My Cold Female Boss

C130 Emerald Problem

C130 Emerald Problem

0"Hmm? Isn't this a new design assistant? What are you going to do with her? "    


Han Mengli curiously raised her head and asked Shu Li. He had her head lowered just now because she was busy, so he thought that the person Shu Li asked for was the person she hired just now.    


Shu Li was startled for a moment, then reacted to what Han Mengli said. She shook her head and pointed at Sun Hao: "I'm talking about him, not the new recruit."    


"Oh ?" What do you want him for? "    


Han Mengli looked at Sun Hao who was equally shocked, frowned and turned her head, asking Shu Li a question in return.    


She still remembered the last time when the two of them were at loggerheads, and Shu Li still came to find her to get rid of her.    


In the end, Shu Li managed to suppress her anger after hearing what she had to say. Why did she want Sun Hao now?    


"He's the company's Director of Operations. He's at the same level as you. What do you need him for?"    


Han Mengli replied a little displeased. She could roughly guess the whole story of the previous matter.    


Therefore, Han Mengli immediately understood that this Shu Li must still have that grudge in her heart, wanting him to give Sun Hao to her so that she could find an excuse to fix it.    


After figuring out the reason, Han Mengli was naturally very angry. She did not understand why a girl like her would hold a grudge.    


Furthermore, she even asked him to downgrade one of the directors to her side so that he could avenge her personal grudges.    


Even if this were to happen to ordinary employees, Han Mengli would be unhappy, not to mention, Sun Hao's true identity. Was she the man she liked, the legal husband?    


Sun Hao coldly swept his eyes at Shu Li, as he silently endured the raging anger in his heart.    


The first time he met Shu Li, he helped her catch a thief out of good intentions and was scolded as a pervert.    


After that, he discovered that being in the same company as her, Sun Hao had even more so released his previous hatred and looked at her sincerely.    


After that, was the first day that Sun Hao entered the company.    


Fortunately, according to Sun Hao's understanding, although Shu Li had set him up, she did not have too much evil intentions towards her, and so he had forgiven her.    


After that, the two of them did not interact much, and their relationship continued to be in a state of preference. As a result, a few days ago, because of a misunderstanding, everyone in the company knew about it.    


Now, this bitch actually wanted to give him to her, Sun Hao knew her goal very well: It was no more than that she thought that he had been demoted, so she wanted to take him under her, so she could find an excuse to repair him at any time!    


Before waiting for Sun Hao to speak, Han Mengli had already said in an extremely displeased tone, "Shu Li, do not go overboard! If you don't have enough manpower, just report it to me. I'll help you find someone. But Sun Hao is a Director of Operations, how can I be your assistant? "    


"He isn't ?" Oh, nevermind, I was just joking, hee hee hee... Goodbye Director Han, I'll go back to work first! "    


Hearing Han Mengli's words, Shu Li was stunned, after realizing she made a mistake, she anxiously used her joke to cover herself, and turned to leave the CEO's room.    


Looking at the closed door, Han Mengli shook her head in displeasure, she saw Sun Hao smiling at him, so she glared at him and said: "I already said there's no need for you to disturb me here, now alright, everyone thinks you're a servant, is that fun?"    


"Ah?" I've been stuck in your office all day and they think I'm your errand boy? "    


Sun Hao asked in surprise.    


Actually, he naturally knew what others were talking about. He was just putting on an act.    


Han Mengli thought that Sun Hao did not know about the discussions in the company, and nodded to answer: "Of course, you were originally a department head, but now you are here to be my assistant. What do you think they would think?"    


"I thought they were definitely guessing what shameful things we were doing hiding here all day!"    


Sun Hao said as he looked at Han Mengli obscenely, and revealed a shameless smile.    




Han Mengli's face was flushed red as he grabbed a punching machine and threw it over, allowing Sun Hao to easily catch it and place it back in his hands.    


The two of them laughed, and the bad mood that Han Mengli was in was unknowingly resolved.    


This was exactly the reason why Sun Hao was joking. His wife was already very busy, he did not want her to be bothered by this kind of nonsense.    


As for that Shu Li, although she had always been lenient towards women, since that woman was so capable, then Sun Hao must definitely let her remember something.    


However, it was not good to be too ruthless, so Sun Hao had to think about how to take care of her.    


For the next two days, Sun Hao stayed close to his wife Han Mengli, and continued to "do odd jobs" in the company during the day.    


At night, he would naturally use all means at his disposal to make his wife "comfortable".    


Two days later, Sun Hao had a rough understanding of the problem with supplying the jade. In general, the problem with the tight supply was indeed related to the military situation in the region of origin.    


This kind of problem with the international situation, could not be solved even if the United Nations were to worry about it all day, and it was naturally impossible for Sun Hao to solve it.    


But Sun Hao did not need to solve the problem, he was not the Secretary-General of the United Nations, why worry so much?    


Sun Hao only needed to cut open a small path in the chaos. It would be enough if he could get a batch of jades and solve the problem of supplying the ingredients for the beautiful summer.    


This kind of quest target was something that Sun Hao, who had carried out many secret missions in the Golden Triangle, was very confident of completing.    


After considering it carefully, Sun Hao decided that he would go and settle it himself this time.    


After a warm night, Sun Hao sent Han Mengli to the company this morning. However, he did not follow her up the stairs, and instead bid her farewell once again because he had something to say.    


