My Cold Female Boss

C68 pluck with sole

C68 pluck with sole

0Seeing Sun Hao coming over, the big fatty looked at his three lumps on the ground.    


His big hands immediately covered his entire body like sifting chaff, and he asked in a threatening manner, "You... You want to do... "What?"    


"I want to do this!"    


Sun Hao said as he swung his leg high up, sending the fatty rolling far away.    


As the driver was behind him, his face was badly bruised from the fall.    


"Damn!" Against the heavens? "Where did these lowly commoners come from, to dare hit me together?"    


The fat guy struggled to get up from the ground and scolded out of embarrassment.    


Sun Hao didn't waste any time with him and directly walked over with large strides, grabbed one of his legs and dragged him back. Then, ignoring his miserable cries, she directly lifted him up and stuffed him into the trash can.    


Both of Fatty's legs kicked wildly as he shouted, "You ? wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuu ?"    


As he finished, he was thrown into the trash can, so he couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.    


The security guard walked over with a smile and kicked the trash can. The fatty, whose upper body was wrapped in the trash can, immediately rolled away like a gourd.    


This comical scene, coupled with the Fatty's arrogant clamor just now, immediately caused the surrounding people to burst into laughter.    


That driver was really loyal, to the point of risking the danger of Sun Hao violently beating him up, he quickly went forward to stop the trash can and rescue his boss from inside.    


"Pah pah ?"    


After the big fatty's trash can was taken off, he stood there swaying dizzily, spitting out the rubbish he had eaten with all his might.    


As for his entire upper body, it was covered in smelly and smelly fragments and mucus.    


Sun Hao originally wanted to go and beat them up, but after seeing this disgusting appearance, he lost interest.    


The security guard, on the other hand, did not mind being dirty. He quickly stepped forward and removed his shoes from his feet. Then, he directly used the sole of his shoes to slap the fatty's face.    


Fatty glared and shouted, "You ?"    




"I ?"    




Every time Fatty opened his mouth, before he could say a single word, the security guard's shoes would fly off.    


The security guard smoked as he scolded, "Are you a powerful VIP? You can smash my job, right? Since that's the case, since I've already offended you, I might as well earn enough ? "Pah!"    


The driver tried to stop them several times, but he was kicked to the ground by the security guards and was unable to get up.    


And the fatty whose face had been slapped by the soles of his shoes was about to go crazy!    


He had a chubby white face, which had been stained with the stench of unknown mucus, and was now being smacked a dozen times by the dirty soles of his shoes.    


With a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, his head immediately turned into a big pig head that was transparent red in black.    


Black was the dust on the soles of the shoes, red was the swelling of the face, and there was blood oozing from the nose and mouth.    


The blood flowed onto his shirt, dyeing the high-end clothing even uglier than the little beggar next to him.    




The fatty immediately let out a miserable howl. This time, the intense pain told him that his nose had been broken!    


When he thought of the risk of disfigurement, the fatty finally could not bear it anymore. He suddenly knelt down while holding his head.    


He suddenly lowered his body so much that the security guard unexpectedly missed and almost lost his waist ? Sun Hao was watching the little beggar from the side, but when he saw this scene, he laughed out loud. The security guard's face immediately flushed red, he angrily turned around and was about to continue beating Fatty up.    


The fat man quickly said, "Big brother, I was wrong! I'm not a thing. It's all my fault that I drank too much today and did something stupid. Brother, can you spare me? "    


Due to the fact that his mouth was beaten into the shape of a pig's head, his begging for forgiveness almost caused others to not hear it clearly.    


"Drinking is the reason for you casually hitting him? "Then, how about I go and drink a bottle of wine, and come out to casually beat you up?"    


The security guard asked angrily.    


The fatty hurriedly explained, "Big brother, I didn't say that drinking wine is reasonable. I only said that I really realized that I made a mistake. I just wanted to apologize and beg you to let me go!"    


The security guard thought about it for a moment, then retracted his hand and asked with dissatisfaction, "Since you asked for mercy, why aren't you being sincere?"    


"Sincerity? I have... "Yes, big brother, how much do you want? I have a cheque here!"    


As he spoke, Fatty hastily began to feel around his pockets.    




The security guard's leather shoes slapped Fatty's face again and he cursed, "What do you take me for? How great would it be if there were two people raising money? You can bribe anyone with money? "    


Fatty was so depressed that he couldn't understand how there could be someone who didn't love money in this world. He could only continue to beg, "Big brother, stop fighting, I was wrong! What kind of sincerity do you want? I'll give it to you... Bring it on! "    


He almost said, "Buy."    


Luckily, he stopped talking just in time.    


"Let me think about it ?"    


The security guard frowned and thought for a moment. Then, he said, "Kowtow three times for me and go kowtow ten times for that little beggar. I'll spare you!"    


"Ah?" Kowtow? "    


"What, you don't want to?"    


"No, no, no! "Knock, knock."    


After the fat man said that, he kowtowed three times in pain to the security guards.    


It was as if they were afraid that the security guards would find an excuse for him to hit the floor, so they simply hit the ground.    


Now, his intestines had turned green from regret and he resented himself in his heart: why did he have to threaten a lousy security guard?    


As the saying goes, a man with nothing to lose is afraid of wearing shoes. So what if a security guard gets fired?    


You can always find a new job!    


It could be said that if it wasn't for the undisguised insults he used against the security guards, he probably wouldn't have been humiliated like this.    


After clapping three times in front of the security guards and after he expressed his satisfaction, the fat man tumbled over to Sun Hao, as he held the little beggar in his hands.    


