Domineering Son-In-Law

C28 A Tour of the Police Station

C28 A Tour of the Police Station

0Lin Faang walked in front, but there was no one inside.    


The bald man waved his hand and the few hulks suddenly picked up a wooden stick from the ground and threw it at Lin Faang's head. The veins on their heads bulged and they used all their strength.    


Feeling the killing intent coming from behind him, Lin Faang slightly raised his hand and made a sound. Without looking back, he mumbled to himself, "Don't kill me, I still need to ask you something."    


Before the men could react, black shadows appeared behind them one after another.    


A white light flashed in front of their eyes.    


Blood splashed onto their masks and faces. In an instant, the tendons on the hands of the five men were cut off and they fell to the ground. "Ahhh!"    


The five hulks felt the intense pain coming from their wrists. They struggled on their knees on the ground for three seconds, and the smell of blood spread around them. From start to finish, Lin Faang didn't even turn around or look at them.    


"Beep, beep, beep, beep …"    


Suddenly, the siren sounded from outside.    


A police car suddenly rushed in, and two policemen got off.    


A man and a woman held a gun and pointed it at Lin Faang who was turning around.    


"Don't move, raise your hand."    


Lin Faang raised his hands silently and raised his eyebrows. These policemen really didn't come at the right time.    


The black shadows also glanced at Lin Faang at the moment the siren sounded, and then all of them disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.    


One of the female police officers who had rushed in saw the five men who were screaming, and frowned deeply. She picked up her lecturer and said, "Five wounded, five wounded, OVER."    


As she spoke, she pulled out the handcuffs from her back, threw them towards Lin Faang, raised her gun and pointed it at him, "Bring it on yourself."    


Lin Faang frowned. He hated being pointed at by a gun. He lowered his head to pick up the handcuffs and leaned on his hands.    


"Can you put the gun down now? Please respect me."    


The policewoman thought for a moment, then put the gun into her pocket.    


Only then did Lin Faang start to size up the other person. The policewoman was upright, with a straight back. When she walked, she gave off a wild aura.    


Her height was about 1.74m, her standard S body shape should be a perfect body shape created by her years of exercise. She had a protruding front and back, wearing a summer police uniform on her body, which instead gave off a seductive feeling.    


Lin Faang's gaze fell on the other party's left chest. It was the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division, Lee Shengnan.    


To be able to get into the Criminal Investigation Division, this was definitely better than many boys. Lee Shengnan, this name, was truly worthy of her reputation.    


When she was sizing him up, Lee Shengnan had already arrived beside her. She grabbed Lin Faang's shoulder and pushed him into the police car without saying anything.    


Lin Faang observed that there was a layer of calluses on her right hand. This was the result of playing with a gun all year round without paying attention to maintenance. It seemed like it was an old gunner.    


As for the male police officer who got down with Lee Shengnan, he stayed by the side of the five men who had fallen to the ground, waiting for the arrival of the ambulance.    


A moment later.    


Inside the interrogation room of the Tianhua City police station.    


Lin Faang sat on the interrogation chair. The glaring incandescent light shone on his face made him turn his head away and close his eyes.    


Other than an interrogation room table, the room was surrounded by a cold and dark wall that made it hard to breathe. If a normal person stayed here for too long, the fear in their heart would be magnified.    


"Creak ~"    


The iron door of the interrogation room was opened from the outside.    


ta ta *    


The footsteps sounded behind Lin Faang and finally stopped in front of him.    


The other person pressed down the incandescent lamp.    


Lin Faang turned around and opened his eyes.    


It was Lee Shengnan, who had just caught her in the alley.    


Lee Shengnan walked to the opposite side of the table, pulled out a chair and sat down. She took out a pen and notebook and asked coldly, "Name?"    


"Lin Faang!"    






Lin Faang rolled his eyes weakly. Did he even need to ask? He looked like a man, otherwise, how could he be a transvestite?    


Lee Shengnan raised her head and looked at him with disgust after asking him about the normal procedure.    


"Speak, what weapon did you use to cut the tendons in the five hands of your opponent? Be honest and lenient, and be strict in resisting. This is a crime of intentional injury and attempted murder. If you are honest, I can still buy you a chance to reduce your sentence."    


"I say, pretty girls, you have to give evidence in everything you do. Did you see me break the tendons in their hands?" "There's still evidence to prove that I broke the tendons in their hands. Please don't falsely accuse me of being a good person, alright? I'm innocent."    


Lin Faang explained calmly with an innocent look on his face.    


"Framing? Innocent? "Hahaha!"    


Lee Shengnan sneered and suddenly slammed the table. A loud sound echoed throughout the room as she aggressively brought her face close to Lin Faang. She stared at him with wide eyes, wanting to put a lot of pressure on him.    


"Are you trying to tell me that someone else cut off their arm tendons and you're just standing there watching, or are you trying to tell me that you're just passing by, huh?"    


Lin Faang nodded after hearing that, "That's right! That's it, you're truly wise and wise, I really just stood there. "    


"Bullsh * t!" Lee Shengnan slapped on the interrogation table again and glared at Lin Faang.    



Lin Faang seemed to be able to see a ball of fire in her eyes. He really didn't know why she was so angry.    


"I advise you to be honest and not refuse a toast. Do you believe that I can make you live a life worse than death?"    




China's capital city, Ministry of External Security.    


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Security is a constituent department of the State Council of China. It is the anti-spy organ and political protection organ of China. It may exercise the functions and powers of investigation, detention, preliminary examination and arrest of public security organs as prescribed by the Constitution and the law.    


After all, the Ministry of External Security was in charge of most of the foreign security matters.    


At this moment, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' office, the second of the five landlines suddenly rang.    


The secretary hurriedly picked up the call. The minister had instructed that only a few people in the world knew that the first two of the five planes were the kings of the world. Even the minister himself would have to give them face.    


The secretary picked up the phone and hurriedly suppressed his pounding heart, ready to speak his most melodious voice.    


But who knew she didn't even have time to say hello.    


After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.    


"Half an hour. The Heavenly Pavilion No. 002 file, the Tianhua police station, you have to take care of this without revealing his identity. Remember, the most important thing is to keep a low profile."    


The first five files, even the Minister had to go through layers of applications to access it.    


Her secretary did not dare to ask any more questions. After hanging up the phone, she immediately took out her cell phone and contacted the minister.    


The Minister of Foreign Affairs was now dealing with the diplomatic aspects of the opinion.    


His phone rang. Seeing that it was a secretary calling, he was a bit annoyed, because he had already instructed him to do so.    


Today's diplomatic incident is very important, don't disturb him when there is nothing to do.    




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