Strongest War Chant

C168 Pursuit Impending

C168 Pursuit Impending



The Green Eye Tiger saw Wu Shuang rushing over and a green light shot out from its giant eye.    


Wu Shuang did not dare to take the attack head-on. He grabbed the ground tightly and approached the Green Eye Tiger quickly with his curved legs. At the same time, his arms were wrapped in a beautiful melody.    


Soong Tan held onto the Green Eye Tiger's waist, releasing all the strength in his body and stopped it like a bull in a battle.    


The Green Eye Tiger was naturally unreconciled, it waved its tiger claws like the wind, crazily tearing at Soong Tan's back, blood spurting out like a fountain.    


Zhou Feng and Lee Loong wanted to help, but they couldn't do anything. Two black horned, horned, tiger with a single horn flew out from the grass. It was actually two second grade demon spirits — — Dragon Tiger.    


"Wu Shuang, I'm counting on you." Zhou Feng and Lee Loong looked deeply at Wu Shuang, each chose a lone dragon and tiger and pounced over.    


"Tank, let go!" Wu Shuang growled, at the moment when Soong Tan let go of his hand and retreated, he threw a punch at the Green Eye Tiger. Countless melodies interweaved in the blink of an eye to form four ferocious golden scaly dragon heads, opening their mouths wide and biting towards the Green Eye Tiger.    


The Green Eye Tiger roared and stood up, its two front claws swiping towards the dragon head.    


Boom boom boom!    


The sounds of explosions rang out as half of the charred head of a tiger flew out from the broken notes.    


"Tank, can we still fight?" Wu Shuang placed his hand on Soong Tan's back and performed Heal of Accelerated with full force. Under the effect of countless notes, the wound on Wu Tie's back was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


"Haha, no problem." Soong Tan laughed loudly. Although his face was pale due to the loss of blood, he was still full of fighting spirit. Seeing him like this, Wu Shuang nodded and the two of them rushed to the battlefield at Lee Loong's side in tacit understanding.    


With Zhou Feng's strength, he might as well focus on getting rid of a lone dragon rather than losing.    


Lee Loong's fighting style was not suitable for hard steel. Fortunately, his movement technique was agile, and with the help of the "Emperor Snake Sword" in his hands, he was able to restrain Duolong Hu.    


But since the Dragon Tiger and the Green Eye Tiger were of the same level, how could it be so easy to deal with? Seeing that he couldn't take down Lee Loong and his own condition after getting hit, Dragon Tiger had long since lost his patience.    


On his forehead, a shiny black horn suddenly shot out a fan shaped hologram. Lee Loong could not avoid it and could only protect the "Emperor Snake Sword" in a hurry.    


However, the black light barrier ignored him and directly passed through his body. Lee Loong instantly felt his internal organs become extremely exhausted. He spat out a mouthful of blood and his face instantly became dispirited.    


"Lee Loong, hang on." Soong Tan walked over with large strides. His iron green fists were like the wind as they smashed towards the Duo Long Hu.    


The dragon and tiger roared and similarly used its claws to meet. Their fists and claws collided and Soong Tan was pushed back three steps. On the other hand, the dragon and tiger only slightly shook.    


However, in the blink of an eye, Wu Shuang, who had leaped up, descended from the sky. His legs that were infused with Heavenly Sound Energy were like spears as they stabbed towards Duo Long's back.    


Duo Long Hu felt bad and turned his head to look at Wu Shuang. The spiral horn once again bloomed with a black screen.    


Wu Shuang did not dodge. Facing the light screen, he fiercely stepped on the body of the Duo Dragon Tiger and instantly pressed it down. Before it could adjust, a pair of fists wrapped in musical notes hit its ears from left and right.    


"Pu ci!"    


Duo Long Hu's eyes were about to split open. His mind was like a sledgehammer, and the sound waves shot out like dragon claws, shattering his brain as two streams of blood flowed out from his ears.    