Sun Hao looked at him in disgust and turned his head to the side.    


Luckily the little beggar was alright, otherwise Sun Hao would definitely let him go through with it!    


The little beggar's eyes were filled with hostility as he looked at the previously arrogant fatty. Now, he was like a grandson, kowtowing in front of Fatty.    


Looking at the mighty security guards on the other side, their images were in sharp contrast!    


This scene had left a deep imprint in his young heart, letting him understand how important a person's strength was!    


The young security guard came back with his leather shoes on, counting loudly while supervising the fatty's kowtowing.    


After Fatty kowtowed for ten kowtows, the security guard spat on his face and said, "Scram, never let me see you again!"    


"Yes, yes!" I'm sure I won't come down this street again. "    


"Yes!" The fat guy stood up and prepared to leave.    


Sun Hao, who was carrying the little beggar, suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, you haven't received my punishment yet!"    


As he spoke, he gently put down the little beggar and stood up.    


The fat man suppressed his fear and anger as he asked tremblingly, "Didn't you say you would let me go after I finish kowtowing?"    


Sun Hao shook his head expressionlessly: "That is the young lad's condition, I have not mentioned my condition yet!"    


After he finished speaking, Sun Hao didn't waste any more words with him, and directly went forward to kick him down to the ground once more, then lifted his leg and stepped on him in a variety of ways.    




With a howl from the fatty, it was obvious that his arm was broken.    


The fatty's screams were terrifyingly mournful. Coupled with his pig-head-like face, it made it difficult for people to even look at him.    


Unfortunately, everyone present had seen how he treated the little beggar just now.    


Everyone not only felt a little sympathy towards him, they instead felt that what Sun Hao had done was too easy on him.    


Some of them were especially angry, wishing that someone could step out and kill the fatty.    


Sun Hao lifted his leg, and once again stomped down, breaking the fatty's other arm. Only then did he contemptuously say: "Scram!"    


If he said another word, he would feel disgusted.    


Although he was severely injured, the fat man endured the pain and got up. He quickly called the driver and the two of them got into the car and disappeared.    


If he stayed here for a while longer, even Fatty was afraid that there would be a third person who would want to "punish" him.    


He ? The good show had already ended, and the surrounding crowd began to disperse while chatting and laughing.    


After Sun Hao's Android Massage just now, the little beggar was already almost recovered, all he needed to do was to take care of him a bit more.    


After learning of the situation, the security guards finally relaxed.    


At this time, the sky had already darkened and the crowd had dispersed. However, there weren't many who wanted to enter the Casino.    


Sun Hao thought: It should be because the incident at the door affected the business.    


However, when he thought about it again, he felt that something wasn't right. Since the effects were so severe, why did no one come out to stop them at the nightclub?    


Could it be that there weren't any leaders inside?    


Thinking about it, while bringing the little beggar inside, Sun Hao asked the security guard: "Are there no one in this shop tonight? Otherwise, why was it so long ago that no one came out to deal with it? "    


"Oh ?"    


The security guard hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Since we both fought together, I'll tell you in secret. Many of my brothers have temporarily gone out, so there are currently fewer people in the security department."    


Sun Hao nodded in understanding. It seemed that this security guard didn't know him, and didn't know the relationship between him and his big boss, the Black Widow. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept it a secret like this.    


However, it was precisely because of this that he could tell that this young man's tone was firm and he spoke vaguely to those whom he considered to have a good relationship with.    


This brat was truly not bad. He had a heart of justice, and he wasn't afraid of nobles; he was capable of fighting.    


It seemed like the Black Widow had really trained its subordinates well. Even a soldier who stayed at home to guard the door gave people a feeling of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.    


The young man helped Sun Hao push open the door to the Nightclub, then led him and the little beggar in. The business inside was not very quiet, this place was really different.    


The three of them arrived at a rather luxurious booth. The security guard waved his hand towards the bar and shouted, "Brother Ding, write this on my order. You have to mix some good wine!"    


"Alright!" "Rest assured Xiao Jin, this brother's friend is my friend!"    


Ding Ge who was at the counter replied in agreement and nodded towards Sun Hao and the little beggar. Then, he picked up his wine cup and started to dance.    



Xiao Moxian had never entered such a magnificent place before. He looked around curiously, and even the ashtray in front of him was worth studying carefully.    


The guard looked at the little beggar, then went to the backstage work room and brought out some food. He told the beggar to be careful not to choke, but more... The little beggar nodded his head again and again. Opening the lunchbox, he endured the hunger and began to nibble on the lunchbox.    


This tiny detail immediately made Sun Hao hold him in high regard. After all, he was a beggar that was only ten years old.    


As for this little security guard, he was getting more and more pleasing to the eye now that Sun Hao had a closer look at him.    


In the morning, he also told the Black Widow that those who joined the society were all those who loved to risk their lives in pursuit of excitement.    


He really did not expect that this little security guard was not like a delinquent at all. From his personality and how he treated people, it was clear that he would have something to do in the future!    


Thinking about it, Sun Hao decided to recommend him in front of the Black Widow again.    


The little security guard looked a little embarrassed as he said, "My surname is Jin and I'm called Doll. You can just call me Xiao Jin."    


Sun Hao endured the smile on his face as he thought in his heart: "Jin Wawa? This name was truly ? Not at all. No wonder he's embarrassed. "    


The two of them were chatting when a fragrant wind suddenly blew over. Sun Hao turned around and saw a pair of slender hands placing three cocktails onto the table.    


Looking up along the arm was the body of the Exquisite Pagoda, with a sweet smile on its face.    


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