Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C698 Centuries-old Earth

C698 Centuries-old Earth

0A hundred years ago, it was such a grand occasion, but now it had been defeated everywhere, covered in dust and spiderwebs.    


Zhou Yi didn't get anything at the moment, and he went to a few other large factions that were once strong, but they all disappeared without a trace.    


Zhou Yi couldn't understand what kind of power could make so many forces disappear from the public eye.    


He knew that these forces had not truly disappeared, but had hidden themselves.    


But where could they hide?    


Zhou Yi felt a headache and could not help but sigh.    


When he returned to the mansion, he was in a bad mood. He didn't expect Wang Yuelin to have been waiting in front of the door for a long time.    


"What's the matter?" Zhou Yi opened the door of the mansion and walked in sideways towards Wang Yuelin.    


Wang Yuelin was about to stop when he entered through the door.    


"If you have something to say, then just say it. How many people are you? Why are you still grumbling like this?!" Zhou Yi was in a bad mood, so he lost a bit of patience when he spoke to him.    


Hearing that, Wang Yuelin couldn't help but blush.    


Zhou Yi knew that he said too much. He walked to the sofa and waved at Wang Yuelin, "Come over here!"    


Not long after that, Wang Yuelin received the tea from Mo Qingcheng. He first respectfully nodded at Mo Qingcheng before turning around to look at Zhou Yi.    


"Uncle Zhou, it's like this!" Before Wang Yuelin said this, he secretly lifted his head to glance at Zhou Yi and saw Zhou Yi drinking tea casually. He took a deep breath and said, "The people up there want to meet you!"    


"Someone from above?" Zhou Yi repeated subconsciously, but then he knew who it was.    


However, the person now should not be the old man that he left with. The old man should have died a long time ago.    


However, he didn't seem to have any relationship with the current Leader, so why would he want to meet him?    


Moreover, the cultivation level that he himself discovered was only Divinity Stage, when he met a true expert, he would simply not be a match for the other party. If he was able to establish a relationship with the higher ups at this time, it might be of some use.    


Thinking of this, Zhou Yi nodded.    


Wang Yuelin didn't expect Zhou Yi to agree so readily, so he immediately said: "Alright, then this afternoon!"    


"What?" Zhou Yi didn't think that this guy would be so anxious. He just agreed to it on one side and the other side will be in the afternoon directly.    


Lifting up his watch and looking at the time, Zhou Yi sighed helplessly and said, "Looks like we only have time for lunch."    


Wang Yuelin laughed loudly. "What do you want to eat, Uncle Zhou? I'll treat you!"    


At 2 PM that day, a helicopter punctually stopped on Wang Family's lawn.    


Zhou Yi boarded the plane alone.    


The plane flew for nearly two hours before stopping in front of a villa on the coast.    


Then, Zhou Yi was brought into the mansion.    


"Oh, you are Zhou Yi? Please sit down! " An old man about 60 years old stood in the hall of the mansion. The moment Zhou Yi was brought in, he turned around and greeted him.    


It looked like he had been waiting for her.    


Zhou Yi nodded and said, "Hello, I don't know how..."    


"No rush, let's drink some tea first!" He didn't expect the old leader to sit on the sofa and extend his hand towards Zhou Yi.    


Zhou Yi had no choice but to sit down.    


The leader in front of him looked very young. Most of his hair was black, and only a few strands of silver hair were mixed in. He had an amiable face, so he didn't seem like someone who would stay in a high position for a long time.    


However, most people would look at them as if they were their own residences, which was quite fitting of their identity.    


Zhou Yi didn't feel any oppressing aura as he sat opposite him, but he had no choice but to sit upright.    


"Zhou Yi, do you know?" Ever since the leader of the elders passed away, I've been thinking whether I'll ever have the chance to meet that legendary hero. It seems like I'm still lucky! " The moment Zhou Yi sat down, the old man opposite him suddenly said this.    


Zhou Yi picked up his tea cup and was about to drink it, but he was stunned when he heard Zhou Yi's words.    


"What do you mean?" Zhou Yi wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to.    


Seeing Zhou Yi's expression, the old man explained with a smile, "The old leader's evaluation of you is very high. He said that if you can really stay here forever, then our country will become powerful to the point of dominating the world. Unfortunately, the old leader didn't see this day."    


When Zhou Yi heard him say that, he instantly understood what he meant.    


However, Zhou Yi didn't want to be entangled with this question too much, so he directly asked: "Can you tell me about the current situation, or perhaps, what has happened to the country in the past hundred years? Why did the ancient martial forces from the Jiang City all disappear? "    


"Ha ha!" When the old man heard Zhou Yi's words, he instantly revealed a wry smile: "Actually, Mr. Zhou, even if you didn't ask, I still want to say it. This is also the reason why I called you here!"    


Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard that.    


The old man refilled the tea cup in front of Zhou Yi and started his explanation.    


In the 20 years after Zhou Yi ascended, the country could be said to be peaceful and calm. Perhaps at that time, it was because Zhou Yi had beaten up some Demonic Cultivator in the country and those restless forces abroad had all temporarily calmed down.    


Twenty years later, the national observatory found a meteorite falling from the sky in a place in the southwest. According to their initial estimations, the thing that fell from the sky should be the same thing as the meteorite falling from the Great Rift Valley of the same city.    


Although it was only a preliminary estimate, for safety's sake, the old leader decided to send someone to take a look.    


"The one leading the team is Wang Chuan!" The old man's voice echoed in the living room.    


Hearing this, Wang Yuelin's words resounded in Zhou Yi's ears, "My father is missing!"    


"Could it be …" Thinking about that, Zhou Yi couldn't help but speak up as well.    


The old man sighed and continued, "That's right, Wang Chuan had brought a top tier expert to the Southwest region and the result was that he never returned."    



"What?!" Zhou Yi couldn't help but exclaim.    


"That's right, the disappearance of Wang Chuan and the others was also a huge loss to us. At that time, Wang Chuan must have taken away more than half of the experts in the country." As he spoke to here, the old man sighed again.    


Then he continued, "It's also because of this that this is the first time I've heard your name from the old leader!"    


Using the old man's own words, he had never imagined that a cultivator could truly reach such a realm. The old leader was also praising Zhou Yi greatly.    


Hearing the old man's words, Zhou Yi's mouth twitched. It had been a long time since someone praised him in front of him. It was so much that he felt embarrassed to continue listening.    


However, the old man didn't continue and continued to explain to Zhou Yi.    


At that time, Wang Chuan and the others had gone missing, and the rest of the powerhouses from the other forces had formed a team to go there to search, but there was still no news of them.    


With the disappearance of this group of people, Ancient Martial World had truly fallen into danger …    


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