Wu Shuang let go of his hands and his body staggered and almost fell to the ground. He did not expect the black light screen to be so terrifying, not only was the Defensive Arts Formation unable to activate, his internal organs had also become extremely dry.    


"Wu Shuang, how are you?" Soong Tan asked with concern as he reached out his hand to help Mo Wuji up.    


Wu Shuang waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "Tank, you go help the captain first, I'm afraid Brother Li and I will need to go slowly."    


"How could this Demon Beast be so powerful? It almost took my life." Lee Loong knelt down on one knee and muttered a sentence. He then threw the "Emperor Snake Sword" to Soong Tan, "Tank, be more nimble. Behead that beast for me."    


Soong Tan nodded. He grabbed the "Emperor Snake Sword" and ran towards the battlefield like a man bear.    


Zhou Feng was the strongest within the Blood Hunting team, and he also had the most experience. He was able to fight evenly with this Lone Dragon and Tiger, and the two fought back and forth.    


When Soong Tan joined the battle, the scale of victory was immediately tilted. After a fierce battle, only Long Hu was killed, but Zhou Feng and Soong Tan were also served by the black light screen again and again.    


Four members of the Blood Hunting team all stared at the other party with small eyes, and started laughing heartily.    


Since Wu Shuang and Lee Loong were hit by the technique the earliest, they recovered early. Wu Shuang also did not hide anything and gave each of them a "Accelerate Healing", saving his teammates from suffering.    


"Clean up the battlefield, we need to leave quickly." After panting for a moment, Zhou Feng stood up and looked around. He saw the surrounding grass shaking and all kinds of Demon Beast's figures could be vaguely seen.    


"Understood." Wu Shuang and the others quickly packed the Demon Beast materials and left.    


Not long after they left, a group of wolf type Demon Beast arrived under the lead of the grey wolf commander and started gorging on the three bloody tiger corpses. Suddenly, four to five fireballs the size of washbasins smashed over, and with a loud bang, a sea of fire exploded.    


The Seven Headed Silver Moon Wolf died on the spot, and two Swordteeth Wolf were also injured. The Gray Wolf Commander furiously howled, angrily looking at the man with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks who was coming towards him.    


"Kill them! Leave none alive!"    


With a sneer, the four lackeys behind laughed as well. Suddenly, a charm appeared around them, as if a tiger had entered a flock of sheep. They pounced on the pack of wolves, but before the commander of the wolves reached them, he was easily dismembered by the big men.    


Moments later, the pack of wolves were completely annihilated, and the monkey man spat on the head of the grey wolf commander who died with grievance. He waved his arms, "Continue to chase them, and kill those trash who have caught up to Blood Hunting."    


"Yes." The four early stage Flowing Cloud Heavenly Sound Master's all roared with momentum. Like humanoid tanks, they dove head first into the grass and chased after the Blood Hunting team.    


An hour later, amidst the debris flying everywhere, Zhou Feng's hand raised and a big panther head flew up. A third grade demon spirit, the Boulder Leopard, died under the blade.    


The Blood Hunting team heaved a sigh of relief, but was immediately followed up with nervousness due to Zhou Feng's words.    


"Everyone, protect me! I'm about to be promoted!" Zhou Feng's eyes flashed as he dismissed the [Melody] Tang Knife and sat cross-legged on the ground. The surrounding Heavenly Sound Force was instantly pulled towards him as if it was collapsing.    


At this moment, the battle is not over yet, there are still two third grade demon spirits around. However, not everyone is like Wu Shuang who is breaking through in battle. Zhou Feng needs to have complete trust in his teammates if he wants to advance successfully.    


The three of them looked at each other, Wu Shuang said, "Brother Tank, Brother Li, you two deal with the Black Crystal Scale Bear, leave the Red Gold Pig to me."    


Soong Tan and Lee Loong nodded. They knew that their attacks would not be able to break through the golden red pig's defense, so they rushed towards the Black Crystal Scaled Bear without hesitation.    


Wu Shuang turned around and looked at his opponent. The three Divine Talisman beside him were glowing...    


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