Strongest War Chant

C241 Late Stage Battle Against Xuan Shen

C241 Late Stage Battle Against Xuan Shen

0In the cultivation room's hall, a high platform slowly rose up. The Warsong Arts Formation engraved on it all lit up, and at the same time, released a large amount of melody, weaving together to form a gorgeous dome above the platform.    


Following the activation of the martial stage, invisible sound waves radiated outwards. The hearts of all the Heavenly Sound Master who were still in their Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall moved, as they looked in the direction of the cultivation room with curiosity.    


"The Martial Stage has actually been opened. I wonder which lords are going to compete in this match."    


"Quickly go and take a look. It's rare to see a battle between experts."    


The original intention of the Martial Stage was to select talented people and promote competition. Based on the effects of the war song, the place was very solid. Even if it was destroyed, it could recover on its own.    


In addition, the lives of both sides were protected. Once one side was on the verge of death, the battle would stop.    


Under normal circumstances, only during major events or celebrations would the Martial Stage be temporarily opened. Occasionally, there would be strong people who, in order to gain honor, would choose to publicly fight. The cost of opening the Martial Stage would be paid by the loser.    


At this moment, it was neither a holiday nor a big event. There had to be a battle between the top. There was no reason to miss it.    


The crowd gathered around the stage as they discussed excitedly. They were waiting for the duels to come out. In a moment, Elder Cui walked over and everyone saw him and made way for him.    


Sima Nan, who was wearing a windbreaker, smiled and went up onto the stage first. He took off his windbreaker and threw it on the stage. His gray, tight shirt outlined his strong body.    


"It's actually three divine rings, late stage Profoundness Finding Stage experts!"    


"This person seems to be Supervisor Si Ma. I've seen his picture before. That knife scar. Heavens, it really is him."    


"Haha, today is really lucky! I heard that Supervisor Si Ma was already one of the top ten young experts of Donghua Kingdom ten years ago. His cultivation must be even more terrifying now. Who is his opponent? Could he also be one of the top ten experts?"    


Sima Nan's appearance caused the entire audience to burst into an uproar.    


With his cultivation, not only was he the strongest person under the Nature Creating Stage, he was also an outstanding existence. Anyone who knew him, would immediately brag about what he had seen and heard.    


If one side was already so strong, then the other side was definitely not weak, or even stronger. Everyone eagerly hoped that several names would appear in their minds. And these people were all famous masters or tyrants.    


However, what surprised them the most was that after brewing their emotions for half a day, what awaited them was a brat, his boos and mocking laughter was like a tsunami as it flew towards Wu Shuang.    


After a long time, it turned out to be just a lecture. Everyone was immediately disappointed, and many people shook their heads and left the stage.    


Cui Changqing's and Wang Yuanshan's eyes fell on Wu Shuang's body. Sima Nan was also observing the teenager in front of him. However, he didn't find any anger, shame, or grievance on his face. All he saw was fighting spirit and the faith to win.    


"Alright, just this casual attitude is enough to make me look at you in a new light. Wu Shuang, you go first. I'll let you go for two minutes." Sima Nan said with a laugh, his words attracting some people's attention. Recently, the word 'Wu Shuang' had been passed around very warmly.    


It was said that a beast tide had erupted near City K, and a young man had appeared out of nowhere, completing many unimaginable feats, and even daring to fight with the Demon Commander.    


These words were spreading like wildfire. In some people's description, Wu Shuang was almost three meters tall and had a fiendish expression. He sounded like an asura purgatory as he wailed like a wolf or ghost.    


It was also because of these rumors that people did not believe Wu Shuang's words and thought he was just bragging.    


There were people who were curious when they saw his original body, people who were suspicious, people who were even insulting him and people who were hostile towards him. However, quite a few of the people who had left before had returned and were all waiting for him to become a joke.    


The first test to enter Elite Training Camp required one to endure under the examiner for five minutes. Sima Nan said to allow him two minutes, but it wasn't to let him go easy.    


Since it was a fight, then it was a true fight, and no one else could be blamed for their loss. In a sense, having him as the examiner had increased the difficulty of the entire trial by at least thirty percent.    


"Since that's the case, then I won't be polite. Chief Si Ma, please be careful"    


Before his voice had even faded, Wu Shuang had already flown out. His rolling melody wrapped around his arm and suddenly shot out. In an instant, nine gigantic Five-claw Golden Dragon tore through the air, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws.    


"Come at me!" Sima Nan's eyes became serious. He took a step forward and faced the incoming attack. Between his hands, black melodies were like streams of air, rapidly whistling through the gaps of his fingers. It was just a grab, but four or five shadow claws appeared around him.    


At first, he thought that only one of the nine Five-claw Golden Dragon was real and the rest were illusions. However, the explosion that came from the palm of his hand caused his expression to change, and he fiercely jumped two meters back.    


"Hahaha, good boy. I've truly underestimated you." Sima Nan shook his hands that were a bit numb, but were perfectly fine. He smiled and said, "Come, let me see your ability again."    


The two of them had a short exchange of blows. It looked like they were on equal footing, but Sima Nan had, after all, retreated a step and had already lost in this round. This result was within the expectations of both Cui and Elder Wang, shocking everyone.    


"Damn, I'm not seeing things, am I?! Chief Si was actually forced back by this brat!"    


"Could it be that the rumors are true, that this youth really defeated the Demon Commander and took back the lost ground?"    


"What a joke! Your cultivation is higher than him. If it was you, would you be able to do it?" Didn't you hear that he had to be allowed two minutes? Just you wait, this brat will reveal himself sooner or later. "    


While the crowd discussed, Wu Shuang rushed out again. This time, a large number of silver notes suddenly flowed around his body. These notes condensed into a melody, which then quickly weaved into a majestic silver armor and a narrow black cloak.    


"Take my attack!"    


In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of Sima Nan. The True Dragon Fighting Arts was in full swing as the roaring, golden-scaled dragon heads and the sound dragons went wild.    


Even Sima Nan could not help but to step back. His hands were covered with the black melody as he waved them like the wind. Although his defense was tight, anyone with a discerning eye could see the sweat on his forehead.    


Two minutes later, the appointed time arrived. Sima Nan immediately roared and attacked. Countless black melodies gathered towards him from the void, causing his body to instantly double in size. The squirming melodies were like black tentacles swaying on his body.    


The fist that he suddenly punched out also shattered the golden dragons. It seemed that it was about to land on Wu Shuang's body …    


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