Strongest War Chant

C196 Force Task

C196 Force Task

0After spending a few days at home peacefully, Zhou Feng gathered everyone together to discuss what to do next.    


With the addition of Susu, the team's overall strength had improved. Everyone's thoughts had become more active. Although last time they went to City K was a bit of a surprise, they still reaped a lot of benefits. Wu Shuang and the others all proposed going there to hunt.    


Speaking of City K, Wu Shuang had already fed his parents the White Crystal Dragon lice eggs. The powerful vitality contained inside them was like a burning stove, constantly modifying their bodies.    


Both Wu Lia and his wife expressed that they were full of energy and their bodies were full of vitality. Not only their grey hair had turned black, even the wrinkles on their faces had lessened. They asked Wu Shuang what miracle medicine he gave them, but Wu Shuang just kept smiling without saying anything.    


The day before Blood Hunting Group's gathering, Wang Miaoyan had already gone on a mission with the group. With her current fighting strength, she was going to some fifth or sixth tier cities. Wu Shuang was not worried at all.    


He had heard that they were going to City K, but it was not going to be easy for Susu at all. A third-tier city was being invaded by demons, demons ran rampant, demons roamed all over the place, and it was obvious how terrifying the death count was every year. Even an average gold team would not be willing to set foot in it.    


With the strength of the Blood Hunting team, although they looked pretty good, going there wasn't any less than seeking death. I really don't know what they were thinking?    


"Captain Zhou, isn't going to City K too much of a risk? Even if we only move around outside of the city, there's a great chance that we'll encounter a group of demon spirits. Do you want to reconsider? " Susu asked worriedly.    


"No problem. If we only move about on the outskirts, with our team's strength, there won't be any problems."    


"That's right, beautiful lady Su. Our team is very powerful. The last time we were attacked by four demon spirits, didn't we retreat completely unscathed? We even made a huge profit."    


"Sister Susu, don't worry. If you really encounter any danger, I have complete confidence in protecting you."    


Everyone started talking at once, their words brimming with confidence. Seeing this, Susu got angry and laughed. "Alright, alright, I'll go now. I really don't know where your confidence comes from?"    


Hearing that, everyone laughed. Zhou Feng said, "Tank, I'll leave Susu's safety to you. Since everyone is fine, let's set off tomorrow."    


"… …"    


On the second day, the cold wind whistled. In the early morning of the morning of the morning of the early winter, a large fog fell and Wu Shuang went out to meet his teammates at Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall.    


As a third-rate city, City K had a lot of missions to choose from. Zhou Feng finally chose a mission to hunt demon spirits and a reward mission to collect the Heart of Withered Wood.    


The Heart of Withering Wood was the heart of the Wood Race. Because this kind of Demon Beast was at most a third grade demon spirit, the price of the Heart of Withering Wood was extremely high as well.    


When everyone had arrived, the Blood Hunting team went to the station together. After a long journey, they finally arrived at the military region of K City before nightfall.    


Zhou Feng and Lee Loong went to find the quartermaster to gather information while Wu Shuang and the others went to purchase supplies.    


Seeing Wu Shuang and Soong Tan each have a Void Ring, and with a flash of the sound, the materials disappeared without a trace, Susu felt envious. At the same time, she also felt longing, hoping that the Blood Hunting could bring her some surprises.    


The night in City K's military sector was not as peaceful as they had imagined. During the latter half of the night, Wu Shuang and the others were woken up by the deafening sound of gunfire.    


This kind of thing was a common occurrence for the military district of K City. From time to time, there would even be beast tide erupting, and the probing and conflict between humans and Demon Beast would never end, nor would there ever be an end to it.    


It took them a long time to endure until dawn, but they were told that they could not leave the city. It was said that last night, after the great demon had died, many pollutants had exploded, and the nearby troops had all been poisoned.    


Before these pollutants were removed, no one was allowed to leave the city. There were many Combat Team s that ran to the city walls to watch, and their Blood Hunting s were also included.    


Standing on top of the tall city wall, looking down, one could see many brownish-yellow clumps of viscous liquid. Standing on top of the tall city wall, looking down, one could see many brownish-yellow clumps of viscous liquid.    


"Hey, all of you, stay away from the city walls. Even that vaporized poison gas is highly toxic!" A soldier wearing a gas mask, who was patrolling the city walls, immediately shouted when he saw Wu Shuang and the others.    


"Alright." Zhou Feng nodded to the soldier and led his men down the city wall.    


Everyone returned to the room with a heavy heart. Lee Loong was the first to speak, "Captain, you're so knowledgeable. What kind of joke is that? I've never heard of it before."    


Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhou Feng sighed: "Actually, I'm not too sure either. After all, there are many kinds of Demon Beast and we only know a little. But now that something like this has happened, we all decide whether or not we should stay in K City."    


"Since there is an unknown risk, we might as well leave. Going to the nearby City L." Susu said.    


"That's right, we can move around Area B and come back when the danger is over."    


After Soong Tan finished speaking, both Lee Loong and Susu nodded. Wu Shuang said, "I think it's not appropriate, District B is between City L and City K. In terms of risk, both sides should be equal. It's best to first understand what the Demon Beast that makes the mucus is."    


"I agree with Wu Shuang." Zhou Feng pondered and said, "Everyone, let's vote. Those who agree to go to City L to raise their hands."    


The moment those words were spoken, only Lee Loong and Susu raised their hands. A few obeyed the majority and the Blood Hunting team chose to stay behind.    


A few hours later, Lee Loong, who went out to scout for information, came back with a serious face and said, "Everyone, according to the latest news, the military sector has been lifted and a compulsory mission has been issued by the Mission Tower!"    


"What?" "Compulsory mission!" Everyone was shocked. Lee Loong cleared his throat and said, "That's right, we will only know the details when we reach the Mission Tower. I've asked around a little bit, it should be to investigate the origin of the venom."    


As soon as the incident with the venom occurred, it was quickly controlled. Although it did not cause much casualties, humans always felt fear and reverence towards the unknown.    


When the Blood Hunting teams arrived at the Mission Tower, there were already many teams gathered there. Among them, there were many golden team's figures, and there was even a diamond team formed by Profoundness Finding Stage Realm experts. In comparison, there were only three silver teams like Blood Hunting.    


The officer in charge of order at the door, upon seeing Wu Shuang and the others, could only say in a cold voice, "Hurry to the first floor of the Mission Tower to receive the mission briefing. In a while, organize the operation with Captain Xu of the 'Nightmare'."    


At this moment, no one was paying attention to his attitude. Zhou Feng took out a briefing paper and passed it around to everyone. It turned out that the poison did not come from the Diremonsters from yesterday, but from the parasites attached to their bodies.    


The life force and adaptability of these parasites were extremely strong. They could be used on almost any object. Not only were they highly toxic, but they would also continuously extract the life force of the host. The people who were tricked yesterday were all dead!    


If these parasites were to spread out, what awaited humans would be an extremely terrifying catastrophe …    


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