tian was just casually saying it. After all, if he was willing, Tsunade would still temporarily let him handle the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces.    


Xiao Tian only said this to tell him that he could use the power of his Assassinate Tactical Special Forces when necessary.    


As for Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, he needed to restrict them a little.    


After all, those two fellows seemed to be even more stubborn than an old man like him.    


Thinking about that, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the reflection of the old man on the window and subconsciously clenched his fist.    


A peculiar bright light flashed across his eyes.    


"However, Xiao Tian, you are not wrong in one thing, the Konoha has indeed been silent for too long."    


"So this time, I hope you can once again spread the word 'Konoha' across the entire Ninja Realm."    


"Please, Mr Tian!"    




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