Strongest War Chant

C237 Funeral

C237 Funeral

0At first, the mysterious voice was like a drop of water, but later, it was like a torrential flood that continuously surged through his ears and brain.    


Wu Shuang closed his eyes and his bloated body gradually recovered. A faint light appeared on his body. Only after looking closely at it, did he realize that it was made up of fragmented notes.    


He didn't know how much his body had strengthened, but he could clearly feel the existence of the Dao Sound of Heaven and Earth. The unstable state he had just advanced to was also completely stabilized under the pounding of the countless sonic booms.    


Wu Shuang carefully experienced the mysteries of the Dao of Heaven and Earth and felt the Heavenly Sound within his body. Like a rising water surface, it grew layer by layer and uncontrollably let out a long roar from his chest.    


The whistling stopped and the river of stars dispersed. Wu Shuang jumped out from the bathtub. His naked body was filled with the beauty of lines and power. With a slight movement, a sound of explosion came from the skin of his bones.    


"Good, good, good!" Wu Shuang shouted three times and threw a punch forward. There was no effect of any music notes or melody, but his punch created wind sounds. The sound of the big steel tendons being stretched made people feel no doubt that they could easily break through the wall.    


Wu Shuang withdrew his fist and his eyes lit up. With just his physical strength, he was able to match up to some rank 3 demon soldiers. Perhaps compared to his strength, this little increase in strength was nothing special.    


However, even the slightest increase in strength could affect the outcome of the battle. Furthermore, his greatest gain was his explosive Heavenly Note Power. Wu Shuang's overall strength had increased by at least thirty percent.    


When Wu Shuang cleaned up the blood in the bathtub and walked out in his bathrobe, the door of the room just happened to be turned. Lee Loong walked in first, with a drunk blush on his face.    


When Lee Loong suddenly saw the giant corpse in the room, he rubbed his eyes and cursed loudly!    


"Wu, Wu Shuang, you brat, you brat …" Lee Loong wobbled over and pointed at Wu Shuang with his finger and said, "You brat, be honest. Did you join some cult or something? What a bloody situation."    


"Bastard, did you just join a cult?" Wu Shuang rolled his eyes and didn't wait for an explanation. Zhou Feng and the others also walked in. They were experienced people and naturally wouldn't be scared just because of a corpse. However, Susu's face still turned pale.    


"Wu Shuang, what is the corpse of the Demon Beast? Why did it come to the room?"    


Zhou Feng looked at the remains of the Fierce Wind Death God and felt an extremely strong power from it. His eyes couldn't help but narrow, and then he shouted, "This, this is the Wind Hunting Death God!"    


Hearing Zhou Feng's shout, Lee Loong came to his senses. He rushed to the front and carefully sized up the body of the Windhunter Deathgod. Soong Tan even stretched out his hand and caressed its thick muscles.    


Although Susu and Zhou Feng didn't come over, the excitement and curiosity on their faces couldn't be concealed.    


"Hehe, don't look anymore. Those who see it will get their share. Everyone, divide up this Demon Commander's corpse." Wu Shuang smiled and looked at the crowd. Amongst the Demon Beast materials, the heart was the most valuable.    


"No, no, it's useless without merit. This corpse is at least worth tens of billions of spirit points. It's too precious, and it's the spoils of war that you risked your life for. We absolutely cannot take it." Susu quickly refused.    


Soong Tan also rejected flatly, "That's right, Wu Shuang. We appreciate your good intentions, to be able to touch Demon Commander with our own hands is already worth it."    


The moment the two of them started talking, Lee Loong and Zhou Feng both looked over with a naughty smile. Lee Loong joked, "Sure, we can start singing as we please already. You don't want it, Wu Shuang, cut the biggest piece for me, I'll put it at home to serve."    


After hearing what Lee Loong said, and then looking at Susu and Soong Tan's awkward expressions, Wu Shuang immediately understood. There was definitely a story that he did not know about that happened. The corner of his mouth also curled up inadvertently.    


"Hehe, Tank, be honest. When did you get our team's flower?"    


"Little brat, don't spout nonsense. What do you know?" Susu rolled her eyes at Wu Shuang and pinched Soong Tan's arm. This kind of pain was nothing to Soong Tan, but he pretended to be in pain and even cried out.    


But, it is a pity that no single dog is present. This wave of dog food can be considered to be for nothing …    


After playing around for a while, Wu Shuang still persuaded everyone to split the body of the Wind Hunting God evenly.    


After he had been promoted to Rhythm Flowing Stage, he already possessed the qualifications to form his own team. Or perhaps, relying on the prestige he had accumulated during the battle, he could join the Gold Team and even the Diamond Team.    


However, Wu Shuang valued these brothers that risked their lives more. He believed that with this huge amount of wealth, each of them would quickly grow up.    


"… …"    


The Blood Hunting team spent another two days of peace in the K City military area. On this day, it was Lord Jiu's funeral.    


Everyone knew that Lord Jiu's corpse was already buried in the mouths of countless beasts. However, this did not stop them from celebrating the death of a great old man who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of humanity as a whole. His spirit would forever inspire them.    


It was a very gloomy day. A thick layer of dark clouds covered the sky, as if even the heavens knew that this day was special. A drizzling rain washed away the haze in the hearts of the people.    


Wu Shuang got up early, put on his black clothes and walked to the center of the military sector with his teammates who were dressed the same way.    


Outside, Heavenly Sound Master s with solemn expressions, like pious pilgrims, gathered from all directions. What covered the sky were not only black clouds, but also a large number of Battle Songs drones.    


Wu Shuang saw the shadow of the "Silver Shuttle Flying" within it. He also saw some unheard-of colossus. These ferocious fort-like drones could only land in the open space outside the military area.    


After the cabin door was opened, a group of powerful existences could be seen walking over, some flying in the air, some landing on the ground.    


There was no need for any introductions, but Wu Shuang already recognized them from the strong auras they emitted, that they were all almighty beings with Nature Creating Stage.    


One, two, three … A total of seven almighty beings had descended upon K City, attracting the attention of everyone.    


However, the protagonists today were not them. Under the Mission Tower, on a high platform, Eight-shaped Mustache and other high-ranking members of K City were gathered together. Fang Su and Han Chan, these big figures whom Wu Shuang had met once before, were among them.    


Wu Shuang saw the direction in which the "Silver Shuttle Flying" was descending, but he was not in a hurry to meet them. He gathered with most of the people under the Mission Tower and surrounded it in many layers.    


Once the seven almighty elders of the Nature Creating Stage had reached the stage, Fang Su started to announce his eulogy. Everyone became silent, and in the silent military area, there was only an old and sorrowful voice that echoed in the air.    


After the eulogy ended, the seven almighty elders of the Nature Creating Stage all raised their right arms and pointed their sword fingers upwards. A black melody that was as thin as a strand of hair shot out from their fingers towards the sky.    


On the stage, the higher ups of City K, the various guests, and the other Heavenly Sound Master s who came to send off raised their right arms as well.    


A black melody shot up into the sky like thousands of arrows. The black cloud was crushed into pieces in the blink of an eye as strands of sunlight scattered down and illuminated the empty path.    


A group of dignified guards, along with a benevolent picture, walked over from afar …    


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