My Cold Female Boss

C96 Follow-up

C96 Follow-up

0Hearing Chen Chen's question, the girls behind him also perked their ears up, trying to understand what was going to happen next.    


They had also thought about it earlier, that although Sun Hao had saved them, he was likely to be an even worse person.    


Thus, when they saw the fire trucks, they thought about calling for help, but in the end they realised that Sun Hao had actually taken the initiative to go talk to them, and from the looks of it, they were even happily chatting with each other.    


In the end, when they saw Sun Hao drive back, they did hesitate to get on the carriage. However, after Sun Hao had shouted at them, they immediately obeyed him. Sun Hao steadied his car and continued driving into the city. He turned his head and looked at Chen Chen and the others who were being cautious.    


Because he had to go into the city to buy some things for these girls, he had to keep them obedient for a while.    


Otherwise, what would the surrounding citizens think if they got out of the cars one by one like refugees in the city?    


Then Sun Hao would definitely be treated as a trafficker and cause chaos on the streets!    


Seeing that Sun Hao's attitude was cold, Chen Chen did not dare to ask anymore questions, and retreated back into her chair.    


As for the six girls in the backseat, they didn't even dare to make a sound.    


After a while, they arrived at the city center, but Sun Hao did not go to the city center either, instead he parked his car outside a market.    


Sun Hao took out his car key, then turned around and warned the others: "All of you be more obedient, if you dare move even a little, you won't have a good ending, do you hear me?"    


"Got it."    


Chen Chen hurriedly replied. She had seen how Sun Hao killed so many killers before, so she knew that she couldn't afford to offend him.    


With regards to Chen Chen's attitude, Sun Hao nodded in satisfaction before staring coldly at the backseat.    


The six girls behind were so scared that they quickly gathered together and promised Sun Hao repeatedly, "I heard it."    


Sun Hao got off the car in satisfaction this time, and then locked the car door from the outside before walking into the market.    


He first ordered 10 meals from a small restaurant, then left some money for them to come down and pick them up. Then he walked out into a ladies' clothing store and started to buy clothes.    


20 minutes later, Sun Hao rejected the restaurant owner's request to help, and personally carried over 10 boxes of food with his left hand and a few bags of clothes with his right hand back onto the carriage.    


These girls had indeed been locked up for too long. After Sun Hao had been gone for such a long time, they actually did not dare to go and cry for help.    


Sun Hao put down the things first, he did not instruct them to take action, but to drive away from the city.    


Only after finding a place with less people did Sun Hao stop the car. He then opened the bag with the clothes and gave the clothes he bought to the girls, telling them to change first.    


After instructing them, Sun Hao got off the carriage and gave them some space.    


A few minutes later, Sun Hao knocked on the car door and asked: "Are you done changing?"    


There was a moment of confusion in the car, and the girls quickly replied, "Alright, it's done."    


Sun Hao opened the door and got in the car, only to discover that the girls in the backseat were not fully dressed due to their weak bodies.    


Until he came up, the girls were still struggling to help each other with their clothes.    


Looking at the fast food bag placed in the middle, Sun Hao realised that this bag had never been in a passive state before!    


These girls had been beaten for such a long time that they were actually so timid. They hadn't eaten for a few days and didn't even dare to move.    


Since they had already left the city area, Sun Hao naturally did not continue to play the part of scammer. Instead, he opened his bag and distributed the fast food boxes to them one by one.    


The girls had long been tormented by the smell of the food. After they received the boxes of food, they all gulped down their saliva and looked at Sun Hao with longing eyes.    


Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "I bought them for you, hurry up and eat."    


Receiving Sun Hao's orders, the girls immediately opened their lunchboxes and started wolfing down their food. There were even a few girls who did not even have time to chop their chopsticks, and directly grabbed them and threw them into their mouths.    


Fortunately, they had been there for a while, or else they would have been scalded.    


Looking at how they were eating, Sun Hao opened a few bottles of mineral water and passed it over to them, before comforting them gently, "Eat slower, it's been too long since you've eaten.    


A few girls who were choked by the choking quickly took the water from the bottle and started to eat.    


Maybe they were still a little afraid of Sun Hao, but when Sun Hao told them to eat slower, they all slowed down their eating speed.    


Sun Hao quietly watched from the side, from time to time passing the napkin to them, waiting upon their meal.    


Chen Chen, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, ate her meal as she secretly observed Sun Hao with her big, black eyes.    


Looking at Sun Hao's expression and expression, she made a bold guess in his heart: "Looking at this, he probably won't capture us as prisoners anymore, right? "This person is truly strange. He was so ferocious when killing someone and now he looks so kind. I wonder what his identity is?"    


In less than two minutes, the girls had put down their lunchboxes one by one.    


Although they had finished eating, none of them had eaten their fill. Therefore, they all looked timidly at the leftover food bag.    


There were obviously seven other lunchboxes in this meal bag. It seemed that they had also been ordered for them.    


They really wanted to go and get it themselves, but they didn't dare in the end and waited for Sun Hao's instructions.    


When Sun Hao saw their eyes, he immediately knew what they were thinking. However, he only chuckled and turned his head back.    


