Strongest War Chant

C284 Force away Meng

C284 Force away Meng

0"I'm so scared, please don't kill me." Wu Shuang begged for mercy, but his expression was one of mockery.    


"You're courting death!" Seeing that, Meng Chang waved his staff and a large amount of pole shadows came piercing over.    


Wu Shuang snorted, his fist that was filled with heavenly sound, danced out, and under the double 'Instant Blast', eighteen Five-claw Golden Dragon rolled forward, rumbling and colliding with the pole shadows. Although they were slightly weaker than him, they were not weak either.    


"Ha, kid, it's been a while, you've made some progress." Meng Chang sneered and swept his pole shadows again. Over a hundred ghost claws struggled out and appeared in front of Wu Shuang in the blink of an eye.    


"Get lost!"    


Wu Shuang roared and clapped his hands. The battle song "A Fire in Winter" resounded. Two flaming notes appeared in his eyes and three angry lions roared as they charged at the ghost claws. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The next moment, Wu Shuang suddenly felt a chill on his back. Following that, an oppressive feeling of death assaulted him. He did not even need to turn his head to know that Meng Chang had arrived behind him.    


Just as the Soul Devouring Dead Spirit Rod was about to land on the ground with its head full of power, Wu Shuang began to play "Night and the Night", his body transforming into a melody as he dashed forward.    


"Can you run?" Meng Chang pointed his broken arm and the space in front of Wu Shuang collapsed towards him. It was as if mountains were collapsing and the earth cracking at the same time.    


"Who said I was going to run?"    


The corner of Wu Shuang's mouth twitched. The mark of his enemy and the war song "Anxiety" almost simultaneously landed on Meng Chang's body.    


"You …" Meng Chang's pupils shrank as he saw countless shadows rushing towards him under Wu Shuang's control.    


Just as he was about to move away, a strange babbling sound suddenly echoed in his ears. An unbearable pain spread through his blood vessels and rapidly spread throughout his entire body.    


Since the beginning of the fight between Wu Shuang and Meng Chang, the white primary rotation stopped attacking and quietly watched the battle.    


When he saw Meng Chang sink into depravity under the smiling and crying face, he suddenly became spirited. With his revenge, he immediately slashed over a dozen sword lights.    


The effect of the Otherworldly Demonic Sound on Meng Chang lasted for only a second before it disappeared. Just as Meng Chang came to his senses, he realized that countless shadow beasts were biting him, tearing off who knows how much flesh.    


At the same time, the terrifying sword aura arrived in an instant and hacked down towards his head. Even though Meng Chang had teleported to another place in time, his skull was still split open by the sword aura.    


"Alright, you're very good …" Meng Chang rolled his eyes and looked at Wu Shuang. His gaze was so cold that it could kill. "This body of mine has been used for many years. It's time to change it."    


As soon as he finished his words, the Soul-Devouring Divine Staff broke free from Meng Chang's hands and floated above his head. Countless ghost claws shot out from the staff, opening their sharp claws and grabbing towards Meng Chang's body.    


"No, don't …" Meng Chang suddenly shivered and his expression and temperament changed drastically. He pleaded with tears and snot running down his cheeks, "Don't kill me, I still have a use for you. Don't, don't kill me!"    


Meng Chang tried to grab the rusted iron rod on his head. When his hand was on the rod, it felt like he was holding a soldering iron. He immediately let go with a scream.    


Following the hundred ghost claws, Meng Chang pulled out a struggling soul body from his body. Meng Chang rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, motionless.    


"What kind of act is this?" Wu Shuang was puzzled by Meng Chang's crazy actions.    


At this moment, a new voice came from the Soul-Devouring Spirit Rod, "Foolish, my body and the Demon Soldier Tribe are like your clothes, it's fine if it breaks, but you just have to tear my clothes and give yourself to me."    


Before he finished his sentence, the Soul-Devouring Slaying Spirit Rod instantly disappeared from Wu Shuang's sight, and when it reappeared, it was already suspended above his head.    


Countless pale-white notes turned into a huge skull. It opened its mouth and bit towards him.    


Wu Shuang looked up at the sky and tightened his fist. Just as he was about to blast forward, the spatial energy that was everywhere was suddenly exerted on his body, rendering him unable to move. He could only watch as his big mouth fell.    


"Cough cough …" Little toothpick, what do you want to do to my disciple? "    


After two dry coughs, an invisible pressure suddenly descended like the collapse of the heavens.    


"Who?" The skull suddenly stopped. Its empty eyes vigilantly scanned left and right. Just now, it suddenly had an illusion, as if the moment it fell from the sky was the day it would die.    


"Hmph, I'd like to see who's playing tricks on us." The skulls exploded with a loud roar, turning into tens of thousands of small skulls. They opened and closed their mouths, filled with rotten teeth as they bit in all directions.    


Although it had shrunk a thousand times in size, the power it contained did not decrease. Even if it was only a skull and it bit Wu Shuang, it would still be enough to take his little life.    


"Ha, this old man is a ghost, do you still need to pretend?"    


The surging blood-colored melody burst out from the Snake Bone Bead. As if there were hundreds of waving tentacles, with a light wave, a large number of skulls exploded.    


"This … this is the cultivation base of the Dao Seeking stage!" Impossible! How could there be a Dao Realm expert in the Beautiful Sound Realm!? "    


The Soul-Destroying Rod let out a shrill scream, and the surrounding space distorted; he was about to run away.    


"Oh, you're pretty knowledgeable, but you still can't escape death." Dong Tianlai said, "Brat, leave this guy to me. Go and reclaim the main body."    


"Alright!" Wu Shuang nodded. Looking at the blood colored melody, he charged towards the Soul-Devouring Spirit Rod. Wu Shuang nodded and looked at the blood colored melody.    


The white mecha was different from the grey mecha. The mecha, which was under the control of the mecha, had no idea what to dodge.    


Seeing Wu Shuang rushing towards him, he shot out seven or eight sword lights without any hesitation, wanting to kill him on the spot.    


The corner of Wu Shuang's mouth lifted. The moment his body became solid, it shook slightly and a large amount of shadows appeared around him.    


As the sword beam landed, a large part of the shadow shattered and exploded. However, Wu Shuang was like a shadow, sticking close to the ground and closing in on the white main body.    


In an instant, the water blue melody spiraled upwards and a piece of music proudly appeared above Wu Shuang's head.    


In the endless sea of illusions, a silver-scaled white dragon appeared. Its long and narrow eyes swept across the white main body of the exploding sword light. Its eyes were filled with contempt.    


"Get tired!" Wu Shuang pressed his hands together and a mini water ball immediately appeared in his palm.    


At the same time, a large number of blue melodies condensed into a huge wave, swirling towards the white main body.    


The white spinning sword light could easily pierce the water flow, but it couldn't stop it. The water prison formed by the big wave fell on it, and Wu Shuang was too busy dodging the sword light to do anything.    


Just as the two sides came to a stalemate, the blood-colored melody severed half of the Soul-Devouring Spirit Rod with a bang.    


This ancient demon weapon, no matter how unwilling it was, had no choice but to escape into the distance with its tail between its legs. Once it was chased out of the sonic killing array, its black main body would once again become ownerless.    


"Humph, if it wasn't for the fact that this old man only had a sliver of power in my appearance, how would I let it escape?" Dong Tianlai grumbled. He controlled the blood-colored melody to turn towards the white main body and said, "Damn brat, get ready. I'll help you subdue this thing."    


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