Naruto: One-click 999



0"Oh right, I have some news for you. You might be interested."    




Seeing that Jue brought back more news, Uchiha Obito's eyes were filled with interest.    


As far as he was concerned, as long as he could destroy the world, as long as he could destroy Konoha, as long as he could complete the task that troubled Xiao Tian, he really wanted to know.    


"According to the latest intelligence sent back, there seems to be an additional old man among the protection forces at the Konoha border."    




"Xiao Tian's old friend, one of the Guards members of the second generation Hokage, Akimichi Torifu."    


"Jie Jie Jie, Akimichi Torifu? "Although he is just an old fellow who needs not be bothered about anything, if he is related to Xiao Tian …"    


After hearing Jue's words, Uchiha Obito roughly understood the other party's intention.    


Uchiha Obito sneered.    


"Since that's the case, then let them send people to kill Akimichi Torifu. That's an old friend of Killer God of Konoha's. We must properly entertain him. That's right, kill off the two batches of Ninja sent by Konoha as well. "    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk. If this still doesn't make Xiao Tian angry, then let Qiao Zhuang's assassins attack the villages within the Fire Nation."    


"Remember, you have to be fast. Don't show mercy!"    




Hearing Uchiha Obito's words, he did not retort and nodded before leaving the cave again.    


After Jue left, Uchiha Obito turned to look at the fourth generation Water Shadow Boltlock.    


"As a perfect Human Column Force, you better not disappoint me. After all, I want to know more about our Killer God of Konoha."    


Last time, when he was suppressed by Xiao Tian's Thunder God Stage Two attack, Uchiha Obito felt very uncomfortable.    


Especially since he had a strong feeling that if he did not finish Xiao Tian off, it would be difficult for him to carry out his plan.    


In short, this Killer God of Konoha, Xiao Tian, must die!    


It would be best if he could just die in Hidden Fog Village!    




Noon of the second day, in the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces office.    




"Master Xiao Tian!" There's an emergency! "    


A Assassinate Tactical Special Forces member in charge of conveying information directly knelt on one knee after entering the office.    




Xiao Tian calmly spat out one word before he continued organizing the information that he had just sent back.    


As for the reaction of the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces member who just came back, Xiao Tian didn't care too much.    


With regards to this, Tsunade, who had followed him to the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces office and sat on his lap, did not pay much attention to it either.    


Since she chose to trust Xiao Tian, she would support him unconditionally and would not become a hindrance to his actions.    


"Master Xiao Tian, the two teams we sent out to the Water Country have been attacked by an unknown enemy!"    


"An attack from an unknown enemy?"    


Hearing this, Xiao Tian gently put down the document, and looked at the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces member in front of him.    


"Go on."    


"The other party did not wear the protection that only the Ninja has, and they attacked the moment they saw him. If not for Akimichi Torifu and his comrades at the border protecting him, even if he retreated to the border, he would not have been able to return."    


Back to the border?    


Which is to say, these two Assassinate Tactical Special Forces Squads that were sent out to complement each other should not have entered the Hidden Fog Village yet.    


"Are they attacked at the border or in Hidden Fog Village?"    


"Near the border!"    


"Hehehe, interesting, interesting …"    




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