Chen Chen, who was sitting at the side, suddenly found the courage to ask: "Big Brother Benefactor, we haven't had our fill yet, are these fast food of yours also for us?"    


Hearing Chen Chen's words, Sun Hao suddenly turned his head and glared at her. Chen Chen immediately shrank back in fear, but he still bravely looked straight into Sun Hao's eyes.    


"Hahaha!" "Look at how scared you are. These are indeed for you, but I can't give them to you right now."    


Sun Hao smiled and explained.    


When he was in the restaurant, he specifically told the chef to make less of each snack and then made a total of 14.    


By doing this, he was afraid that these girls would not be able to bear it if they were to eat too much at once.    


After listening to Sun Hao's explanation, although the girls were still extremely hungry, but they understood that Sun Hao was telling the truth.    



One by one, they forced themselves to look away from the lunchbox so that they could not be tempted.    


Chen Chen saw that Sun Hao knew how to joke around and that he still had not done anything to harm them, so he let go of his fear and dared to try to chat with him.    


"Big brother benefactor, where are you going now? "If you're going to do something, it might be a bit more troublesome to take us along, right?"    


Chen Chen thought for a moment, before putting out her small face and asked Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao smiled as he shook his head. The moment Chen Chen opened his mouth, he knew that she was trying to probe his intentions.    


Therefore, he deliberately chose not to reply, wanting to see what else this girl could do.    


Although Chen Chen did not receive a reply from Sun Hao, she did not notice any malicious intent from's attitude, and as a result, her heart became a little more at ease.    


After thinking for a while more, Chen Chen continued to speak. "If Big Brother Benefactor has something you need to do, you can just leave us anywhere, we promise that we won't run away."    


"Hahaha!" Alright, seeing that you're so careful, I won't scare you guys anymore. "    


Sun Hao laughed and said, "Don't worry, I am not some evil person, I will not imprison you unless you beg me to do so!"    


When the girls heard Sun Hao's first words, hope finally welled up in their hearts. However, after hearing his last joke, they still rejected him immediately: "No! Big Brother Benefactor, don't get in our way. "    


"No, no, no!"    


"We're not asking for it."    


"Don't bother, we won't cause you any trouble."    


Sun Hao laughed even more happily now: "Don't worry, you are already free, I am only helping you now. The reason why I've been scaring you all this time is because I'm afraid that if you run around randomly, you might end up in the wrong hands. "    


Hearing Sun Hao's explanation, although the girls were still wary deep in their hearts, they had already trusted most of his words.    


Chen Chen first expressed her gratitude to Sun Hao for being saved, and then carefully said: "Benefactor Big Brother, you also have something to busy yourself with, right? If you change your itinerary for us, won't it be too much trouble for you? "    


"Are you trying to say that it would be better for me to find a station and put you down, so that you can go home on your own?"    


Sun Hao interrupted Chen Chen and smiled as he asked her.    


Chen Chen's mouth gaped in shock, not knowing what to say anymore, because Sun Hao had already said what she wanted to say.    


Sun Hao laughed again. He realized that although Chen Chen was young, she was definitely the most outstanding amongst the seven girls in terms of courage and flexibility.    


Although she was testing him with her words, it was still too inexperienced.    


Sun Hao also didn't want them to worry, so he simply explained: "Don't worry, I'm going to take you guys to take a bath first, then go to the hospital and take care of you guys ? Check. You smell and you're dirty from head to toe. You want to go out like this? Also, you have been tortured for so long, don't you want to quickly treat the hidden injuries in some places? "    


Hearing Sun Hao's words, the girls all quietened down. They had been on tenterhooks and had never thought about what they would face if they escaped immediately.    


Moreover, Sun Hao's words had also made them recall the hellish life they had lived just a few hours ago.    


Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Sun Hao wanted them to change their minds a little, so they took the initiative to talk to him. "What do you think? My suggestion, if there's anything you're not considerate of, you guys can add. "    


Chen Chen sniffed, and said with a tearful voice: "It's nothing inconsiderate, thank you benefactor big brother, thank you so much. "I ?"    


At this point, she immediately stopped and did not continue.    


"Don't cry! You make me look like a scoundrel! "    


Sun Hao rubbed Chen Chen's hair, then suggested with a smile: "Since there's no objections, then let's go look for a place to clean up!"    


Some of the girls nodded, while some replied, "Yes, we'll listen to you."    


This time, they really believed Sun Hao's words. After all, they were not idiots, so they immediately understood: if Sun Hao wanted to harm them, there was no need to waste words with them. They could just drive over to the place and lock them up.    


Not only did Sun Hao buy clothes and drinks for them, he even gave them so much thought. Was there a need to go through so much trouble just to be a bad person with his abilities?    


After they felt relieved about the safety of following Sun Hao, Sun Hao's question about bathing immediately moved them.    


Although they had undergone drastic changes, they were, after all, still two to eight years old girls.    


If they were running for their lives, it wouldn't matter if they ran into the streets as dirty as beggars. But now that they were out of danger, they would no longer be as shameful as they were now.    


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