Strongest War Chant

C216 Strike

C216 Strike

0The two of them found Soong Tan and the others, explained the crisis the station was facing, and asked them if they were going to stay.    


To Wu Shuang's surprise, not only Lee Loong and Soong Tan chose to stay, even the delicate Susu was also going to participate in the battle.    


They had all been imprinted in their books since they were young, but now they were imprinted in their bone marrow.    


Maybe they would die, but fleeing without fighting was even more of a lifetime of humiliation. Moreover, since Lord Jiu had already defeated one Demon Commander, he could still lose a second battle.    


"I understand what you guys are thinking. I won't advise you to leave, but Lee Loong, Soong Tan, and Susu, the three of you are too weak. You can only be used as backup and follow behind the third team to assist in the attack." Zhou Feng said seriously.    


"If there is any danger, you must immediately withdraw. This is an order, do you understand?"    


"Alright, reserve troops. Let's reserve troops then. Laozi's been holed up in this Bird City for quite some time, we'll kill a few of his demons and drink some wine now." Lee Loong pretended to be vicious as he said this. The eyes of Soong Tan and Susu were also filled with the flames of war.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The iron gate slowly opened, and at the same time, the first group of forty Heavenly Sound Master s started to play a war song. Multicolored glows converged into a sea, looking very spectacular.    


"It's about to begin …" Wu Shuang clenched his fist and looked outside along the half-open door. The dense black beast tide was crazily attacking the Defensive Arts Formation. The pairs of bloodthirsty eyes and bloody mouths made people shudder.    




Following the order from the commander, the first team let out a loud roar and swarmed out of the city. They were the vanguards of the human counterattack and also the death squadron, and the first blade to pierce the heart of the Demon Beast!    


As the group of fearless warriors dashed out of the city gate, the gate slammed down once again. The heavy pounding of the gate against the ground sounded like the rumbling of a war drum in the hearts of everyone present.    


In a place where no one could see, shouts of battle, shouts, and screams could be heard.    


Zhou Feng took a deep breath and said, "Let's go and gather."    


Wu Shuang nodded his head heavily and then gathered towards the city gate. There were already a few teams waiting there. The ones standing in the first row were the remnants of the armed forces.    


After Xe Ping's mobilization, eight more people were willing to join the battle. Some of the original team also withdrew, and a total of thirty-eight people stood out from the fifty-six survivors on the train. The remaining people sat dejectedly in the new train.    


In the face of life and death, everyone had too many shackles, and the choice was not wrong. Perhaps there were people scolding, or perhaps there were people who were lenient, but even more people were not in the mood to think about anything else, because the sounds of battle outside were gradually weakening.    


Everyone was well aware of what this meant. A desolate and tragic aura gradually spread out.    


"Second team, get ready!"    


From the high wall came the shouts of the commander. Wu Shuang couldn't help but to stand up straight and stare at the gate in front of him.    


"Open the door!"    


The sound of the gate opening rang out again. Wu Shuang's ears were immediately filled with all kinds of melodies, three Divine Talisman's also rose up from his body. Zhou Feng who was beside him nodded and said, "Wu Shuang, come back alive."    


"Brother Zhou, you too."    


The moment the voice fell, the vault door was already opened to the height of a person. The pungent smell of blood and the terrifying slaughterhouse scene assaulted their nostrils. Everyone who saw this scene trembled with fear.    


Outside, there were only nineteen warriors left in the first squad. They were like a dam of flesh and blood, not only could they resist the beasts' attack but also forced back ten meters from the city gate.    


Behind them, twenty-one martyrs died in battle while hundreds of corpses of Demon Beast accompanied them. Amongst them, there were even two greater demons.    


"Kill!" Wu Shuang rushed out with bloodshot eyes. He raised his hand and a Dragon Gun shot out. Amidst the ear-piercing sound of wind breaking, two demon soldiers and one demon spirit died at the same time, helping another Heavenly Sound Master to resolve the crisis.    


The Heavenly Sound Master nodded at him and roared, then pounced towards another Demon Beast. Wu Shuang also opened his fists, and the talisman turned into a dragon claw, that landed right in the middle of the beast wave, killing and destroying one of the demon soldiers.    


As flesh and blood splattered everywhere, a scarlet gold pig charged over with its huge fangs shining with a metallic luster, and suddenly stabbed towards Wu Shuang.    


"Die!" Wu Shuang did not dodge. His right arm, which was wrapped in a melody, was firmly imprinted on the fang. The golden scaled dragon head that came out of his fist roared and smashed the tusk along with half of the pig head into smithereens.    


The golden red pig let out a wail and kneeled on the ground. Then, it was stepped on by Wu Shuang on the head and its brain was crushed to death.    




The leader of the gray wolves led a pack of Swordteeth and Silvermoon Wolf wolves and surrounded them. Without saying a word, he started to bite crazily and the concentrated attacks landed on Wu Shuang's Defensive Arts Formation, causing a heart-wrenching sound.    


Wu Shuang let out a cold snort, sweeping his legs like a whip, bringing along a dragon tail formed by Heavenly Energy, he massacred the wolves. Within three breaths of time, he left a pile of dead wolves beside him, then he stomped on the ground and charged towards the grey wolf leader.    


The commander howled as his eyes became clouded with a layer of dust. Just as he was about to cast Petrification, his four dragon heads came crashing down on him. With a violent explosion, a huge wolf head flew into the sky and landed heavily on the ground.    


Wu Shuang retracted his fist and looked at the surrounding Demon Beast with a cold gaze. Just as he took a step forward, the Demon Beast in front of him immediately retreated in fright as it continuously let out threatening growls.    


Just then, a few tiger roars sounded out. Two tiger type demon spirits had just cut off a Heavenly Sound Master and were boasting loudly.    


Seeing that, Wu Shuang's brain was filled with rage, he punched the Demon Beast blocking the way, and rushed towards the two demon spirits. One of the Green Eye Tiger noticed Wu Shuang, and it looked at him with its huge single eye, immediately shooting a ray of paralyzing light.    


Wu Shuang quickly dodged. Under the control of his physical body, as long as he could see, he would be able to react quickly. On the contrary, a few Demon Beast were accidentally hit by the ray, and as if they were rusted, their bodies slowly fell to the ground.    




Seeing that Wu Shuang was safe and sound, the Green Eye Tiger roared and pounced towards him. However, the ground under its feet started to tremble violently.    


In the next second, a Six Eyes Bone Devouring Insect broke through the ground and swallowed it along with the Demon Beast beside it.    


Flesh and blood splattered out of the Six Eyes Bone Devouring Insect's drill like mouth. Wu Shuang's eyes focused and he immediately stopped. At the same time, the cannons on the city wall began to rumble, and along with it was a thick bolt of lightning.    


"F * ck." Wu Shuang cursed. Before the bolt of lightning landed, he desperately jumped to the side.    


Sssii! *    


With the sound of his eardrums being torn, the Defensive Arts Formation on Wu Shuang's body was torn to shreds by the flowing electric current with a single light.    


As for the Six Eyes Bone Devouring Insect that had taken a direct hit from the Sonic Boom Plasma Cannon, it had exploded into two parts of its body. The upper half of its body that was not completely dead was still struggling madly on the ground.    


Wu Shuang spat out a mouthful of sand. His body was completely numb from the electrical arcs. Just as he stood up from the ground, he met a pair of terrifying bloodshot eyes …    


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