Domineering Son-In-Law

C30 Summer Mosquito

C30 Summer Mosquito

0The bureau chief angrily raised his hand and pointed at Lee Shengnan's face. He took deep breaths as his chest heaved up and down.    


"You! You! "Are you trying to anger me to death?"    


In the past, she had rather liked Lee Shengnan's responsible attitude and fearless attitude.    


But now, at this moment, he couldn't wait to throw Lee Shengnan somewhere else. Was there a need to add fuel to the fire?    


"Good!" You want to interrogate me, right? Alright, then do it. "    


The bureau chief angrily turned his head and brought in a chair from outside. He sat right next to Lin Faang and opposite Lee Shengnan.    


The two of them stared at each other, neither of them willing to take a step back.    


There was a group of police gathered at the entrance, watching the scene.    


Looking at the awkward atmosphere between the bureau chief and Lee Shengnan, he didn't know what to say. He just kept quiet and let them fight on their own.    


One was the chief of the Tian Hua police station, and the other was his niece. The family's internal strife had nothing to do with outsiders like him.    


"Humph!" Lee Shengnan snorted coldly and turned her head away. She had a very arrogant and spoiled look on her face.    


The director was so angry that his chest heaved.    


However, when he turned around and looked at Lin Faang, he immediately changed into a different appearance. He looked kind and amiable, more like a family member than a family member.    


"Mr. Lin, don't worry. As long as I am here, she will never use violence against you. Tomorrow, if she has no evidence to prove your guilt again, I will personally send you away and apologize to you."    


"Can you bail me out? I still need to go back and cook for my wife." Lin Faang asked indifferently.    


"This …" The bureau chief hesitated before turning to look at Lee Shengnan, his expression turning ugly as he scolded, "Look, you are typically delaying other people's time. Mr. Lin still has to go home and cook for his wife. How could such a person be a bad person?" Hurry, let them go, delay time. "    




Lee Shengnan turned her head away and ignored the bureau chief. If it wasn't for the scene where Lin Faang was looking at her, she might have been moved. But now, it was impossible.    


The bureau chief smiled embarrassedly at Lin Faang, indicating that he had no other choice. Although he was the bureau chief, he was also a criminal right now. Although he looked like he was fooling around, Lee Shengnan did indeed have the right to be the head of the Criminal Investigation Squadron.    


"Then can I give my wife a call first?"    


Before the bureau chief could answer, Lee Shengnan spoke first, "No!"    


"I'm fine!" I'll get someone to help you. "    


The bureau chief rolled his eyes at Lee Shengnan.    


According to Chinese law, the suspect was not allowed to have any contact with the outside world before the case was closed. At most, the call would be made by the police, but all cases related to the law or the case were not allowed to be notified to the suspect.    


Lin Faang nodded. Someone else could do it for him.    


"Someone, come!"    


the director called.    


The metal door opened and a policeman entered.    


"Director? What's the matter? "    


"Please help Mr. Lin's family to make a call and inform them of the situation. Don't let them worry about you."    




The policeman directly walked in front of the landline and dialed a number after Lin Faang gave his number.    


On the other side, Wang Ziyan saw that the sky was already getting dark and Lin Faang did not come back.    


Only then did he feel that something was wrong. Usually, Lin Faang would only be able to buy a dish for at most half an hour. It was impossible for him to not be back after two to three hours.    


"Ding ding …"    


His phone rang.    


Wang Ziyan picked it up and saw that it was a number from the police station. Frowning, she pressed the answer button.    


"Hey!" "Hello!"    


"Hello, may I ask if you're Lin Faang's legal wife, Ms. Wang Ziyan?"    


"It's me!"    


"Your husband is currently being interrogated at the Tianhua police station. I'm here to inform you that you don't need to worry."    


Wang Ziyan was stunned. How did he get into the police station so easily?    


"May I ask what my husband has done?"    


"It's related to a case of assault, but it's just suspicious. If we're fast, we'll be out in the evening. If we're slow, we'll probably be out tomorrow night." The police officer said as he looked between Liu Shengnan and the bureau chief. These two were not people he could afford to offend. The bureau chief seemed to want to release Lin Faang tonight, while Liu Shengnan seemed to want to get to the bottom of the matter. He was stuck in the middle with a dilemma in between. He was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would incur the wrath of others.    


"Alright, sorry to trouble you."    


"You're welcome!"    


After ending the call, the policeman hurriedly hung up the phone.    


Wang Ziyan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly. Lin Faang was at home everyday, so he definitely wouldn't offend anyone. The only possibility was that her two cousins attacked him.    


Thinking to this, her face couldn't help but become gloomy, she didn't expect her two older cousins to be so ruthless, they had only left for a short while and yet they already started attacking Lin Faang. Although Lin Faang's hand and foot skills were not weak, she couldn't help but worry in her heart, after all, it was because of her Wang family that caused Lin Faang to get involved in this matter.    


"What's wrong?"    


At that moment, Soong Xue came out of the kitchen. When she saw Wang Ziyan's pale face, she couldn't help but ask with concern.    



"It's nothing. Lin Faang said that he's not coming back. Have you finished cooking? I'm going to starve to death."    


Wang Ziyan instantly adjusted her state of mind. She didn't want Soong Xue to get into trouble for herself.    


"It's almost done. Wait a moment."    


Soong Xue turned around and returned to the kitchen. She wondered if Lin Faang went out to deceive other girls and didn't come home at night. The more she thought about it, the more determined she became to expose Lin Faang's true face and let Wang Ziyan leave his thoughts.    




The policeman took a deep breath and looked at the Director and Lee Shengnan who were still in confrontation, feeling nervous.    


The bureau chief turned around and glanced at Lin Faang.    


Lin Faang nodded and waved for the policemen to leave.    


As if relieved of a great burden, the policeman saluted the two of them and led the way out.    


Lin Faang leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He was not asleep, he just had nothing to do.    


Seeing this, the bureau chief didn't disturb Lin Faang and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. Not long after, he heard the sound of Lin Faang's' hu hu 'and fell asleep.    


Looking at the two of them enjoying themselves, Lee Shengnan immediately became unhappy.    


He suddenly slammed the table.    


Startled the director, he fell out of his chair.    


Lin Faang slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Lee Shengnan with a calm expression.    




"There are so many mosquitoes in the summer." Lee Shengnan blew on the table and looked at Lin Faang with a cold gaze.    


The director couldn't help but shake his head. How could he not see that she was doing this on purpose? He sat back down on the chair and closed his eyes.    


However, the metal door was opened and a policeman walked in. He looked at the bureau chief and then at Lee Shengnan.    


"If you have something to say, just say it! If you have nothing else to do, then get out. " Lee Shengnan's tone was irritable.    


"Captain, it has been confirmed that Mr. Lin is not a suspect, but a victim."    


"How is this possible?"    


Lee Shengnan slammed her hands on the table and stood up.    


"This is evidence!"    


The policeman gulped and handed his phone to Lee Shengnan.    


"This is the result of three comparisons we made with all the cameras in the vicinity."    


Lee Shengnan took the phone.    


The monitor on his cell phone's screen.    


On the monitor, the five men were already there. They only appeared when Lin Faang walked in.    


It surrounded Lin Faang, then brought him away.    


When they reached the alley, there were no more videos.    


But that was enough, it was enough to prove that Lin Faang was the victim of this incident. Those five people who were still lying in the hospital were the bad guys.    


Lee Shengnan bit her thumbnail. She was sure that Lin Faang wasn't a good person. It was just that she didn't have any proof.    


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