Strongest War Chant

C98 Uphill

C98 Uphill

0From Jin Rong's introduction, Wu Shuang learned that there were many terrifying plants in the Centipede Ridge. Not only could they walk, they even ate flesh and blood. Some of them even set traps.    


The second thing to pay attention to were the bird Demon Beast and ape Demon Beast. The number of people who died under their hands was no less than the number who were devoured by the plants. If they had to spend the night in the mountains, they absolutely could not climb the trees.    


The last thing he needed to note was that he couldn't be superstitious about the map, because the map was dead and the Demon Beast was alive. Even if he didn't go to its lair, it didn't mean that it wouldn't come out for a stroll.    


Only then did he realize the terror of Occupied Region and the importance of information. Otherwise, it would be easy to climb the mountain, and it would be as difficult to descend as ascending to the heavens.    


"Jin Rong, thank you." Wu Shuang thanked him sincerely. His impression of Jin Rong also changed a bit.    


"Hai, it's nothing. I only heard this from the captain. Even if I didn't tell you, you would know sooner or later." Jin Rong shrugged indifferently with a proud smile on his face.    


"En, if you have too much to say, I won't say it anymore. Anyway, thanks a lot." Wu Shuang also laughed.    


"Hehe, that's nothing, nothing at all." Jin Rong said, "Wu Shuang, it's not safe for you to go up the mountain by yourself. Do you want to join our team first?"    


"Sure." Wu Shuang thought for a while and agreed. Jin Rong's team stayed in the Centipede Ridge for three days. They must be familiar with this place, so they could temporarily avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble by following them.    


However, after a while, Jin Rong brought Wu Shuang to a fatty who was squinting his eyes and said, "Boss Fei, this is my brother, Wu Shuang. Can you let him join our team?"    


Before Boss Fei could open his mouth, a man with monkey like cheeks beside him said, "Jin Rong, you don't have to worry about that. Isn't it enough for our team to have you as a burden? Being in the Occupied Region is not a game, you might even die. "    


"Sun Wu, if you don't speak, will you suffocate to death?" Jin Rong pointed at Wu Shuang and said, "Let me tell you, my brother is this year's Martial Arts Competition champion. He can easily defeat two Heavenly Sound Master s."    


"Hey, what are you talking about? Why is it so lively?" A woman wearing revealing clothes, almost just a layer of gauze, walked over with a twist. She glanced at Wu Shuang and said with a tender smile, "Who is this young man?"    


"His name is Wu Shuang, he's my friend." Jin Rong swallowed his saliva and looked at the girl with a smile, "Sister Susu, didn't you and Brother Wu Steel go on a expedition to the top of the mountain? Why is it just you? "    


"Hmph, that blockhead Feng San is too bored. He doesn't answer any questions. Even if I don't come back, I will still stand there foolishly with him." Susu rolled her eyes and said, "Let's not talk about him, what's going on with you guys?"    


"That brat, Jin Rong, he insisted on bringing a friend into the team. He even said that he was some kind of Wu Kui." Sun Wu said through his nose.    


"Wu Shuang, what's your cultivation level and which team are you in?" Boss Fei suddenly asked. His voice sounded awful, like a knife scraping glass.    


"Oh, I'm currently in the middle level of the Elemental Realm, on the Blood Hunting team." Wu Shuang said.    


"What!" Jin Rong exclaimed, "Damn, Wu Shuang, are you even human? I just got promoted to Heavenly Sound Master, and you are only at the middle level of the Yuan Realm, can you still play happily?"    


"He really is a heroic youth." Susu's beautiful eyes were shining, while Sun Wu twitched his mouth in annoyance.    


"You're a pirate. Hur Hur, then you can stay. The storm squad welcomes you." Boss Fei smiled and said, "We'll be going up the mountain in two hours. You should hurry up and rest."    


Wu Shuang nodded, chatted with Jin Rong and the others for a while, then found a room in the logging field.    


After locking the door, Wu Shuang sat down on the ground, took out his spirit core, washed it with mineral water and swallowed it.    


As the slippery spirit core entered his stomach, the Heavenly Note Energy in Wu Shuang's body instantly started to boil. Countless notes spontaneously started to dance around him, of which two Divine Talisman s were the most dazzling.    


An incomparable sense of comfort, as though it was a sauna, arose within him. It was as if every cell in his body was brimming with vitality.    


After a while, Wu Shuang let out a long breath and stood up full of energy.    


"I ate too much spirit core, and the effect has indeed started to decrease. Last time I absorbed 40% of my power, but this time I only had 20% left. The total Heavenly Note Energy in my body has increased by about 50%."    


Wu Shuang shook his head, but he was not discouraged. This was because his greatest reliance was on the Temporary War Song. As long as he could get more experience from the Advanced Battle Song, advancing to the later levels of the Yuan Yin Stage was not a difficult task.    


About an hour later, Jin Rong came to look for Wu Shuang. When they arrived at the meeting place, Wu Shuang saw an unfamiliar man with a serious expression on his face in team Storm.    


"Feng San, this is Wu Shuang. You should get to know each other." Boss Fei pointed at Wu Shuang and said.    


"Hello." Wu Shuang smiled and shook hands with Feng San, but Feng San just nodded and didn't say anything.    


"Alright, since everyone knows each other, let's get down to business." Boss Fei said in a harsh voice:    


Whether it's the battle or other operations, you have to appear in the eyes of your teammates. If the Demon Beast runs away midway, no one is allowed to chase it, understand? "" Understood.    


"Understood." Everyone nodded.    


"Good, Jin Rong, take good care of your friend. We're leaving!" Boss Fei waved his fat hand and led the team towards the Centipede Ridge.    


The mountain was craggy with old trees and shrubs. There were also countless strange cries that could not be heard.    


Wu Shuang and the others chose to climb up a small path. From the messy footprints on the ground, it seemed like someone had just walked up this path.    




The sound of an ape's cry shocked Wu Shuang. He raised his head and saw a black shadow flash past, causing a large amount of dried up yellow leaves to fall down.    


"Don't worry, this is a level three demon soldier — Steeled Arm Ape. This kind of Demon Beast can be seen everywhere on Centipede Ridge." Jin Rong came to Wu Shuang's side and said.    


En!" Wu Shuang agreed and followed the group. However, before they had gone far, they heard a group of roars and the sound of branches swaying. Then, one by one, the Steeled Arm Ape jumped down from the tree, its arms glowing with a metallic luster.    


"Prepare to fight." Boss Fei instructed calmly, "Sun Wu, Feng San, get rid of these monkeys. Everyone else, be careful of the horned serpents and Vampiric Vine's sneak attacks."    


"Yes." Sun Wu and Feng San rushed back and forth.    


There were two Divine Talisman surrounding Sun Wu as he brandished the huge sickle in his hand like the wind. The melody transformed into a sharp blade, and with every sweep, it would cause a chunk of his limbs to fly out blood, recklessly harvesting the Steeled Arm Ape's life.    


Feng San also had two Divine Talisman s, but under the effect of Heavenly Note, he had changed his face and turned into an ugly human wolf.    


He arched his back, and started running with his arms and legs crossed. Just as he got close to a Steeled Arm Ape, he pounced on it and snapped its neck with his sharp teeth, then he revealed his sharp claws towards the other Steeled Arm Ape …    


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