My Cold Female Boss

C21 Bigger is better

C21 Bigger is better

0Two streams of clear tears rolled down Han Mengli's face. She wanted to refute something, but at the last moment he wiped the corner of his eyes, his expression instantly became resolute and resolute.    


Han Mengli said calmly to the phone, "I was the one who founded this company, and you guys actually said I can't do it. Even Grandma, you have such a huge prejudice against me. Since that's the case, in the future, don't even think about interfering with my company anymore! "    


With that, Han Mengli hung up the phone, and the angry roar stopped.    


"Let's go home."    


Sun Hao held Han Mengli's hand and took the elevator down.    


Seeing that Han Mengli was in a bad mood, Sun Hao immediately took the car keys from her hands and drove her home in her Volvo.    


Along the way, Sun Hao didn't say a single word, leaving Han Mengli with some space, allowing her to calm down by himself and calm down his emotions.    


Arriving at his doorstep, Sun Hao opened the door and invited Han Mengli out. Han Mengli tidied up her makeup and put on a nonchalant expression, then entered the house.    


"Miss, Young Master, you've returned."    


Aunt Liu found slippers for the two of them and asked, "Why are you so late today?"    


Han Mengli chuckled: "Nothing, the company is busy, I work late."    


Sun Hao naturally did not expose her as he helped her cover up with a smile.    


The Aunt Liu did not think too much and carried the dinner out to the kitchen. On the morning of the second day, Han Mengli's mood had already completely returned to its original state.    


Early in the morning, he sat in the CEO's office and prepared to start his day of busy work.    


The phone on the table rang. Han Mengli picked it up and waited for the voice to ring without saying a word.    


The assistant then asked: "CEO, Operations Department, I would like to see you. Would you like to see it? "    


Han Mengli raised his eyebrows, put down the documents in his hands and directly said: "Let him in!"    


The assistant opened the door, allowing Wang Zhiwen to enter respectfully. After he closed the door, he walked to the CEO's office.    


"CEO, um... I feel that there are people more suitable for the position of Director of Operations than me. "    


Wang Zhiwen arranged his speech with a flattering smile on his face: "I propose that Sun Hao replace me as the Director of Operations! Furthermore, there's a shop assistant named Li Liang whose ability is very outstanding. I feel that it's very appropriate for him to be the vice chairman! "    


Han Mengli smiled, then nodded: "Sun Hao's business ability is indeed not bad, the Director Wang's recommendation is good, but, are you willing to give up your seat?"    


Wang Zhiwen showed an appraising expression and said righteously: "What's there to be unresigned about? As long as it's for the good of the company, I'm willing to do it! "    


Han Mengli maintained her smile as she looked at Wang Zhiwen without saying a word, as if he wanted to see through his thoughts.    


Wang Zhiwen laughed awkwardly, then bowed and said: "CEO, I am willing to make such a huge sacrifice for the company's performance. "Look, how about changing departments for me? For example, the chief of the Finance Department, I think I'm more qualified to handle my own matters!"    


Last night, Wang Zhiwen thought about it deeply. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that his business director would definitely not be able to protect him.    


Rather than waiting for him to be exempted, he might as well ask the CEO to resign and recommend Sun Hao to be his director.    


In this way, he would leave the CEO with a "magnanimous offer".    


He could still earn some sympathy for his impression.    


With this bit of sympathy, he took the opportunity to ask the CEO for a position. At least, he could still be a director!    


More importantly, this way, he would be grateful to Sun Hao and Li Liang.    


In order to repay me, let them cover up my "divulge the company's base price".    


They definitely would not reject something like this.    


As for his personal grudge with them, for the time being, he didn't care about it.    


After coming up with this clever plan of killing three birds with one stone, Wang Zhiwen was extremely pleased.    


Early this morning, he came to discuss things with Han Mengli.    


With a clang, Han Mengli threw the pen she was holding onto the table, stood up and walked out of the office.    


"Wang Zhiwen! Do you think I'm easy to fool because I'm young and a woman? "    


Han Mengli walked over to Wang Zhiwen's side and suddenly asked in a cold voice.    


Wang Zhiwen was so shocked that cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but he pretended to be calm and laughed: "How could I? President, you're such a joker. "In my eyes, CEO, your ability is outstanding and you look like a flower ?"    




Han Mengli shouted in a stern voice, as she interrupted Wang Zhiwen, "Yesterday afternoon, I already knew about what happened in Operations Department. You didn't take the initiative to confess your guilt, and you actually fooled me? "    


Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Wang Zhiwen's face was filled with shock, he was so scared that his face turned green.    


He hurriedly begged for mercy, "CEO, I was wrong. Please give me another chance, I will work seriously for the company. I don't want the treasurer. Shall I go to the logistics department? "Logistics Head, I will definitely be able to do it!"    


Han Mengli shook her head, and said to Wang Zhiwen: "You should go back and pack up, and immediately move out of Operations Department. "Then you can go to the company's legal adviser and explain your crimes to him. Just wait until you're in jail!"    


This was even more incredible than that. Wang Zhiwen was so anxious that he almost knelt down and pleaded, "CEO, can I not be the director? I took the initiative to resign, please don't sue me! I don't want to go to jail. "    


Han Mengli's charming face turned cold, and he said coldly: "There's no need for you to resign, you've already been exempted. "Now, get out!"    


With that, Han Mengli no longer looked at Wang Zhiwen, and returned back to her office to look at the documents.    


Seeing that there was no leeway, Wang Zhiwen could only silently leave the CEO's office.    


Looking at the entrance of the Operations Department, Wang Zhiwen gritted his teeth and immediately went inside the elevator. After leaving the company, he took a taxi to the west city.    


