The Years I Returned Village



0Silly little brother, have you forgotten what big sister is for? If you have anything you don't understand in the future, you can call me at any time. Also, you have to hire more people to deal with this kind of thing.    


Zhang Yao was really a professional. She went on and on about the recording function of Zhang Yun's phone call and memorized it all.    


The two of them said that it would take about an hour. Zhang Yun excitedly hung up the phone and looked at the medicinal herbs on the table. He really wanted to grab them and give each of them a kiss.    


"If you need help, just go to the villagers. Anyway, it's not the busy season, and this mountain has already been contracted by me. Everything inside is under my name, so I don't need to be afraid of being noticed by others."    


Just as Zhang Yun was confidently planning his future, a slight vibration came from the neighboring room.    


"Buzz ?"    


Is this my aunt using that electronic device?    


Zhang Yun anxiously climbed over to a small hole in the wall and looked in that direction.    


Sure enough, at this moment, Zhang Xueman was wearing only a set of black sexy underwear. She was holding that small, pink thing between her legs.    


The expression on his face was extremely alluring.    


"Zhang Yun, you're looking at us again, right?"    


Zhang Xueman closed her eyes as if she could see through the other side of the wall.    


"Cough, cough ?" Little aunt, how about I go and help you? "    


The excitement in Zhang Yun's heart coupled with the scene in front of him made him lose himself in thought. Without waiting for Zhang Xueman's reply, he jumped out of the window and jumped over the wall, landing in front of his aunt's courtyard.    


"You brat ?"    


Zhang Xueman did not expect Zhang Yun to arrive so quickly. Before she could get up, she was pressed down by Zhang Yun.    


"Auntie, I'm feeling really bad right now. Can you give me that, I want to go in again ?"    


Zhang Yun was already at a loss for words as his mind began to dissipate.    


After being touched by Zhang Xueman a few times, Zhang Xueman was burning with desire. She was about to fall under Zhang Xue's attack again. However, when she thought about the fact that Zhang Yun already had some potential and she was merely his aunt.    


Zhang Xueman ruthlessly pushed Zhang Yun away.    


"No, Zhang Yun, the two of us can't do this anymore."    


"Is this my uncle?" I really feel terrible. I know you must feel terrible too, right? "    


"If you feel uncomfortable, then auntie will have a way to solve it for you. However, you have to be obedient, so you can't force the matter. Do you agree?"    


Zhang Yun Kuang nodded his head.    


"Then take off your clothes and get on the brick bed."    


Hearing his aunt's order, Zhang Yun jumped onto the brick bed in a few seconds, naked.    


"Little aunt ?" "I ?"    


Zhang Xueman turned off the lights, took off her sexy underwear, and went into bed as well. The two of them stuck close to each other.    


"Move back a bit, you're holding me up."    


Zhang Xueman stretched out her hand and touched Zhang Yun's location. At the same time, both their hearts trembled.    


"Auntie, how are you going to help me?"    


Zhang Yun uneasily twisted his body, wanting to enter that familiar place to have a good time.    


"Don't move, just wait."    


After saying that, Zhang Xueman crossed her legs and sat on Zhang Yun's chest. With her butt facing Zhang Yun, she slowly moved towards his lower abdomen.    


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