Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C35 With My Son

C35 With My Son

0"Damned woman, do you know who you're talking to? I'm Zhou Yi's uncle, your uncle. Is there anyone who can talk to their elders like that? " Zhou Yuliang said fiercely.    


Mo Qingcheng did not show any weakness as she stared at Zhou Yuliang.    


"What are you doing here?" Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Yuliang coldly and asked.    


"Hahaha, why should I do it? Didn't your parents tell you? I'm here to get my own house back. "    


"What do you mean your house? This house was left to Zhou Yi by your grandparents. What right do you have to take it?" Mo Qingcheng asked.    


"What do you mean for Zhou Yi? It was clearly my dad and mom who left it for me. I have a witness, the elder can testify for me."    


Zhou Yuliang straightened his neck and continued, "Zhou Yi, since you've come back today, let's settle the matter today. Your parents are ignorant, you have received a good education, so you should be more reasonable than your parents. Tell me, it's not fair that your parents don't take over my house, right?"    


"What do you want?" Zhou Yi said leisurely.    


"It's very simple. Give me the land deed and you can move away."    


"What if I don't move?"    


"Yelling. I didn't think that the trash from before would dare to challenge me today. Let me tell you, if you don't hand over the land deed to me today, then I will be the one to deal with you."    


He pointed at the four people behind him and continued, "Did you see that? I came prepared today, so if you don't hand over the land deed obediently, don't blame me for being rude. You must think carefully."    


"I've already thought it through. The land deed doesn't exist, and we won't move away."    


"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite."    


With that, Zhou Yuliang waved and shouted, "Teach him a lesson."    


When they heard that their son was going to be beaten up, Zhou Yushan, Lee Mei and his wife hurriedly ran out of the house.    


Lee Mei shouted, "Zhou Yuliang, if you dare to touch a single hair on my son's head, I'll fight you to the death today. Do you believe me?"    


"Hmph, I'm still afraid of you. Big brother, I'll ask you one last time today, are you going to give me the land deed or not?"    


Zhou Yushan was an honest man, but during this period of time, he had endured being bullied by his own brother. Today, seeing that Zhou Yuliang brought people to his house to make trouble and wanted to hit his own son, he could not bear it any longer.    


"Zhou Yuliang, from today onwards, I don't have a brother like you. The house was left to me by my parents, don't even think about taking it away."    


Zhou Yuliang pointed at the crowd and said in a cold voice, "If that's the case, then don't blame me. What are you waiting for? Get rid of them."    


The four people that Zhou Yuliang brought with him rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Zhou Yi and the others.    


It was just a few hoodlums, so Zhou Yi did not put them in his eyes at all. Seeing that Zhou Yushan and Lee Mei were going to fight with their lives on the line, Zhou Yi stopped them and said, "I don't need you guys. I can take care of myself."    


With that, Zhou Yi slowly walked towards the four people that charged over.    


The four of them surrounded Zhou Yi and punched towards Zhou Yi.    


While the fists were still in the air, the four people's vision blurred instinctively as Zhou Yi, who was in the middle of the encirclement, disappeared on the spot.    


Before the four of them could react, they heard four loud "pa pa pa" sounds and were sent flying.    


The yard was completely silent. Zhou Yuliang was so shocked that his mouth was wide open.    


After dealing with the four of them, Zhou Yi slowly walked towards Zhou Yuliang.    


Zhou Yuliang was terrified and couldn't help but retreat.    


"What are you going to do? You still dare to hit your own uncle? " Zhou Yuliang shouted with a trembling voice.    


"So what?" Zhou Yi didn't stop and continued to walk towards Zhou Yuliang.    


"Let me tell you, if you dare to hit me, it would be against the teachings of the ancestors. I will get the family head to expel you from the Zhou Mansion." Zhou Yuliang threatened.    


"So what?" Zhou Yi continued to walk towards Zhou Yuliang.    


Seeing that his ancestor couldn't stop Zhou Yi, Zhou Yuliang quickly shouted at Zhou Yushan, "Big bro, you don't have to care. Your son is going to hit your own brother."    


Hearing Zhou Yuliang call him brother, Zhou Yushan, who just claimed that he couldn't stay any longer without his brother, quickly ran to the middle of Zhou Yi and Zhou Yuliang and said, "Yi, forget it, he's your uncle after all."    


Zhou Yuliang grabbed the opportunity when Zhou Yushan tried to persuade Zhou Yi, and took advantage of Zhou Yi's inattentiveness to tumble and crawl as he escaped.    


When they returned to the house, Lee Mei said happily, "My son is still the best. I want to see if they will dare to come and make trouble for us again."    


"Mom, this matter won't pass so easily. They will definitely come again." Mo Qingcheng reminded him.    


"What's there to be afraid of? With my son around, no matter how much they want to cause trouble, what can they do to me?" With that, Lee Mei patted Zhou Yi's head.    


"Zhou Yi, do you need me to solve this issue for you?"    


Zhou Yi did not want to get involved in such a complicated matter. If it wasn't for his parents, he would not have shown up in this remote Zhou Manor.    


"Alright, since you're the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, it's only right that you share the Zhou family's worries. Then I'll leave this matter to you." Zhou Yi said.    


Mo Qingcheng was confident that she would take up this task. He believed that Zhou Yuliang wanted this house for nothing more than money. Since it was going to be easy, what he lacked was not money.    


She got Zhou Yuliang's contact information from Zhou Yushan, turned around, and walked out of the room.    


Mo Qingcheng found a quiet place and dialed Zhou Yuliang's number.    


When the call connected, Mo Qingcheng said, "I'm Zhou Yi's wife, Mo Qingcheng. I'll give you one hundred thousand yuan. From now on, don't look for trouble with Zhou Yi's parents, okay?"    


The house that Zhou Yi's parents were living in was very old. It was only worth thirty to forty thousand yuan. Mo Qingcheng immediately offered one hundred thousand yuan. She believed that Zhou Yuliang would be tempted.    


"No matter how much you give me, I want the house." With that, Zhou Yuliang hung up the phone.    


Mo Qingcheng didn't expect Zhou Yuliang to reject her offer, so she was stunned on the spot. She thought to herself, I've already boasted that I can solve this issue, but I didn't expect it to turn out to be a failure. This is my first time meeting Zhou Yi's parents, and this result is too embarrassing in front of Zhou Yi and his parents.    


Mo Qingcheng calmed down and felt that there was something strange about Zhou Yuliang, so she asked her company's partner in Haicheng to investigate this matter. Coincidentally, there was an employee in the partner company who was from Zhou Village, and this employee knew a lot about the Wu Steel family. According to him, someone had previously sought Zhou Yuliang out and given him a sum of money, telling him to seize that house no matter what means he used, and chase Zhou Yi's parents out.    



Mo Qingcheng told Zhou Yi about what she knew. Zhou Yi thought for a while and decided to wait until the other party showed up.    


Ever since he came to the Zhou Jia Village and found the traces of the Spiritual Animal, Zhou Yi had always been thinking about it.    


Zhou Yi decided to go out at night to find the whereabouts of the Spiritual Animal.    


After dinner, Zhou Yi walked out of the Zhou Mansion and headed towards the location where he found the trail on his way to the Zhou Mansion on the first day.    


When he just left the village, he suddenly felt that someone was following him from behind. At a corner, Zhou Yi quickly hid himself. When he saw the person who was following him, he immediately jumped out from hiding.    


"Mo Qingcheng, go back. Don't follow me."    


"What is it? "Are you afraid I'll see you do something shameful?"    


Zhou Yi couldn't help but frown: "What nonsense, hurry up and go back."    


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