After Wang Zhiwen left, Han Mengli also found an assistant and called Sun Hao over.    


Han Mengli went straight to the point, "I am prepared to appoint you as my new Director of Operations.    


Sun Hao yawned, and shook his head: "Didn't you guys say everything last night? I'm not interested in all this crap. Previously when I went into business, I only wanted to let my wife know of my abilities, so that she wouldn't treat me like a pushover! "    


"Aren't you the Lun husband? How can you just stand there and watch me die? "    


Han Mengli put on a pitiful look as he looked at Sun Hao with his captivating eyes.    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes, and said snappily: "Don't try that! You still say that I'm not going to save him? Every night, I feel like I'm suffocating, and you still don't care about my life and death? "    


Han Mengli blushed and said: "Pui! During business hours, don't say such vulgar words. "    


"Then what do you want to say?"    


"Let's talk about serious matters. That Wang Zhiwen who didn't accomplish anything leaked out so many of my base prices. Now, our starting price will be known by the entire city in a few days. What should we do? "    


"Overall, the losses can be considered manageable. I've already checked for you. Although he has shipped over 200 pieces over the past two days, many of them are the same. Thus, the total price that he revealed is only thirty different kinds of jewelry. "    


"Even so, the loss is not small! This means that from now on, our company will no longer be able to produce these 30 or so pieces of jewelry. Moreover, these 30 or so items, the company's inventory would at least have over a thousand items, and none of them would be able to earn a single cent. "    


"There's nothing we can do!" I can only ask you, my wife, to spend your time designing a few more new pieces of jewelry. "    


"Hm!" That's why I need you to help me share some of it. Otherwise, how am I supposed to go all out in my design? "    


Sun Hao rolled his eyes and nodded, "Alright! I promised you. However, do not expect to have such a list often! "    


Han Mengli laughed happily, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I'm not that greedy! In return, do you want me to kiss you? "    


"Tch!" After doing that, what's the point of just kissing? "    


Han Mengli's face flushed red, he immediately picked up a teacup and threw it at Sun Hao: "Rascal!"    


Sun Hao reached out to grab the teacup and placed it on the table. When Han Mengli wasn't paying attention, she grabbed onto her chest and jumped away while laughing.    


"You call me a hooligan!?" He wouldn't be at a disadvantage this time. But unfortunately, it will be better if it's a little bigger! "    


With that, Sun Hao hastily opened the door and escaped.    


Clang! Above, something had been smashed against the door ? West Chaoyang City City, in a luxurious villa.    


Wang Zhiwen kneeled on the ground. There were a few footprints on his white shirt.    


His hair was in a mess, and his thick glasses had a few cracks on one of his lenses. He looked even more comical.    


On the sofa opposite Wang Zhiwen, a middle-aged man was sitting. His face was filled with anger.    


The middle-aged man had an average stature, and if one were to judge him by his appearance, he would be considered handsome when he was young.    


It was a pity that those eyes were too treacherous. Moreover, his forehead was already half-bald.    


This man was Han Mengli's blood uncle, Han Cheng.    


Han Cheng threw the teacup in his hand onto the ground, and with a clatter, pieces of the tea and water splattered all over the ground.    


Wang Zhiwen's body was drenched in hot water, but he did not even dare to dodge, and continued to kneel there with a terrified expression.    


"You idiot! What did I want you to do at the company? "    


Han Cheng roared.    


Wang Zhiwen was extremely terrified. He lowered his head and did not make a sound, not daring to even look at Han Cheng.    


The more he acted this way, the angrier Han Cheng became. He patted on the armrest of the sofa and roared: "I'm asking you! I told you to go to the beautiful summer, where did you go? "    


So it was all about him?    


Wang Zhiwen muttered: "Please allow... "Let me go undercover."    


"And the result?"    


"As a result, I ?"    


"I didn't ask you to answer!"    


Han Cheng slapped the table and interrupted Wang Zhiwen.    


Wang Zhiwen choked, his heart becoming even more terrified, this Han Cheng's question was a bit too much to answer, a bit too much for his to answer.    


Han Cheng bellowed: "In the end, in order to show off in front of that Shu Li woman, you went and made a bet with that surnamed Sun, and even violated the law! Are you all right now? You can go to jail! "    


"Brother-in-law, please save me. I don't want to go to jail!"    


Wang Zhiwen was so frightened that he dropped to the ground and kowtowed.    


Han Cheng stood up, and forcefully kicked Wang Zhiwen, and cursed: "Who's your brother-in-law now? Your sister is only my lover! Do you understand? "    


Wang Zhiwen was kicked to the ground, he anxiously crawled up and knelt again, and said: "Yes yes, I will not dare to call out anymore. However ? Director Han, you must save me, just treat it as giving my sister's face. "    


Han Cheng spat on Wang Zhiwen's face and scolded, "What dog sh * t can't get through the wall! It's all on your sister's face? Other than licking the bird for me, what else can your sister do? She has no face at all! "    


Wang Zhiwen's face reddened, but he still continued to chime in, "Yes, yes ?"    


Han Cheng gasped for breath, sat back on the sofa, and continued to insult her: "If it wasn't for your sister serving me comfortably, with your beastly appearance, would I have given you the chance to work for me? "In the end, you, you trashy thing, ruined my plans for a woman!"    


How could Wang Zhiwen dare to retort?    


Not only did he not dare to do so, he even had to move his right cheek closer after being slapped!    


Right now, what was happening was Han Cheng getting angry, and the anger had dissipated.    


Then, he would get his own sister's help to make Han Cheng feel better. At that time, even if it was a breeze, this Han Cheng might be willing to save him.    



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