Strongest War Chant

C268 Rat's Nest Adventure

C268 Rat's Nest Adventure

0The entrance to this cave was very narrow, but unexpectedly, the interior was very open, or perhaps it could be said to be connected in all directions.    


At first, Wu Shuang still needed to crawl, but after a while, he not only stood up straight, he even revealed an expression of shock.    


In front of him were seven tunnels. Through some shorter tunnels, one could see new forks.    


Such a huge project, was definitely not something that a Head Hunting Rat could accomplish. It was highly likely that this was a rat's nest, and the Head Hunting Rat that was wandering outside probably acted as sentries.    


If it was really as Wu Shuang thought, then he would be walking right into a trap. But at the same time, if there was an exit, then it must be inside this rat's nest.    


"Forget it, there won't be that many Head Hunting Rat here. Otherwise, they would have noticed the battle just now."    


Wu Shuang comforted himself as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty and then walked inside.    


Soon, he was faced with the first choice: which of the seven paths to choose.    


Although these seven choices looked similar, Wu Shuang chose the shortest path without any hesitation.    


His idea was very simple as well. If he met Head Hunting Rat in the long passage, then needless to say, there was only one way out for him to fight. However, the short passage could be avoided, increasing his mobility.    


It was very dark inside the rat's nest with many ants crawling inside. Luckily, Wu Shuang had Scarlet Eye, so he could clearly see his surroundings without exposing himself due to the lighting melody.    


Out of the seven tunnels, the shortest path was only a little more than ten meters. Wu Shuang soon arrived at the first fork in the path. He also chose the shortest path and walked towards the right passageway.    


After repeating this a few times, Wu Shuang no longer knew where he was. At the same time, there were footsteps and the unique creaking of Head Hunting Rat nearby.    


Wu Shuang held his breath and listened quietly. The most recent sound was coming from the neighboring tunnel on his left.    


Hearing the sound of footsteps, a total of three Head Hunting Rat passed by.    


After the voice had disappeared into the distance, Wu Shuang continued moving forward. However, before he had gone far, he saw a small Head Hunting Rat walking towards him.    


In such a dark environment, even the Head Hunting Rat that lived here could not see everything clearly, but Wu Shuang could.    


He held his breath and quietly retreated. Fortunately, there was a fork in the road three meters away from him. That was where he had entered from.    


The Head Hunting Rat's hearing was very sharp. Wu Shuang's soft footsteps were at least ten times louder than the's ears, but it did not know that someone had entered. Although the mud on Wu Shuang's body was disgusting, but it had hidden his smell.    


Tshh Tshh!    


The Head Hunting Rat let out a few cries, as if it was asking who was in front.    


Wu Shuang, of course, did not answer. At this moment, he had retreated to another passage and held his breath, not daring to breathe.    


The Head Hunting Rat did not wait for a response and immediately rushed over. It looked at the nearby empty tunnels and tore three pieces of flesh from its back, forming a ball of flesh. Then, it threw them into the tunnels and also chose one of the tunnels.    


"That scumbag." Wu Shuang cursed, because this Head Hunting Rat chose the passage that he was hiding in.    


Even though he wasn't confident enough in being able to kill it, Wu Shuang didn't try to escape again. He gradually gathered his power in his body and prepared to launch a fatal attack at any time.    


Since you want to die, I'll send you off!    


However, just as he was about to violently wound the little mouse, a shrill cry suddenly sounded out from afar. When the Head Hunting Rat heard this, it immediately roared, turned around, and ran out.    


Although the crisis was temporarily resolved, Wu Shuang's heart became heavier. If he didn't guess wrongly, some Head Hunting Rat had already noticed the situation outside. Otherwise, they wouldn't have called their comrades at this time.    


If a single Head Hunting Rat was so difficult to deal with, he couldn't even imagine a group of them.    


"Let's go, we have to find the exit before they discover me."    


Wu Shuang quickened his pace. In this catacombs, finding the exit was like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, he managed to find it today.    


After going through who knows how many tunnels and avoiding many Head Hunting Rat, Wu Shuang's eyes suddenly opened up.    


They arrived at the first place that could be called a big hall. It seemed to be where the Head Hunting Rat s stored their rations, and inside were piles of smelly corpses. Other than a large number of demon soldiers and spirits, there was also a rotten and unrecognizable demon lord.    


At this moment, there were five Head Hunting Rat standing guard here. Their bodies were much bigger than the one that Wu Shuang killed.    


Wu Shuang wasn't interested in their rations at all, but since there was a source for the food, it proved that there was another exit.    


After patiently observing for a while, an Head Hunting Rat dragged a half-devoured Iron Mountain Battle Pig out from a passage. It casually piled up the corpses on the mountain and then turned around to return to the passage it came from.    


Wu Shuang secretly memorized the location of the passage and retreated back to the fork in the road. He purposely made some noise and the five Head Hunting Rat guarding there immediately became alert. One of them left the group and walked towards the passage.    


The Head Hunting Rat twitched its nose and realized that it could not smell anything at all. It could only open its eyes wide and search for clues. Then, it saw the footprints on the ground.    


Squeak squeak squeak!    


The Head Hunting Rat cried out, calling out to its comrades as it quickly ran into each of the forks in the road to check.    


"Are you looking for me?" Wu Shuang hung upside down at the top of the passage. When the Head Hunting Rat ran over, he jumped down from behind it.    


Under the effect of the "Instant Blast" that was increased by two times, the nine exploding Five-claw Golden Dragon s broke through its black membrane with almost no effort at all, and the fist that followed instantly killed it.    


The reason why they chose to bring the Head Hunting Rat into the passage was to restrict their movements and make it easier to kill them. If they were in the hall earlier, Wu Shuang would have been the one to die.    


However, such a move could only be used once, and would not be effective the next time. Moreover, the Head Hunting Rat had also called for her comrades.    


After taking care of it, Wu Shuang immediately changed to another path. However, before he could take a few steps, a Head Hunting Rat rushed towards him.    


After discovering Wu Shuang, the Head Hunting Rat shook its body and shot out a long thorn.    


When they met on a narrow path, the brave wins. Wu Shuang ran towards the long thorns, both fists punching out simultaneously, like a charging bull, 18 melodic dragon heads exploding the long thorns, while the remaining dragon heads rushed towards the Head Hunting Rat behind without slowing down at all.    


The Head Hunting Rat retreated in a flurry, each dragon head exploding around it, causing a large amount of sand and stones to fly into the air.    


The sand and rocks blocked its line of sight, but it could not stop it from continuing to shoot forward.    


"You take my spear!"    


Along with Wu Shuang's voice, a blood-red streak appeared in a flash and accurately hit the Head Hunting Rat's skull.    



As if a coconut was suddenly smashed, the Head Hunting Rat fell onto its back with a "ka" sound, and its blood immediately stained the entire place!    


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