Hearing that Sun Hao had to go out again, Han Mengli's face became a bit sad, but she quickly revealed a smile and said: "Alright, when you go out, you must take care of your safety, remember to call me every day to inform me about your safety."    


"Of course. With such a beautiful wife at home, how can I be at ease if I don't call and supervise her every day?"    


Sun Hao kissed Han Mengli on the cheek, then laughed and joked.    


Han Mengli glared at Sun Hao, his fist striking his chest: "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you? You still say you don't trust me? I'm worried about you! I'm warning you, don't mess around with other girls this time around! "    


Sun Hao laughed and swore: "Definitely not, my wife, rest assured. I swear that when I go out this time, I will definitely be as good as jade!"    


The one that he was going to this time was mainly from Southeast Asia. With regards to the girls' looks, Sun Hao did not have that much of a taste, so he was confident that he would swear not to cheat.    



Han Mengli tenderly said goodbye to Sun Hao and went back upstairs. Once she got into the elevator, Han Mengli snickered with her head lowered.    


She had already figured out Sun Hao's personality. Although he seemed to be laughing on the surface, he was actually the same as her, very strong and very independent.    


In other words, Sun Hao and him had the same personality, but they were both gay!    


This thing was very realistic, one mountain cannot hold two tigers, and there was no problem for them to spend a short period of time together. However, if they were to spend a lifetime together, the two of them would definitely be at odds with each other over who they should listen to.    


If there was a disagreement between husband and wife, there would be no end to it.    


Even the style of the house, the sweetness, the saltiness... These trivial matters would always lead to disputes over whether they played or not.    


Therefore, if Han Mengli wanted to keep Sun Hao by her side for a long period of time and still have to constantly spoil him, then the only fundamental method was for the two of them to first figure out who held the final say ? ? the other would become his subordinate.    


These things were still far from the current situation. The two of them were still in the stage of marriage, so it was too early to worry about this.    


However, that was the case. The sooner someone made their plans, the better they would be prepared.    


The thing that the intelligent and meticulous Han Mengli was most proud of was her own planning ability.    


So when she had fallen for Sun Hao half a month ago, she had already started to make plans.    


Han Mengli's most fundamental plan was to let that perverted wolf, Sun Hao, fall into her trap without even realizing it at all. It would unknowingly be unable to leave him and would never be able to leave him.    


Han Mengli's specific plan was naturally not to forcefully subdue Sun Hao, but to soften her performance and display as much gentleness and consideration as possible.    


This was to retreat in order to advance with softness. Since ancient times, heroes had always felt sad for beauty because they couldn't resist the gentleness of a beauty!    


Such a gentle plan was naturally not something that men would feel disgusted with. Instead, there would be a large number of people who would hope to not come ? Sun Hao who was already sitting in the taxi outside would not have thought that Han Mengli would think so far ahead. Following the decision she made last night, she first told the driver to go to the roadside club.    


"Hey, Hello Brother Hao, what kind of immortal wind is this that brought you here?"    


There wasn't even a single gang member in the nightclub this early in the morning. There was only a young man with a long braid who wore earphones as he sorted out his wine glasses behind the lit bar.    


Seeing Sun Hao enter, the young man immediately took off his headphones and greeted him loudly.    


Sun Hao did not recognize this young lad. He was not a bartender like before, but he must be from Chaoyang Gang, which was why he recognized him.    


Sun Hao chatted with the young lad for a while. After finding out if the Black Widow was upstairs, he immediately went upstairs.    


The Black Widow's door was locked from the inside. Sun Hao took out a spoon that was attached to a string of keys, fiddled with it for a bit, and then opened the door and entered.    


A cheerful humming sound came from inside the room. It was the Black Widow's voice, and according to Sun Hao's identification, it should be coming from the bathroom.    


In that moment, Sun Hao immediately felt his blood boiling, and wanted to drill into the house.    


But then he thought about it. He had just sworn an oath to his wife just now and he suddenly had a relationship with the Black Widow. It wasn't so good after all.    


Therefore, Sun Hao sat behind the main dueling platform outside, suppressing his itchiness. He would only talk about proper business with the Black Widow after she had finished washing up.    


Half an hour later, the Black Widow that had finished dressing up finally walked out gracefully.    




Upon noticing that someone was sitting outside, the Black Widow was actually like a little girl who was afraid of ghosts. It cried out in fear and raised its arms, curling them into a ball.    


When she saw that it was Sun Hao, the Black Widow was pleasantly surprised and angry. It walked over in large strides to grab's ears and scolded him, "You damned ghost, why are you sitting here without making a sound since you have come to find me?"    


"Let go, it hurts!"    


Sun Hao pleaded for mercy in an exaggerated manner.    


The Black Widow once again twisted its body before letting go. However, it continued to pout with a displeased expression on its face.    


Sun Hao took the Black Widow's hand and said while grinning, "Isn't this because your charm is too great? When I came, you were still bathing with a beauty. In the end, wasn't it to cause you to be unable to move in broad daylight? "    


The Black Widow stretched out its hand to pinch Sun Hao's ear again, and even said shamefully and angrily, "Pah! "Are you so amazing that you want to make me unable to walk?"    


Sun Hao had originally wanted to embarrass the Black Widow and make her feel embarrassed, but he didn't expect her to actually refuse the challenge.    


This way, in order to prove his ability, Sun Hao would definitely prove it.    


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